Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

    • A notice is placed around the taverns in Oscura*:

    Boards or logs of Maple quality or better. Payment depends on the type of wood brought in as follows:

    Maple Boards: 1 gold per board
    Maple Logs: 4 gold per log

    Oak Boards: 2 gold per board
    Oak Logs: 5 gold per log

    Harder woods: Prices to be discussed in person.

    If you have some wood to sell, or any questions, please locate or contact Captain Senria of the Peacekeepers.

    //PM me during this week, or if next week, find me IG

  • ICC

    A rather massive half orc asks around Oscura if someone would be willing to allow him in to speak with the Herald for citizenship. He offers twenty gold to whoever opens the gates to him.

  • ol'Ronus was seen passing through the city headed out to the lower tunnles,olny to head back through battred an bleding on his was back to the docks muttring of a Drider an spidres in the tunnles,along with somthing sounding like a army of lizard folks.

  • Z is seen wandering the streets and alleys of Oscura, a rare sight indeed. With quill pen in hand, he roams the underground city looking at the various buildings and jotting things onto a piece of parchment.

  • @a9513cbb0d=Mordechai:

    _A tall broad and brawny Halfer is seen roaming the streets of Oscura with a spear over his shoulder and a shank of some type of meat stuck at the end. He often stops to take a bite off the moist and delicious lump mostly nearby where he can listen to the cries of those being publicly beaten for their special crime.

    Anyone approaching him about his business are told something to the effect of:

    "I eeez Guulde…an Guulde eez Iron Chain Guard hired by hyuz ceeety!"

    ...despite his claim as a hired guard, he mostly looks like he's a tourist...a hungry tourist..._

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur has been seen entering the tunnels that lead to the Kua Toa for one of his regular patrols. Few hours later he is seen walking the streets of Oscura wounded and with his weapon covered in scales and smeling of sea food

  • _Three scratched, bloodied and weary Black Sails stumble through the gates after an investigatory raid into the Kuo Toa caverns. With the recent trouble the city faces from the underdark, a likely assumption to explain the poor state of the trio would be monstrerous spiders, driders, hook horrors or the like, but instead, snippets of the Sails conversation seems to give away something entirely different in nature - undead.

    Shuddering remarks about a cold, eerie darkness and ghostly creatures wanting to feast on their souls can be overheard as Jay, Luke and Sabre limp their way back to the docks._

  • Though he seems to drift in and out of Justicar's shadow, Mord can often be seen around Oscura. His steps often seem to wander aimlessly but at one point or another he could be spotted in most areas of Oscura.

  • A unfamiliar hooded figure seems to follow Justicar around Oscura. The figure speaks quietly with Justicar and seems quite interested in the people of the city.

  • Greater numbers of Oscuran Guards can be seen about town, quite a number sporting new uniforms and gear. In addition, seems squads of Gaurds are now stationed at various newly constructed buildings.

  • ICC

    Groups of Iron Chain Clan halfers can be seen entering Oscura to replace others that are returning from a night of patrol in the streets and tunnels of the city.
    The group beeing replaced can be seen entering Oscura showing evidence of beeing involved in skirmishes with whatever lurks behind the streets and dark Tunnels

  • A tall blonde strides swiftly and purposefully through the gates of Oscura, heading directly to the Mithril Mug. Looking to be somewhere in her forties, the woman is well fit, strong bare arms and legs covered in a multitude of scars and wolf-shaped tattooes. Slung across her back is a long iron spear, tipped with what appears to be a wickedly sharp tooth of some great beast. She seems very much at ease with the mostly dwarven clientel at the Mug, happily ordering a generous amount of ale before enquiring about the whereabouts of Justicar.

    //PM to follow, Salsa ^^

  • ICC

    Both Arak´Hur and Grakk of the Iron Chain Clan, have been seen patroling the streets of Oscura. Although not together, they decided to split up in order to cover more ground

  • The Black Sails sloop "Zombie Queen" could be seen setting off from the docks recently, returning a couple of days later with a weary and battered crew. Curiously, the only cargo brought back from their unknown destination seems to be a couple of small bundles, wrapped in cloth. Muttering something about "snowballs, fricken boney ponies an' th'cave o' doom", an exhausted looking Sabre soon made her way to the warehouse with the bundles tucked under her arm.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and two of his clan members, can be seen patroling Oscura streets and venture in one of manny tunnels. Few hours later they are seen patroling the streets again

  • ICC

    Member of Iron Chain Clan was seen patrolling the docks, western parts of the town and and going inside Old Mines as well. Rumors say that he stumbled upon some dark feathered creatures, who tried in vain to use their tricks on him. Their gibs was all that was left from them

  • ICC

    Some Iron Chain Clan half-orcs can be seen patroling the streets of Oscura lead by their leader, Arak´hur

  • Runners go out to the various towns and hotspots informing people of a secret job and a strange employer seeking applicants. The runners explain that the details of the job are unknown, but a man at the Mithril Mug tavern is seeking applicants. Anyone is welcome to apply, but there are a limited number of available openings… Skilled adventurer's of any type are welcome to seek out Marshal in the back of the Mithril Mug.

    [See job in Oscura forums]

  • seems freed slaves and any unemployed persons in Oscura are actively be sought for positions in the Guard.

  • Again the large mercanary is seen escorting a man from the Oscura Temple into the arena at the Bodak. With barely a word the two enter the arena and face off against each other. The mercanary gets in a couple of solid hits, but is in the end beaten by the masked figure. Rumor spreads of the Merc's 2nd loss to the strange men from the temple, and their rather friendly dealings both before and after. Noone is sure of their reason for fighting, or what the merc new to Oscura is trying to accomplish many say he's going to get himself killed.


    Character: Marshal
    AccountID: He_who_lives_a_thousand_lives