Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • A helmed man with torch is seen looking poking around in the under dark looking for some gnome. Later on he goes to speak to Rob handing him a message

  • _A small group of Sails went into the caves, they and a knight in shining armor mention a rather strong activity of the kuo toa there. The reason for that seem entirely in the dark.

    Later a similar group of Sails is seen chatting with an almost paranoid man in the inn. For those observing more closely it seems the man was mostly interested in the sole female member of that group.

    Again a while later, spiders drop from the ceiling of the cave, and that group of Sails is seen fleeing the city, fighting a path through the spiders, leaving a trail of corpses behind._

  • The last couple of days, Ezachiel has hardly been seen in Oscura, and when he was, he did not wear any Banite symbols or vestments.

  • Rumour has it that a dead quaggoth was found in the middle of the road leading south from Peltarch, a bit southeast of Oscura…it looked like it had in a fight, covered in burns and cutting wounds.

    <<edited by="" lowerdenizen="" to="" correct="" the="" creature="" type.="">></edited>

  • The Inquisitor is seen leading a small group of men, clad in Norwick guard armor, into Oscura. With them is a small cart, with what appears to be someone's belongings, and a man, that some may recognized as the former Chancellor of Norwick, him bound and gagged. Needless to say, the sight raised a few eyebrows as she made her way to her house below the city.

  • Rumor has it a man in dark leathers went to the west gates and shortly after sounds of spells and cries of pain could be heard. Later the same dark leathered man could be seen being escorted by one of the guards muttering somthing and badly wounded

  • A group of sails entered Oscura, carrying two corpses of their own with them, one of their fallen was quickly restored to life, even as a rather large group of sails assembled in the docks. They later left in smaller groups, a few even in an almost good mood. They later returned to bring a huge number of white pelts to Father Dagon. Whether it was a quest required of them so he would return their second fallen companion or payment for a partiuclarly difficult healing or just a simple mission only those delivering would know.

  • In recent days, a few new faces are seen coming into Oscura. A good majority of them ask for the Temple of Bane and imediately head in that direction when told, while others ask about joining the Oscuran Guard. Who these people are, no one is sure of yet, but their coming coincides with Peltarch's new law that banned all Banites from the city.

  • A dark chortle is heard from Corde at the mention of ZarZar's removal. On mention of Vincents possible interest he shakes his head slightly, offering some prayers of protection for the city by his goddess

  • With news of the recent removal of ZarZartootin from the tribunal, vincent has been seen roaming the streets more and more, listening to rumors spoken by the people… it appears he's interested in filling the empty chair.

  • Word spreads that ZarZartootin has been voted off the Tribunal and that openings may be available. The word is ZarZar took the news rather harshly and almost left the messanger to die.

  • Paladins have been seen frequenting oscura more and more recently… some are seen going "hunting" in the mines and caves...

    one man noted as vincent could be heard commenting, "they come here, piss off the inhabitants of the caves then leave for us to deal with them. Disgraceful beings, talking about how we should be damned in this city of caverns and yet they still come here to make money off death and theft."

  • Rumor has it there was a bit of a commotion in one of the upstairs rooms of the inn. Whether it was about a wrongly assigned room, a burnt down door, lots of rats, or some pirate orgy is difficult to tell.

  • Tommy and Drorry have been receiving gifts of more than just food of late. Tavern patrons talk about gold and silver.

  • A hin and a man were seen running through town. The came from the kuo toa caves and seemed to be leaving in quite a hurry. The may have been heard mentioning a drow that they didn't want to mess with, but due to their hurry not much of anything else was said.

  • The Skull Krushers and Captain Bokelgien both send word of thanks for the warnings. Every Skull Krushers expedition after that has twice the guard than before.

  • _Reports to the Skull Krusher Miners and more generally throughout the city claim that the Duergar are angry and defensive about expeditions into the lower mines. It seems they're frequently stationing heavy patrols near the access ladders to prey on unwary travellers.

    If descending it's recommended that groups take more brute force than they might have thought, and prepare for ambushes._

  • A pair of men could be seen walking into Oscura and politely asking for directions to the temple of Bane.

    In the lead, a pale, robed man with a large coin purse hanging freely and a smile on his face.

    Behind, seemingly his bodyguard, a well-built man with a smile, a morningstar, and the symbol of Bane dangling around his neck.

  • A man cloaked in steely grey seems to have taken a particular interest in Nichal's afflictions.

  • Genzir can be seen running around in a dignified frenzy, casting spells (of magic detection, to those who would recognize the) all over town and in nearby, accessible regions of the underdark, and asking if anybody knows what caused the recent degradation of the Weave.