Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • A rather strange looking new mercanary has been hired on by the town. He is large and well built and has been seen guarding the pass through the chasm to the surface, as well as the west gate. He was seen entering the south gate and travelled with 2 other men into the great temple. Later a man in black and green armor, and the Merc were seen entering the Bodak. Both men proceeded into the arena and had it out twice. Whatever they were fighting about, or for, they both came across as gentlemen and kindly left again in private discussion.


    Character: Marshal
    AccountID: He_who_lives_a_thousand_lives

  • Word has it that Rando and Lord Gallows were seen talking in the Coppers. Word has it a game of dice was involved and a handshake at the end

  • _Seems a number of buildings have finally been constructed including several that house large kilns. These specific buildings seems to be having sand of clay delivered to them.

    Other buildings have guards posted at them and in them constantly as people work inside. Additional rumors suggest smiths are assisting people inside working with metals and gems.

    Around the same time rough pottery and glasswares are becoming available in the market. Nothing spectacular or consistent yet but definitely something to note and the sellers take note of suggestions given by the customers.

    Seems Oscura is expanding it's market.

    In addition, carts full of bat dung of all things is being brought into town and handed over to some Redfalcons skilled in alchemy.

    Additional buildings seem to be being working on with the completion of these. Seemingly several large walled garrison looking things.

    Interestingly, seems every part of Rothe are being used now, whereas before only the meat and sometimes furs were used, the Butcher is now dividing various components of each carcass and having them sent to various parts of town._

  • Tribune Ashire and a priestess of Umberlee were seen walking towards the boat dock evidentally having harsh words with each other. Seems it broke out into a full out fight at the boat pier the priestess being sent to the ground suddenly by a single blow from the admiral fist. Next ensued a long fight with the tribune held by some force while the priestess lit up the docks as lights swirled and congregated around her. She drew a blade but despite the mysticism, blade, armor, and shield was beaten to unconsciousness by the Tribune's bare hands, who evidentally attacked with great ferocity and after falling to the first spell seemed immune to any further magic directed against him, slugging her out as bright lights in many colors exploded out over the pier. Seemingly no citizens were harmed during the scuffle. Afterwards, the bloody tribune in a tattered uniform could be seen dragging the now bound unconscious woman into the Sails warehouse only stopping to talk to a guard briefly in what certainly didn't seem to be a friendly conversation.

    Rumors are abound as what could have caused the scuffle between the two, and whether or not the Tribune is really human or not.

  • The Captain of the PeaceKeepers can be seen on scene with her troupe of men, questioning witnesses and gathering information. The bodies are removed from the scene for further inspection, and the PeaceKeepers can be seen patrolling the docks and the west gate more diligently than ever.

  • Three Mulhorandi slavers were found murdered in the docks. While the investigation is quite tight-lipped, rumors begin circulating that they were killed in the same manner as slaves and slavers alike found dead in the Docks and West Gate districts before: skilled short-sword stab wounds to the kidneys and heart.

  • Seems a convoy escorted by Peace Keepers and Gaurds have arrived in town. No one is sure exactly what was in the convoy but the next day the smell of fresh bread seems to fill the streets and various bread products are being handed out to the populace.

  • A man with a eerie blue visage can be seen watching the cargo be loaded. He doesn't move from his spot until the female captain can be seen giving a wave and the boat moves off the dock.

  • Several carts worth of covered goods were recently seen heading to the docks and being loaded onto a ship. Some say the ship is owned by the notorious pirate Sabre…........

  • After a big kaboom! near Oscura, it seems that the tunnel leading to the Kuo Tua from the east side of the city has been caved in.

  • _With such an increase of elven slaves, the prices of elven slaves have dropped quite significantly.

    In better news, it appears small amounts of farmers and refugees have been frequenting Telli's shrine to Chauntea._

    //edited, mooby, hope ya don't mind 😉

  • ICC

    A Pale Man watches them, amused, as he sharpens his unnatural blade.

  • _A grizzly sight is seen, as Oscuran guards drag the mangled, half eaten corpses of four hapless Damaran adventurers through the city, taking them below into the Undercity.

    Rumours quickly circulate that it is the work of the crazed monsters stalking the nearby caverns._

  • Rumours spread of crazed monsters being spotted throughout the caverns near Oscura. No official word is said on anything, but most Oscura citizens stay inside the city more than ever.

  • Popular (sic) dwarven-sea kraken cross - Mercy - has been lurking about Oscura's taverns, "subtly" letting it be known that she has a "hexed necklace o' natural armour fer floggin', wi' a wanion." She explains to curious souls drowning their sorrows in Oscura's boozers that the amulet not of the racially discriminating type more generally available, demonstrating the charming accessory's egalitarian sentiments by placing it around her own neck. Interested purchasers, to contact her at the Black Sails warehouse.

  • _The latest happenings may have some people shaking their heads….it is said that those big holes that were dug were partially filled with sand and water plants placed in the sand. Then water was let thru the irrigation system to fill the holes. Then, of all things, oddly bulging fish were put in the water.

    It was said they were 'farming fish' whatever that means......_

  • Rumor has it that tribune Ashire was sitting in the coppers and suddenly yelled calling himself a pansy before he stumbled into the common bedding rooms. Sometime later he quickly came flying out of the door sword and shield in hand and as if he was badly wounded. A foggy figure looking like tribune himself only in his usual armor was sighted in the door way before Lens and Drelan charged the figure it disappearing afterwards. Seems there was an argument between Lens and Ashire about who was the crazy one though both of their wounds oddly disapeared as if they never occured.

    Is the well acting up again? Is one of the tribunes insane? Is the shining coppers haunted? Who knows! Oh MY!

  • ICC

    The Pale Man has been seen speaking rapidly with a man who looks almost identical to him, aside from the tattoos. They seem to be planning something, but the language they speak isn't something most folk can decipher.

  • ICC

    Recently Adoras, a new recruit for the Peacekeepers, can be seen spending most of his free time in the library, studying who knows what, though he has been seen speaking phrases in a strange and foreboding tongue.

  • Legion


    In recent sitings, the Banite priest known as Quelcoth has been seen with a small, well armored little companion at his side. It does not talk except in short bursts of indecipherable phrases of some odd language.

    When not close at Quelcoth's side the small man trains at the temple. When away from his master he never speaks.