Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Strangely enough, as of late it has appeared that the various beasts harrowing the tunnels of the Underdark have simply gone, at least from around Oscura. Many Guard Wizards have been seen scurrying about the city and the nearby caverns, obviously in some kind of effort to figure out what is going on.

  • _Two freed slaves and a commoner are found dead in the West Gate district, some distance out of sight, on the northwest wall just before the chasm. It seems that though they could have just as easily been pushed over the chasm to conceal evidence, the bodies were left there intentionally.

    Rumors begin to circulate - particular in the Coppers - that the these lives were taken in the same way all of the previous murders had been…. short sword stab wounds to vital organs: one in the kidney, one in the heart at an upward angle._

  • Three Sister of Bones Disciples are found dead in the West Gate District. According to rumor, it seems the Sisterhood has no desire to press for further investigations… Aside from this, the group seems even more cloistered than usual.

  • A large and heavily armed group of Black Sails, aided by the reknown mage Celebring, recently passed through the western gates with purposeful strides, heading to the turbulent depths of the Underdark. Quite some time later, the very same group reemerged, battered and bruised, telling tall tales of their battles and strange foes, including one very, VERY large spider.

  • rumor has it that three folks were seen asking questions around in the dockst district

  • word has it that Rando, Dirk, Caldor and Myeil were seen fighting some huge and really tough Lizards not seen near the city before and what can be described as Ooze at the Western Gate. One Oscurian Citizen was killed in the battle. She died to defend the city and should be honoured

  • Another Sail, with a dwarf and elf in tow, returned a human corpse from the Kuo toa tunnels to the city. There was mention oh hook horrors and giant spiders, the girl herself looking a bit green of complexion.

  • _It seems another attack on the western gates took place not long ago, the gates of the bridge itself torn off their hinges and glowing runes still lingering on the ground afterwards, signifying some major trouble having taken place. Rumour speaks of not just one, but perhaps as many as three dreaded Mindflayers, and all manner of underdark creatures being involved in the attack.

    Sabre Seesaw of the Black Sails and Oscuran monk Pavel, scouting beyond the bridge some time afterwards, report a number of injured beasts seeming to take refuge in the Kuo Toa caverns on their way back to the Underdark, including Quaggoths, magic eaters, hook horrors and duergar._

    //perhaps a little more detail of the actual event could be jotted down by one of those involved, seems like the type of thing to be noted in rumours around town to me. 😉

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    Men dressed in black and red armor, trimmed with white, are seen loitering near all the entrances to the city. They speak only amongst themselves, but do help defend the city against threats.

  • Justicar is seen more and more often scouting the city's outer cavern walls with a handful of dwarves and robed figures.

  • _Recently an attack was launched on the Western Gate of Oscura

    Cleverly using the bridge as a funneling point, a combined force of guards, adventurers and mercenaries expelled the large force of underdark beasts and illithid, even facing a beholder.

    They eventually fought their way through the waves of monsters and destroyed the illithid opening the portal into the area_

  • When not neat Justicar, Mord can often be seen standing near the well of souls, his eyes staring into nowhere, muttering quietly to himself.

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    What seems to be a strike team is being assembled. Numerous men in dark clothing and armor are seen readying themselves for a battle quickly and methodically. As they strap blades to differents parts of their anatomy and position their quivers within easy reach, they talk amongst themselves. Professionals.

  • Captain Senria of the PeaceKeepers can be seen doing her usual rounds, speaking with the guards, complimenting them on their new gear, and popping in and out of the shadows as is per her usual patrols.

  • Oscuran forces seem to be on the increase. Newly trained troops are seen about town. Quite noticeable is the fact that a number of the old guard seem to be sporting newly forged weapons.

  • Marshal, a known bounty hunter and mercanary is seen several times conversing with two guards who stand on either side of a gate on the Northern side of town. He makes several trips between the Library and the Gate, then is seen heading off into the Undercity… people are unsure what to make of it.

  • _Peltarch senator, Ronan Redralen has been spotted occasionally walking about Oscura… mostly he just seems to ask local guards of the situation concerning the odd underdark happenings, and if any new information has been found about it.

    Unlike usual tradition in Oscura, Ronan does not walk with a black robe, hood, or concealed face. He is seen wearing flashy silks with bright colors, at least for Oscura._

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    Arak´Hur and some of the Iron Chain Clan half orcs, can be seen patroling the streets and some tunnels of Oscura. Arak´Hur is as always seen leading the group of halfers. Spear at his shoulder, always ready to poke at what ever charges at them

  • Captain Senria, watching from the shadows, notices the "tracker" and the effect he seems to have, setting out to find him and have a word with him.

  • It would seem a bounty-hunter from Skuld known to those he's conversed with only as "Tracker" has arrived in Oscura. He was escorted into the city by a Tormish knight and shown to Father Dagon. It is unclear as to what he's after, but quite a few of the freemen in the West Gate district seem unsettled by his arrival.