Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Whether or not the so called long night was a success or not seems hard to tell. A small group consisting out of up to five people at one point, Rando, Ginger and her cousin Cloudberry, Sabre, and later Shemaright spent a good while there, discussing away. Everyone seemed to participate, until the arrival of Nicahh which signalled a confusing end, sometimes fires or demons are mentioned, though the Bodak is just the same as usual…

  • It seems a date has been set, those interested in the martial arts of each and all persuasions are encouraged to seek out the Brawling Bodak in a tendays time. It is also mentioned that those who wish to enter are expected to bring joy with them and will be tested on it, before admited inside. Those who lack joy need not appear.

    ((Edited out the OOC info))

  • Rumors mention something called a long night of the martial arts, it is often mentioned around Yuki in the docks and by Pavel who still often takes the time to look at her wares or maybe just speak with the Kara Turan woman. What that night is supposed to be remains rather unclear - but obviously interested people should ask Pavel.

  • _A peacekeeper, two sailors, and another man who seemed to be quite shady, ventured out the west gate. It seemed the handsome white haired peacekeeper wanted to investigate the area where the free slave was murdered.

    They all returned sometime later, the peacekeeper looking quite irritable about something as he walked off toward the Keeper's tower. The other three went about their own business, probably relieved to be rid of the grumpy peacekeeper for just a little while._

  • And another tenday arrives, and once more the faintly bulky figure of Pavel appears to exchange that scrap of parchment for a new one.

  • The piece of parchement is replaced once more.

    How do you get a monk to jump off a cliff?

    Those curious enough to turn the piece around, can read the answer.

    You tell them a novice jumped down, proving his Ki is quite exceptional already.


    Entirely unrelated rumors speak of a small group entering the tower, the guards there doubled. None has been seen to reappear from the tower's gates. But the rumors indicate that Sails Ronan, Sabre and Pavel were part of the group, and those have been seen around Oscura recently appearing to be in a good mood, or in the case of Ronan, a not quite as good mood.

  • The corpse of yet another freed slave was found by the chasm in the West Gate district. The cause of death - clearly the now eerily familiar stab wounds to kidney and heart. The docks have been somewhat quiet since the incident with the Mulhorandi slave ship.

  • It would appear that Oscura has gained yet another citizen down in the murky depths of it's darkness. The Lady Kara has been seen wandering the city for a few days now, with her left hand bound and wrapped in cloth. Not unlike before, she keeps mostly to herself and spends alot of her time in the library, studying whatever she can.

  • It seems those expecting yet another new parchment aren't disappointed, as once more the scrap of paper is exchanged.


    When faced with a warrior who's armed to the teeth, the best option to defeat them is to try to disarm them.

    When faced with a lightning fast monk, who uses no weapons and wears but thin clothing, the best option to defeat them is to press a weapon in their hand and tug a shield onto their arm.

  • Another tenday later, the parchment is once more replaced.

    If you show a chair to various people, you’ll get all kinds of answers.

    A traveller would call it a welcome rest after a long walk.

    A carpenter would call it a good - or bad - piece of work.

    A wizard would call it an asset to any study room.

    A priest would call it a convenience for the audience.

    A monk would start by arguing how you couldn’t just look at one chair and expect to understand the nature of chairs. That even in this one chair you can see the essence reflected, and that it’s just one small insignificant representation of that. That a chair is made up out of legs and so on and so forth.

  • The scrap of parchment is replaced with a new, slightly larger one.


    A band of adventurers, consisting of a talented bard, a mighty warrior, a powerful wizard and, well, a monk followed up ancient tales on a huge treasure, guarded by horrible monsters. They encounter the monsters, slay most of them, seize the treasure and bring doom in the form of an ancient dragon onto a nearby kingdom. In response to tales about their exploits, which the bard spread, a large force of men and women is sent after the band intent to kill them.

    The bard, true to his nature, approaches the army with his hands held outward and begins to set into a lengthy explanation of all the deeds done and not yet done. It takes the leader of the army just about two hits with his axe to end the talk and the bard.

    The warrior, true to his nature, charges head on into the army, after he sees that. Brave, but stupid, he manages to severe several limbs, before the sheer number of opponents overwhelmed him.

    The wizard, true to his nature, blasts true holes into the army, leaving crisp corpses in his wake, until eventually he runs out of spells for the day and the army still has some more men to skin him alive.

    The monk, true to his nature, ran at the first sight of trouble, and by now has such a headstart he wouldn't even have to count on his supernatural speed to be safe. He just has to hope no golems are in that army.

  • A loose scrap of paper is found on the bench near the little green park. Some might have noticed a softly chuckling Pavel placing it there.


    When stranded on an island with attractive company from the opposite sex and enough food to last a lifetime, what would a monk do, if they saw a ship come by?

    Those curious enough to turn the scrap of paper around, will spot an answer written on the back.


    Wave the ship down to get rid of the annoying company and then meditate in peace for the rest of their life

  • _After her return from her impromtu journey, it would seem that Kara has one again returned herself to Oscura, frequenting both the Shiney Coppers for relaxation and the ancient library to study the laws that bind and govern Oscura.

    For the most part, she stays out of the way of the blooded in the city and minds her own business_

  • ICC

    Along the main towns in the nars, all bards sing in the main inns, the tale of three adventurers that go about by the mighty warrior KULL, and the druids Sald and Belia for defending norwick from a possible undead attack. The bards sing about the bravery shown by both Sald and Belia for fighting dozens of undead minions and last but not least their chieftain, they sing about the epic will to resist all the temptions and offers of unlimited power offered by the very master of the undead

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Senria stops in to have a few words with the Lotus Brothers and the slaves to share and compare notes

  • _Recently, three slaves, two men and a young woman, were found wandering around the docks aimlessly, their eyes darting around fearfully and their meager garments completely soaked.

    They were quickly and quietly ushered away by a group of Lotus Brothers._

  • ICC

    A huge half orc enters in Oscura by the front gate, he´s armed till the teeth and armored like a tank, helm on his head show through the opening a pair of red bright eyes that pierce through the dark streets. He means business…and looks like he´s seaching for someone

    'O' where dat dark, short and fat bugger be hidin´….?
    He can be eard grunting in his native language

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • In the wake of the new murder investigations, two freed slaves are found dead in the West Gate district near the chasm. They were each put down with similar blade strokes - to the kidneys and heart. It would seem there are either no witnesses in this matter or none willing to come forward about what they've seen.

  • When news of the crewless Mulhorandi ship came out, the Rashma, and a few similarly clothed men from Mulhorand were the first at the scene. After securing their property, they were seen speaking with the Peace Keeper Ronan, then the city Guard, and shortly after, members of the Black Lotus and Sisters of Bone.

  • The white-haired and rather handsome Peacekeeper looks over the wreckage. With an annoyed look, he goes to ask some people a few questions…