Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Recently, the docks became busy with the arrival of some new ships. The ships are manned by men in blue. Most of the activity surrounding the new ships seems to focus on repairs, though a large shipment of goods was hauled off of one ship and taken by the Black Lotus.

  • People are talking of an attempted murder of a Tribunal member lately. They say that Lord Mordus Gedder was attacked by an unknown assassin. The assassin met his end at the end of Lord Gedder's bodyguard Zhilla's sword. Some wonder how the assassin failed to include Lord Gedder's trusty bodyguard into his plan, still others think the assassin did but was still foiled.

  • ICC

    A cloaked and hooded figure watches the procession.

  • the captain of the Peacekeepers watches over the hustle and bustle of the crew from afar, a smile on her face

  • _A new ship has docked in Oscura, a sleek looking sloop with the name Valarion on it. Men and women in blue leathers hurry about to tie it off as a large man, pushing almost seven foot walks onto the dock. He talks quietly to one of the men at his side, at which point the man runs off into the city obviously searching for something.

    The rest of the crew remain on the ship, watching the happenings of the docks, their hands resting on their weapons, but they seem in good spirits as the large man talks to the Dockmaster about minor repairs to his ship.

    Anyone familiar with happenings on the surface may have heard of these folks before in tavern stories, the Five Point Buccaneers, the dreaded raiders of the Icelace, the group who has apparently sunk and damaged many trading vessels and some of Peltarch's own fleet have landed on Oscura's docks._

  • Some might have noticed drelan talking to a shape shifter of sorts that seemed elven and carried a spear and shield. They ddin't seem to communicate very well Drelan looking confused for most of the welcome. They talked for a while the creature skipping around him before they disapeared to the undercity. Several days later the pair was seen again Drelan half dressed and the elf seeming confused and sad they having an argument of some sort. It got heated at the front gate Drelan shouting something at the elf about it not listening as it turned into a dragon escaping his grasp and flew away.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A small dark figure who lurks in the dark, has been seen from time to time inpsecting the city.

    After a lot of lurking, and earsdroping it goes and sees someone about a job.

  • Dre can be seen playing welcome ambassador to Oscura to any new strangers that might wander into the coppers. Seems he might have plans for something afoot.. What that is though is anyone's guess

    //any active oscy people drop me a pm please want to see if interest in something

  • Cray spends his days sitting around at the park in Oscura. Cray reads for hours on end while smoking his distinct smelling cigars and chatting up passersbys. The only thing out of the ordinary is that Cray's beholder Lefty is not with him. Cray is never seen in Oscura without the company of Lefty, so any observant Oscurian would notice this fact.

  • Legion

    Bards and common folks speak by the fires and inns of Ostertag the Coward! Rumor has it his strongest guard chalLenged Grag to a duel if won he would be granted passage. Once loosing Grag was invited inside osterdoggs fortress. Suddenly it is said grag was ambushed by 6 more of his strongest axe weilding fiends! "If grag can defeat 6 at once they must be weak! Look how old and fat grag is he can hardly move his feet!!" "His axe chopped them in two let us all join forces and defeat osterdogg too!"

  • _Cray Vincint has been seen in Oscura recently after another long disappearance from the city. He spends days at a time in the library. Talking quietly with his Beholder, as he reads through tome after tome. Sometimes Cray can be seen napping while seated at a desk, with is face buried in an open book, while his Beholder is keeping a watchful eye of the other goings on.

    He can occasionally be seen walking back and forth from the library to his residence in the docks, when in need of proper rest._

  • Eyes watch the foreign man from the darkness, silently trying to discern his intentions.

  • _A trio of women return from the depths of the Kuo Toa caves, bearing not only the expected bruises and cuts from such a trip, but also a tale of something decidedly more unusual.

    Cradling a casket of some type of golden liquid as gently as if it were her own child, the tall blonde of the group speaks in wonderous tones of the beautiful winged creature that they helped set free from entrapment._

    "To think it start vith juss simpel stubborn determination to move silli rocks aside for the old man, and end vith being granted the boon of an angel.. It be no drink for everiday, huh sister?"

    The blonde grins widely at the large half-orc female in red beside her, the latter carefully sliding a small vial into a box while emitting her customary "uh-huh" in response. The blonde goes on as she hefts a heavy pack onto her back:

    "Mare, this make for good song for you I bet, or tale to make chillren's eyes go round!"

    The third woman, a slender and decidedly pretty red-head in tight blue leathers, nods and smiles, tucking her own boon away securely.

    //kudos to Caoimh for introducing the element of the unexpected 🙂

  • A man of foreign countenance, and obviously not blooded, has been seen conversing with Mulhorandi ex-slaves in their native tongue. He frequents the taverns and the slave markets in the docks as well.

  • The commoners and guards have been speaking of current affairs within the city lately…

    ((Gotta love the rumor system added by the Devs :!: Talk to guards and commoners to hear the latest gossip within Oscura.))

  • The becoming middle aged man can be seen sitting back in his usual chair at the coppers muttering about an addiction to Kura Turan cuisine. Indeed he seems to seldom leave that chair of late.

  • Dondiah walks up to the man with the strange blue eyes, tucking some golden hair behind her pointed ear.

    "Excuse me sir…do you know much about this region?"

  • A man with eerie blue eyes watches the traffic pass seeming to make himself seen in case he's needed.

  • A blond haired, golden skinned elf with a meloncholy expression can be seen exploring the region, it is quite obvious she has never been there before.

  • Glunk has been seen wandering the streets of Oscura, trying to wear down a new pair of shiny leather boots.

    Those who ask him about it get a shrug in reply, but he nonetheless continues doing so.

    Every now and then he stamps his feet, grimaces a little, and continues on his walking.

    Those with good eyesight might catch a glimpse of some fine material poking out of his backpack.