Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • A strange elderly man has been seen now and again sitting in the park. He carries an old, worn pack with him where ever he goes and is happy to discuss the contents with whomever asks. The potential sale of said contents is greeted with even more enthusiasm.

    The fellow has a rather odd air about him but is pleasant to speak with all the same.

  • Sharn is dead. Unless something can be done to raise the shattered and broken remains from his Coldstone peak lair there will be little force left to unite the giants orcs and bugbears against the goodly surface towns. Where next will the eyes of their armies and paladins fall?

    ((Thanks to Nilla, Andelas, Scutum and Coann for DMing and the many many players that slogged through the mammoth and rather tense expedition))

  • It seems that there is a good deal of activity in and around the crypts and cemetary. Comings and goings and and rumors of a door?

  • Explorers tell of powerful undead encountered in the crypts over mugs of ale in the Coppers.

  • A strange darkness has settled in in the Underdark. Commonfolk and Guards near the gate to the Undercity are heard talking now and again about a strange occurance. All was seemingly normal and then the thick darkness came. Some point to the lady that sits by the fire and the fair skinned elf that was seen speaking with her when it came.

  • _Lady Rose Hollowmoon, a frequent occupant of the Banshee as well, stares at Mercy in cold disdain. She seats herself in the former chancellors table, but seems at loss how to help him in any way.

    Rose has not been seen fighting the war, for some reason._

  • _A thoroughly lonely and depressed Mercy has taken to the bottle, and having crawled inside, her perspective must have been altered by the thick glass at the bottom. Slouched like an old sack of tatties in the Banshee, Mercy casts her boozy eyes across the room, their lusty gaze seeking some distraction in a satisfyingly doughty dwarf-hand with copious quantities of body hair, or even an enthusiastic human in a pinch.

    Her imagination, however, is kindled when her gaze alights upon Lucidious, at whom she winks and raises her glass in salute with a bullish guffaw. Shuffling her stool for a better position, Mercy continues to stare at the elf, licking her lips, all evening._

  • A pasty elf in rather plain red and grey robes can now be found rather frequently at a table at the banshee, usually sampling dark red wines while reading quietly at a table by himself.

  • The blooded Tiain has been searching records to see if a man named Lorence Carter ever took the oath.

    On off time she is also spending a good deal of time researching prices and methods of making combustible powders and fluids in the library.

  • A very roughed up squad of 4 Norwick Militiamen trudged up from the underdark today. Three are dressed in standard Norwick Militia colors, the fourth wears the colors of Bane with a Norwick Militia cloak. All four were said to be the worse for wear with pieces of armor missing, covered in dirt, blood and gore. The Banites full plate is obviously very dented and every step made makes the man wince in pain, the only current emotion registering on his hollow face. The troop files towards the Banite altar where the Banite enters for a few minutes then returns to continue with the troop out of Oscura.

  • Keira is looking for reasonably competent assistance in travelling through the Underdark on a scouting mission. Interested parties can reach her at the Monastery.

  • The banite, Lealac Coldwrath, has been asking around lately for any information on cyricists of the region anyone can deliver her. Depending on the importance of the information she recieves, she will pay a decent reward.

  • A deep hooded hin can be seen looking about the dock for work on a ship.

  • Jeremy Steel has been seen in the Oscura docks, speaking with the captains of any ships bearing Black Sails colours. What he speaks with them about though, is anyone's guess.

  • a new cloaked hin is seen at the inn and bars. He speaks to few and when pressured proves he is blooded with a flash of a rag. He can be over heard one night expressing his distaste for the board of bounties call for half-lings' ears to the shiny copper's bartender.

  • Drelan Ashire has been seen in the Shiny Coppers even more often than usual. Seems he wants to make sure he's accessible if need be. He can be observed having conversations with Lens and Mary and even teaching the lady of the eve some darts on occaision.

  • A man in dark clothing wearing a black and crimson mask has been seen inquiring at the temple for the local priest. If asked what priest he is looking for, he simply taps his mask without a word.

  • A few people mention that they went out to raid the Ettin caves, only to encounter a smart kuo toan spellcaster on their way back to the city. Said spellcaster supposedly luring them into a trap. The trap is said to have been sprung by elementals bursting from the ground. They're also heard to mention that some people were already out there, scouting that very issue.

  • There are murmurs from the Temple of Shar that the shadow-clad elfin figure known to many as No-one, on one of her many visits to the Temple to pray was visited by the power of the Goddess herself. The rumours do not state what form this took, but there is definitely a buzz of interest in some quarters.

  • In a few not so terribly dark corners, a couple of posters turn up. Apparently someone advertises a Peltarchian


    Midwinter Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))