Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Groups of working dwarves, all recocnizible as SkullKrushers, have been laboring over various tasks lately. Though their official name has changed, it has not changed the dwarves' work ethic. They go to their tasks with abandon and precision, even if working with nets doesnt seem their strong point.

  • _Seems the Ministry of Infrastructure has begun some sort of mining work. Groups seem to be digging out more cavern areas, what for and why seem to be a mystery. In addition, they seem to be working on a water system to bring more water to the Rothe and Fungi farms.

    Other groups seem to be heading towards the mines.

    Meanwhile crafters are busy working on what can only be called very large metal nets. What those will be used for are anyone's guess._

  • Having left with the justicar's guardsmen … and a look of dread on his face, the pasty elf Lucidious returns hours later, this time a faint smile on his lips as he slips in quietly through the front door. The elf simply returns to his flagon of red wine at the bar as if he'd never left, sitting in thoughtful silence for the rest of the evening...

  • _Word spreads that a local mage named Lucidious was seen being escorted from the Banshee by two of Justicar's guard's to the Mithril Mug. He seemed confused and not exactly pleased with the situation. After a few hours in the Mithril Mug he is seen leaving yet again escorted by a couple of Justicar's guards back to the Banshee.

    No one is quite sure what transpired but the odd look on the mage's face after leaving has people wondering._

  • _The figure known as Justicar is seen more and more about of late and always accompanied by 4 to 6 guards. Often they can be seen walking about town or the docks talking to individuals or groups in hushed tones.

    Word also spreads that the Mithril Mug seems to be the Justicar's favored spot to take a rest and is often seen in a side room with talking with a citizen and sometimes an outsider over a meal.

    Whether or not this makes the Mithril Mug a more popular spot or not is ye to be seen._

  • _Seems a name is being whispered about of late. Justicar. No one seems to know much about this person, only that they are constantly seen being escorted by guards and talking to the populace. Their words are smooth and comforting, an island of peace and law in the sea of chaos around.

    So far no one is openly opposing or supporting the new inhabitant but keeping their views secret as is the norm in Oscura._

  • Recently, there has been an increasing amount of elven slaves in Oscura, closer inspection showing many quite adept at things like fighting and spellcasting. Where they are coming from, however, no one is quite sure.

  • _Seems a new inhabitant has moved into Oscura. Over the last week a man sized figure in unadorned fullplate and helm accompanied by a handful of similarly armored guards have been making rounds about the city. Little more can be discerned from the new arrival besides they talk in hushed and calm tones. Word has it the only thing seemingly fancy about the figure is an ornate longsword at their belt.

    Why they are about town is unknown but they seem to spend time talking to any guards and faction members they come across. What they talk about is unclear as they talk in hushed tones with the men accompany him keeping an eye out for interlopers.

    The people they talk to seem quiet on what was discussed and give no indication if they agree or disagree with what was said._

  • _According to local hearsay, there was an infraction at the Banite Temple just the other day, where a Banite was murdered in cold blood by a Tormite and his friends.

    Not long after the event, a small elf was seen being held over the Well of Souls by an Order Guard, being tortured, then thrown out of the city.

    A few days later, the body of a paladin, Beren Cross, in his bloodied golden armour has been set up for display in the Oscura commons. Guards and mages with true seeing guard it vigilantely, with a small sign below the body._

    "To all who wish to disturb the peace of the city of Oscura"

  • A young man with rather gaudy purple and black clothing is often seen around the Well of Souls, talking into the Well. Sometimes he spends long hours in the temple, asking questions of the Banite priests, and kneeling at the altar. For those few who are bored enough to look, he can be found in dark corners arguing with a faerie dragon that disappears quickly if anyone gets too close.

  • _The Red Falcon guards have gone back to their normal numbers within the library.

    In other hearsay, it appears a new, powerful Banite has taken residence at the temple, a pretty young girl chained to him at all times._

  • Red Falcon guards have doubled within the Old Library recently, due to some unsaid event.

  • A brawl between four adventurers and some Black Lotus disciples recently occured in a somwhat crowded Wailing Banshee. The adventurers were soon seen being dragged out of the city by Black Lotus employees, looking very well tenderised.

  • A brawl between four adventurers and some Black Lotus disciples recently occured in a somwhat crowded Wailing Banshee. The adventurers were soon seen being dragged out of the city by Black Lotus employees, looking very well tenderised.

  • The bodak had a small fight competition of sorts in it seemingly an oddity of late.

    John Isle black sails defeated several, even a monk with his bare hands! He was finally defeated though by Tempus Champion and legend Maya!

    Finally Drelan Ashire, though seemingly much weaker than before stumbled into the arena speaking something of a rematch he promised and he and the barbarian Maya began an epic fight as both kept trying different strategies to beat the other.

    The fight was long and arduous Maya hitting so hard that the man was actually lifted from the ground after several of the blows. Still Drelan persisted landing many blows as the barbarian charged and while staggering at the end, managed to win the fight with a barrage of flail hits.

  • To the bewilderment of many who witness, the local priest Allanon Leonsin is seen marching a small troupe of Undead Minions through the city to the Docks. From there, any who saw say that he marched his mindless drones right off the end of the docks and into the underground lake. Afterward wiping his hands and returning to the Temple of Caverns.

  • Frequenters of the banshee often talk of the pale elf Lucidious having been in receipt of several shipments lately … a cask of wine every so often with markings from far off lands. No one seems to know what winery theyre from, or even what kind of wine it might be ... and the elf isnt offering up any answers. Some might suggest he's looking to start his own specialty wine business within the undercity...

  • _At the cost of a cup of wine at the banshee, the already inebriated wizard Lucidious tells his tale of the "Massacre at Peltarch's Southern Outpost" which anyone within earshot of Carlea's bar can hear quite clearly.

    He speaks of the gory deaths that befell both the N'Jast forces closing in on the southern wall and those of the defenders trying to hold the outpost there. About how the defenders failed to fall back when peltarch's forces called a hasty retreat, ending in the massacre at the outpost just before it all went up in flames. But his most gory tale, which cant help but tell over and over again, revolves around "The woman who saw too much" who is brutally caught in a flanking maneuver by N'Jast armored horse … lanced, then trampled by cavalry. The elf always ends that gory tale the same, reassuring his listeners with his last few words...

    "....but at least the poor woman had the pleasure ... no no, the -honor- of having witnessing something ... something truly ... -gargantuan- before she was run through. Perhaps .... yes, perhaps that is why the gods took her then, because she had truly seen...the greatest thing she ever would see...ever. Her time had come...."

    To which, he ends his tale with a somber toast in her memory, and goes back to drinking himself blind._

  • _The pale elven wizard lucidious, reluctant to leave his place at the banshee where he's more commonly known for drinking himself under the tables almost daily, suddenly begins to take interest in events of late. He's become much more friendly to any new faces at the banshee, often offering a cup of wine from his collection or even a handful of gold for any news he finds interesting from these new travelers flowing through the town.

    There is also rumor going about the undercity that the elven wizard is performing simple spell services for any willing to pay a reasonable fee. They need only find him at the banshee to negotiate terms._

  • Recently, the docks became busy with the arrival of some new ships. The ships are manned by men in blue. Most of the activity surrounding the new ships seems to focus on repairs, though a large shipment of goods was hauled off of one ship and taken by the Black Lotus.