Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • ICC

    Recently Adoras, a new recruit for the Peacekeepers, can be seen spending most of his free time in the library, studying who knows what, though he has been seen speaking phrases in a strange and foreboding tongue.

  • Legion


    In recent sitings, the Banite priest known as Quelcoth has been seen with a small, well armored little companion at his side. It does not talk except in short bursts of indecipherable phrases of some odd language.

    When not close at Quelcoth's side the small man trains at the temple. When away from his master he never speaks.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A strange an errie woman with pearly white eyes and a skeletal visage has been seen around Oscura lately, rumors she first appeared shortly after the earthquake and has been seen travelling between the library and the cemetary frequently. Recently she has been seen dressed as a Peacekeeper and standing guard in the shadows near the west and south gates at different times… she seems helpful but cautious....

  • In recent sitings, the Banite priest known as Quelcoth has been seen with a small, well armored little companion at his side. It does not talk except in short bursts of indecipherable phrases of some odd language.

  • A man with an eerie blue gaze can be seen sipping on a predictable bottle of drink as he watches the ship enter then shrugs and walks off.

  • A new small ship has been seen floating around Oscura's docks. No one is sure who it belongs to, but rumour has it the Black Lotus stripped the ship as soon as it docked.

  • Legion

    _Three adventurers and a babbling, gray skinned gnome set out for the Underdark and only the adventurers returned.

    The adventurers were overheard saying 'He wouldn't listen' and 'Serves him right.'_

  • Seems the Ministry of Infrastructure has been busy digging…holes....just not any holes but bowl shaped ones near the docks. No one is quite sure what they are for, but they are quite large and further work seems to indicate them being attached to some sort of irrigation network.

  • Tsu Ma - also known as Pavel to some - welcomes the new attendants into the Monastery of the Second Shadow just like he would everyone. It seems they are treated just like everyone at the monastery, first send to work out to bring the body in shape, and then subjected to various strange lessons - some involving stealth, some involving insight, and some just trying to help them to find their own path. The only difference to the usual activity at the monastery now seems that it is in use more regularly, and while only weeks ago Tsu Ma had been absent, with his return and those new students activity inside the small monastery has picked up once again.

  • Seems Justicar escorted a score or so of young and healthy men and women to the Monastery of the Second Shadow. There Justicar was said to of had a long talk with the inhabitants before leaving the escorted insdie and departing with his men.

  • In recent days, rumblings and signs of earthquakes have been heard far below in the Raven Rift and perhaps beyond. One massive quake hit that sent most of the city to its knees or sprawling on their backs. The shaking lasts for only a few seconds but the damage done is evident. The death toll is at 16 with many more people wounded and still more missing.

    Immediately following the earthquake, Tribune Kilir sent some of his dwarves to inspect various areas of the city to ensure that it was safe from collapse. A communal sigh of relief went out when it was declared that the city was indeed safe and that it would take a lot more than a quake of this size to endanger its integrity.

    However, there are areas of the city in disrepair, most notably the mines. Some sections of the mines have collapsed leaving productive areas inaccessible. Kilir has sent dwarves to clear new passages in an effort to maintain city resource production, while others set about the repair of the city proper.

    Experts are saying that the earthquake was caused by the collapse of a massive cavern far below in the desolate areas of the Underdark. If this is true or not has yet to be proven.

  • Rumor spreads with quite some excitement that some large….no huge was caught in a one of the nets today. It apparently took hours to drag it in and no one knew quite what it was except it had tentacles, teeth...and more teeth. Apparently several people were injured though no severely and one dwarf was thrown 20 ft into the river and had to be dragged out.

    One thing is certain, several shops have been selling some odd looking meat that apparently is quite tasty in the last couple of days and 'tentacle soup' seems to be the special of the day.

  • Seems the Ministry of Infrastructure has been noted constructing various buildings about town. Some of which can only be described as storehouses while others seem to be shops of some sort. Stone is being brought in from the mines on a regular basis and construction seems to be continuing steadily in between ale breaks.

  • Justicar and a sqaud of men are said to have removed the body of Beren Cross and said to have sent the body back to Lady Merovech. The gear it is said is now being held in the treasury.

  • The captain of the peacekeepers can be seen diligently walking amongst the citizens, making sure all questions and concerns are put at ease

  • Ashire tower now is filled with soft lights in its windows. Why is unknown as it seems to not be spurred on by anything in particular.

  • _Seems the Black Lotus and Gallows have been busy of late. Odd objects of different sizes in shapes seem to be regularly loaded onto ships their true nature covered in either boxes or wrapped in cloth.

    Gallows seems to be even more secretive keeping a book in which he seemingly writes in continuously closed when people near.

    The Ministry of Infrastructure likewise has been busy, they continue expanding cavern areas though it appears a series of metal nets have been finished and are rigged unto what only can be called loading cranes positioned over various spots on the river.

    Periodically the nets are dropped into the water and dragged along the river and brought up. There always seems to be something in the nets, not always moving when they are brought up.

    The contents are then dumped into crates and shipped to the Talonaians.

    Rumors also persist that the Ministry of Infrastructure has been bringing covered carts and sleds from the mine area.

    Meanwhile, the Black Lotus seem to be constructing what looks like wagons….what for no one is quite sure._

  • Groups of working dwarves, all recocnizible as SkullKrushers, have been laboring over various tasks lately. Though their official name has changed, it has not changed the dwarves' work ethic. They go to their tasks with abandon and precision, even if working with nets doesnt seem their strong point.

  • _Seems the Ministry of Infrastructure has begun some sort of mining work. Groups seem to be digging out more cavern areas, what for and why seem to be a mystery. In addition, they seem to be working on a water system to bring more water to the Rothe and Fungi farms.

    Other groups seem to be heading towards the mines.

    Meanwhile crafters are busy working on what can only be called very large metal nets. What those will be used for are anyone's guess._

  • Having left with the justicar's guardsmen … and a look of dread on his face, the pasty elf Lucidious returns hours later, this time a faint smile on his lips as he slips in quietly through the front door. The elf simply returns to his flagon of red wine at the bar as if he'd never left, sitting in thoughtful silence for the rest of the evening...