Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Three of Oscarans reconisable nobles were seen going down into the undercity crypts.. a few hours later they come bcak holding a number of possesions which they did not leave with, meeting Pytor and then heading off there own ways.

  • Vladimir Kursk has been visiting the Bodak more and more recently. His last few fights victorious, yet occasionly being beaten, but taking it gracefully. He seems to be training incredibly hard.

  • A new dome has appeared in the southwestern corner of The Forgotten City. At the same time, the usual entrance to the town Meeting Hall has been closed off.

  • Vladimir Kursk, son of Duke Andrey Kursk has been seen around the well asking for any adventurer types recently, whenever finding some heading out of Oscara, equipt for battle. Rumours circulate that he is heading off to find something, some say its merely sword practice. One drunk in the coppers says hes digging a tunnel trying to get to Thay. Who knows….

  • It appears Lord Gallows has mysteriously disappeared as of late. No one seems quite sure where he is, but no Black Lotus seem too worried.

  • SkullCrusher engineers can be seen constructing a large dome on the southeastern cave wall in The Forgotten City. A variety of guards watch over their progress and meet onlookers with a stern glare.

  • Spectators at the bodak recently were leaving the watchers area at speed after two of oscaras nobles, reconised as Vladimir Kursk and Ekmen Kyzanos were involved in a bow and arrow duel, arrows flew all over the bodak during this fight. yet the two left shortly after for the shiney coppers with smiles on there faces

  • _Recently, the Coppers was sealed shut after some well known surfacers were seen entering and talking to Lord Gallows. Amongst the surfacers were such faces as Senator Ronan, Captain Aelthas and Cerulean Knight Lycka, as well as the Oghman priest Terren and Sharessan priestess Hedia. Inside, several nobles of Oscura and other notables such as Pyotr the Guard Wizard, Maxmilian Locke, Thoth III Sakhmet, Vakdal Kyzanos and Bernard du Lorraine were known to be present for whatever happened.

    Hours went by, the doors still sealed, potential drinkers sent off at the door by the Red Falcons. Whatever transpired inside is not known to many, yet the surfacers were seen leaving with concerned looks on their faces and the Coppers was opened back up to the public once again._

  • It appears there was a minor function and party at the Shiny Coppers before the aforementioned sea trip. While it was unplanned, the Coppers quickly filled up with guests, and it was said that all had a joyous night of unusually free ale.

  • *A group of adventurers, aswell as a few of Oscra's Noble familys members left the shiney coppers and head down to the docks, heading off in a ship called the seafareers wife.

    A day or so later they returned carrying what looks like lumps of metal. Rumours circulate about what happened, some say they went mineing, some say they found large golums. Some say they went to stop a war. Whatever the reason they returned relitivly safely*

  • Recently some fights were held at the Brawling Bodak, attracting many spectactors. Notable fights were between Vladimir Kursk and Antigonos Komnenos (Komnenos won), Thoth III Sakhmet and a Hook Horror summoned by Pyotr (Thoth III won) and between Duke Andrey Kursk and an outsider in Sisterhood colours with a greataxe, whom the Duke prompty defeated after she defeated Vladimir.

  • _Rumours spread of a group of men, half of them Grey Blades, came into Oscura baring the bloodied head of the traitor Wert Gravedigger upon a pike.

    Many commoners and even Maximilian Locke and Thoth III Sakhmet saw the spectacle, and there was much joy from the defeat of a traitor to Oscura._

  • Rumours spread around the taverns that a Northen Bear trading company caravan went missing on its way from Oscara.

    A group of adventurers led by two noble of Oscara, retrived the caravan and bought it back safley to oscara. Andrey Kursk met the adventurers at the west gate and rewarded them for the return of his goods.

  • Legion

    Rumors spread of a discovery deep in the duerger mines beneath Oscura of a teleportation device and the finding of the once thought extinct Slave trading Duerger clan led by some King. One women was said to be rescued by the name of gabrielle. The peacekeeper Sogar has been seen regularly talking in the bars about such incident claiming he and the others traveling with him popped the goblins and duerger like zits with their bare hands and relished in their blood….

  • Legion

    A new bald man, sometimes bloody is seen throughout oscura with frequency. His demeanor is calm and emotions seem pleasent. It is rumored he is the newest peacekeeper to join the ranks.

  • A few Northern immigrants and some sailors attend the summoning of Aurilites.

  • Word is spread in Oscura, that Norwick is building a shrine of Auril and that all Aurilians in nearby regions should immediately arrive to the town of Norwick and contact Frostmaiden's representative in Narfell, priestess Meye Spark.
    Apparently She claims of having personal mandate from the Frostmaiden to arrange such a calling.

  • A heavily armed patrol of Oscuran guards were seen leaving the West Gate. They came back not soon later, looking rather beat up, yet triumphant. The Priest on the patrol had an old looking piece of paper in his belt, and it was him whom the patrol surrounded.

  • ICC

    Herald hunts down Pyotr.

  • The well known Guard Wizard Pyotr magically popped up in the middle of the docks today, his robes tattered and him look rather beat up. He was quickly taken in by some guards, and has not been seen since.