Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Rumour has it something foul and odious resurfaced recently, as several sightings of the one and only dwarven priestess of Umberlee are reported from the docks of the underground city. After trading a range of mostly incomprehensible sailorly cusses, insults and possibly threats with previous crewmates Drelan Ashire and Sabre Seesaw of the Black Sails, Mercy waddled back onto a nearby vessel, once more floating off to destinations unknown. A fuming captain Ashire and his infinitely more amused looking lieutenant took off soon thereafter, heading west.

  • Drelan can be seen asking about the where abouts of Mary since she seems to be lacking from her usual haunts.

  • From the shadows a helmed elven woman watches the newcomer curiously. She makes no move towards the newcomer just observes.

  • A new figure can be seen wandering Oscuras streets and shops.

  • In recent days, a young eleven male has been seen in the library. He been talking to Larpos, and studying different books on the Arcane. While walking around the city, any person of wizardly profession that he sees casting, he watches with interest, as if he is learning how to cast magic.

  • A slew of freed slaves have gone missing - this time, no bodies are found.

  • An elven woman in black armor and helm has been seen poking around the city looking at the various mushrooms that grow there. She doesn’t mess with them just seems to be studying them. After a while she is seen going back into the library.

  • A hooded elven woman was seen leaving the Library. She stops by a bench to check her belongings before heading off towards the docks.

  • "Driders…"

    Hushed, tired whispers speak of those ghastly spider like creatures. Those who keep asking question quickly discover that a group of six went into the caves beyond Oscura and then later returned in various states of beaten up. It's their stories, though, that caused the rumors to spread. Apparently they encountered at least two of the driders and a moon elf as well as a dark elf. They also speak of meeting umberhulks, though, and some might wonder if not the gaze of those bugs caused more than the normal dose of supernatural confusion in the minds of those six travellers.

  • The same plump woman can be seen going back to the Ettins with a group of dwarves apparently looking for something to mine. And also to blow Ettins up with a powderkeg. After that she returns once more, wandering a third time with two men to the Ettins and returns with a tale of how they severely hurt the mining, Ael and Del cutting down many Ettins and despite the giants' attempts at retaking key mining points, they left even the reinforcements bloody and beaten. Asha returns at a later date to curiously inquire with the locals of Oscura what it is the Ettins mine and if someone knows what they do with it.

  • A plump young woman and a tall, handsome man were seen wandering out the westgate, apparently intent to scout out the ettins. They bring back with them the tale of the brave and daring knight and the silent ranger, and how they got caught unprepared by an Ettin. They found themselves locked into a room and probably meant to be devoured by the monsters later, but the powerful strikes of the brave knight tore down the door and together the duo dispatched of that annoying Ettin. They also claim that they dealt a vicious blow to the Ettins, leaving many of their finest warriors dead, but the plump woman reluctanly admits that they ran when they encountered two of their magic wielders.

  • Once news of the recent murder reaches his ears, Peackeeper Ronan goes to the crime scene at the Coppers. He looks less than pleased as he looks over the familiar stab wounds… after taking a quick look, he walks off quick-paced out of the Coppers.

  • A Half-Orc in robes was seen wandering around Oscura and inquiring about trying to find representatives of a local order of Monks. Apparently, as rumour has it, this large Half-Orc is trying to "understand his inner self" to make him a more well-rounded warrior.

  • _A Mulhorandi slave ship captain was found dead in a back room in the Shiny Coppers, slumped over an ale mug and a plate of food. Wait staff at the establishment tried to rouse him assuming he was merely drunk, only later to realize that he had been stabbed to death. The tell-tale marks of having been knifed in the kidneys and heart were present on his body. It would seem that although the man's belongings were rifled through, either the captain or the killer left enough gold to pay the man's tab.

    The same bar patrons telling the tale admit that there were no witnesses to this killing, though this doesn't seem to deter any business from the establishment._

  • Mora is met with a nod and a cold stare.

    "Sure… sounds like he can teach me some things, perhaps.

    "One more thing. Don't call me Sir. It's either Pavel... or Horsie... or Steed. But never sir. Got that?"

  • hmm. This is good. . well .sir Pavel, i have a yong elf whit me name Cabel.

    I think he follow a encien and forgeten monk orde.Aneways, i try to help hime and he look to have will, but i feel you maybe find a better ways to help hime to become what you ask. I will try to talk to hime about you and try to organise a ''rendez-vous''


  • Rumor mentions an Order of the Second Shadow that supposedly teaches the use of one's body and soul as a single powerful tool to defeat even the hardest of foes… or so the more optimistic will say. Black Sail Pavel seems less enthusiastic about it, claiming that it's not about fighting and whatever anyone could gain from it to fight will never be as effective as just being rich and getting powerful magical artifacts. Besides, it's just one way to fight. But he also says that those who are interested and not opposed to strict discipline may come talk to him.

    //If there's interest in monk-rp, feel free to poke me in a pm, or other way. I usually play Euro-evenings…

    Pavel also mentions that there might be a tournament specifically geared to fighting with the body alone. All who are interested should try to make it to the Brawling Bodak in a tenday's time. He points out that - to make it a test of skill - no equipment will be allowed for the participants, except for non-magical dresses or other clothes.

  • A while ago a group of Black Sails, lead by the treasurer, headed into the Tower again. They returned after a relatively short time looking shaken and distraught, carrying two bodies.

  • _Loud chanting, shouts, and sudden darkness, near the main gates of Oscura, woke up some cranky citizens. It is rumored that the gates were attacked by shadows and that the attackers managed to get through the gates with ease. Other than the guards, there were four others present: Four Sails members, one of them being the handsome peacekeeper. There were no casualties among the defenders, thankfully. Though, the guards mumble that the group of four lead the shadows to the gates.

    The white-haired peacekeeper announces that the situation was kept under control and that there is nothing to worry about.._

  • After a month long absence, it is rumored the Oscuran treasurer is back in her office