Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • The rogue merchant Mogul'Don Tor is heard to be inquiring on crafted armor and weapons. He is seen talking frequently with members of the SkullKrushers, with multiple crates being sent over to Mogul'Don's ship after an exchange of gold with the dwarves.

  • ::A cloaked and helmed man dirfts through the streets of the underground city. He introduces himself as "Adam" to those who ask. He is seen often in the monastery training and in the temple also perhaps oddly for a warrior he seen in the old library.::

  • Seems Drelan Ashire is looking to hire someone to enchant an item for him. All interested are instructed to leave word at the Coppers for him.

  • For some reason, Ezachiel has been making frequent visits to the freed slaves in Oscura…no one appears to know why.

  • _A good many members of the Black Sails were recently seen exiting their warehouse in the Docks, carrying two dead from their own ranks. One of the fallen is rumoured to be the famed bard and captain Ocean, her lifeless form carried by her father, captain Deacon Sterr. The Sails made their way to the western part of Oscura, where Father Dagon assisted in bringing the dead crew back to life.

    Whatever trouble lies behind the incident remains largely unknown, though from the state of the crew it is obvious a battle of some sorts had been fought. After conferring with their unusually grim-looking priestess, the worn and battered Sails eventually withdraw back to the warehouse, a few heading north to Peltach._

  • Some sailors might have seen how the warehouse of the Black Sails was evacuated rather hurriedly, a storm blowing the door open. Apparently the Sails had been swimming in the water and something attacked them and drove them even out of their warehouse. Perhaps they are trying to train a Kraken for themselves?

  • _A group of Black Sails, along with Peace Keeper Senria and a silverhaired half-elven man returned from Kua Toa and ettin territory, informing the guards at the west gate of a huge beast roaming the ettin caves, causing cave-ins and threatening any who would venture there.

    Casual banter within the group turned into minor discord as the half-elf bad-mouthed the city infront of the Peace Keeper and the guards. The man was ordered to leave Oscura, helped along by one of the guards._

    //or what v_black wrote.. shakes fist at coming second!

  • A small group of daring adventurers accompanied a few members of the Sails into the caves beyond the west gate of Oscura. They returned a while later, bringing with them not only some huge, ugly Ettin clubs, but also the tale of a horrible monster that dug around in the caves, chasing them out with hammer and magic fire. It seems that reporting to the guards did not go well, since one of their group was asked to leave the city rather soon.

  • It would appear that Ezachiel has had a rather nasty hunting accident…his previously unblemished, yet already rather pale, face is now scarred, with a long, thin scar running straight down from above his left eye, vanishing somewhere near his mouth. The strange thing is, that when asked about this, Ezachiel responds rather angrily, but no emotion is visible on his face. Even under other circumstances, his face now remains the same, showing no emotion whatsoever...except for maybe a mild contempt.

  • In a few not so terribly dark corners of Oscura, bright posters appear once more.


    Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

  • Yolande has been seen frequently with William, at various times of the day, in the Shiny Coppers. They are often seen together sitting in the two chairs by the fire, quietly conversing.

  • A man who some might recognize as Ezachiel spent hours wandering through Oscura, examing cave wands, and mumbling things about areas being too crowded, too pricy or too run down…maybe someone is looking to settle down?

  • Rumours of what may have been well sspawn sighted as far away as underneath the Norwick graveyard. And disagreement. Perhaps not well spawn at all, but rather the things whose bites can see one turned to stone some candle marks later with their dreams while in that state made real. Is there to be a resurgance of the Dreamstone Plague?

  • A small group crossed Oscura apparently intent on retrieving some stolen goods out of the Ettin caves. They returned later carrying a dead.


    Entirely unrelated to that it seems a dead man turned up in the Shiny Coppers. For a good while people suspected him just utterly drunk, sitting alone in a corner. He was found hunched over some bottles, his head lying on the table and his cloak covering the sole prove that he was not sleeping: some very nasty stab wounds. Some people might have seen him walk to the table already with the help of two of his friends who left rather soonish, but in the dark of the tavern it is difficult to say who those two were.

  • _A group of adventurers accepted a call from the alchemist from the Grim Bottle regarding of the work he offered that concerns collecting ingredients for him.

    In other words, they are about to experience the traditional "Fetch and Deliver" type quest with the difference that it is quite…_

    "…Tedious! Disgusting! Penguin poo!? Five pellets of them!?" A grumpy one eyed silver man could be heard grumbling out aloud as he walked out of the shop with other group of adventurers.

    "And its used for flavouring too, in potions!" _One of the adventurers could be heard saying out aloud in a grimaced tone.

    Regardless, the tedious event that took days of hunting them finally came into fruitation as the expanded group of adventurers returned with the ingredients in hand. Everyone walked into the Grim Bottle only hours later, left with a pleased expression on their faces as though the rewards they received were certainly worth it._

    //thanks to DM Sunshine, for willing to entertain us during this dead eurotime zone 🙂

  • Word quickly spreads that Mogul'Don Tor has come back to Oscura with a new selection of rare and priceless goods.

  • Ezachiel looks at the poster, then spits on the ground

    Bloody Peltarchians still won't let me in.

  • At a few not too dark corners in Oscura the odd poster appears, pointing the more daring to Peltarch and its:


    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Again, contact me (IG: Pavel) if there's fees to be paid for the posters.))

  • A party of Black Sails inform the guards at the gate to Oscura of a strange and troubling encounter. One of their members swears he saw a creature with a tentacled face casually setting fishmen aflame before climbing the stairs to the collapsed entrance to the Kua Toa caves, there disappearing as if into thin air. The word mind flayer is mentioned with a shudder, though it should be noted the creature showed no signs of hostility towards the Sail.

  • On a related note, Mercy could be observed in the Docks with a tall, half-orc gentleman with a fondness for axes not a tenday ago. Time with particularly spent around the slave-cage, various arguments made to good faith contracting, the comfort a slav- …er - "employee" could live in apparently failed to convince the orcish friend to alienate his liberty. Mercy, 2 tonnes, refused to confirm or deny the suggestion, saying:

    "Ye've the rum look of a coffin-dodgin' meat-sodjer. I wager's ye've no maer kippen-cull'n a grumblin' tarasque."

    Good to have cleared that up, then.