Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • _Reports to the Skull Krusher Miners and more generally throughout the city claim that the Duergar are angry and defensive about expeditions into the lower mines. It seems they're frequently stationing heavy patrols near the access ladders to prey on unwary travellers.

    If descending it's recommended that groups take more brute force than they might have thought, and prepare for ambushes._

  • A pair of men could be seen walking into Oscura and politely asking for directions to the temple of Bane.

    In the lead, a pale, robed man with a large coin purse hanging freely and a smile on his face.

    Behind, seemingly his bodyguard, a well-built man with a smile, a morningstar, and the symbol of Bane dangling around his neck.

  • A man cloaked in steely grey seems to have taken a particular interest in Nichal's afflictions.

  • Genzir can be seen running around in a dignified frenzy, casting spells (of magic detection, to those who would recognize the) all over town and in nearby, accessible regions of the underdark, and asking if anybody knows what caused the recent degradation of the Weave.

  • Keira begins to make discreet enquiries around the slave markets, merchants and to Darey and Sorien about seeking contact with a representative of the Lolthist drow.
    She makes it clear that this is for civil conversation regarding personal issues and honest trade related to the city.

  • Of late, care packages seem to appear each morning behind the counter at Drorry's stand. They're filled with bread loaves, salted meats, and dried fruits and vegetables. There's food enough for two, but it doesn't seem to be any sort of romantic gesture as no one ever shows up to explain the gift. The watchful eye of a man cloaked in steely grey hovers in the shadows nearby to make sure Tommy gets his fair share.

  • In the past days, a young man with striking red hair and a pike, has been making his way around the city, from inn to inn, apparantly looking for an employer. He identifies himself as "Arthanis, apprentice battlemage". Generally, he gives the impression of a man who doesn't care who he works for, as long as he gets paid. A quality that might suit fine in Oscura.

  • A private party was held at the Mithril Mug recently, the establishment awash with the black and gold colours of the Black Sails. The spirits were high as the illustrious bard Ocean played a few tunes, sailors and hired dancers alike shaking their stuff enthusiastically. Rumour has it that a Banite was shown the door, but curiously enough a Tyrran paladin and a priest of Gond were allowed to stay at the Mug for reasons unknown. Once the booze was gone, the party moved on to the Brawling Bodak where a number of fights took place, in various forms and stages of undress. A purple-clad local man seemed to get the short end of the stick when it came to betting on the fights, but overall a good time was had by all.

  • A figure dressed in steely grey has been seen frequenting the slave market. He has purchased four slaves in as many weeks, and they have yet to be seen again.

  • (just to clear things up…the dyes with a scripted conversation won't dye cloaks because support wasn't added for them....the script would need to be revised first.)

  • Tales are heard in the local taverns of terrible and terrifying phantoms lurking in the fishman caves. It is said these supernatural spectres can cause a man or a woman to drop dead of fear on the spot. There is probably no truth behind the rumor though…

  • Rumour has it that a meeting took place between Lady Deliera, Lord Gallows and several members of the Black Sails. The latter emerged from the meeting in good spirits, then headed to Marshby's place for another shorter meeting. The group then ventured out into the Kua Toa lands, returning hours later looking ragged but triumphant. Word has it that a giant man-eating bear was slain by the daring swash-buckler team, and an object of some value retrieved from its innards.

  • Rumor has it that with all these ugly cloaks going around, Zach is breaking out the dyes again.

    //and the dyes don't work right sighs I'll see if I'm just missing something

  • laughter can be heard when the exadurated rumors circle around the city.. the ebony robed knight seems to take great amusement in it all, "The Dread Lord wouldn't go so low as to appear to those lesser beings on the surface,, as for the priestess… incompetant at best, annoying at worst."

  • Rumours spread that the Selunite Priestess Nyda has outdone herself in her most recent exploit. Upon finding a magical circle surrounded by staked corpses in the Pass, next to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, she and a member of the black sails were confronted by a being that radiated pure malevolance and power. Laughing at their insignificance the being summoned a powerful creature to go and destroy Norwick. Giving chase they were joined by others and destroyed the beast just outside Norwick. The being, whose power felt to be that of a deity, summoned another that was slain just inside Jiyyd. After much taunting and argument with the deity, who was revealed to be Bane, or at least claimed to be and had the power to back it up, summoned a third more powerful version that slew a pair of helmites in Jiyyd before being slain.

    Bane caused great wounds on several of the people around the Circle during this, though seemed unable to hurt Nyda when he tried. They spoke in both common and infernal, though none of Nyda's answers seemed to please the self-proclaimed Dark Lord until she threatened to put him over her knee and spank some sense into him. This amused him and he took her away for a private chat. Whatever the result of this he then left for good the magic circle fading. Throughout she denied his right to take anyones free will, and refused repeatedly to bow or kneel to him.

    Though he did appear to her again outside Jiyyd and confirm that his thrice refused offer to her stood if she ever tired of mortal men.

  • There were sightings of a pentacle and portal appearing in Oscura. Elementals and various creatures summoned forth, and guards of all manner joined in the defense. During the frenzy two people, a warrior encased in stone, and a woman in a yellow and black gown came upon the scene. The warrior stood between her and danger, while she unweaved the portal.

    It was said afterwards, that they were known to be members of the Black Sails.

    Rumor has it there were some disagreement between the woman and a known Banite who was also at the scene, but they parted ways without incident.

  • Rumor suggests a man named Konstantin has been inquiring into the church of Bane.

  • The Banite wizard Ezachiel Werner had a nice night at the Banshee. It looks like he had something to celebrate.

  • The guards have been joking about a few newcomers being shown around Oscura. It should come as no surprise that even after instructed not to go near the Soul Well, the three of them approached it and soon became petrified with fear. One of the newcomers is amazed by Oscura and wishes to know more about, the other seem very eager to leave, all while Senria has a good chuckle at these curious traveller's expense.

  • The dwarves at the Mithril Mug talk about a fun night had by a group of sailors in their establishment. It seems the dwarves were impressed with their ability to drink with them.