Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Another rumour surfaces about the group of surface dwellers who recently passed through the city. A conflicting report states that only half the group left through the West gate. Three of the travellers were seen entering the mine through the Undercity. It would seem that one of them possesses a gate key. Perhaps the helmed man was a resident? There's some talk that one of the travellers was a member of the church of Bane conducting official church business.

  • Many heads turned and eyes lingered on the band as they moved through the city. Some even turned and ran, assumed to go tell someone else of the group that moved through the city.

  • A band of very holy-looking priests and knights wearing blue and gold armor, along with two human men and two halfling women walked through town, some of them looking very uncomfortable. They approached the gates of the Undercity but were turned back at the entrance. Then walked back through town to the West Gate, still looking very uncomfortable. They emerged about a day later, some of them grumbling, some of them looking very relieved, and with a certain foul-mouthed dwarf priestess of Umberlee in tow.

  • Signs for the Norwick Guild Tournament appear in oscura…

    Norwick Guild Tournament
    To be held ((August 27th 2006 @ 5pm ish est))

    The town of Norwick challenges your guild or team to take part in the Norwick Guild Tournament! A test of strength, skill and teamwork for any and all guilds in the land! Carefully choose your team of 4 to take part in several contests including bare fisted boxing and full weapons combat!

    Sign up your team for the Norwick Guild Tournament today using the signup sheet posted in norwick!

  • it is rumored that a certain banite has been offering to lead expeditions into various caves within oscura to the blooded…

  • rumor has it a dark skinned outsider was heard badmouthing oscura to a citizen… calling it a "rude city" then proceding to use its safe passage home.

  • Rumours and stories tell of a massive army of extremely powerful hobgoblins overrunning the Nars pass. A handful of brave defenders managed to keep the first wave of these hobgoblins with unforeseen powers at bay but the second wave was just too much. At least four of the valiant heroes are said to have been cut down by the massive axes, huge ice storms and continuous lightning bolts of the highly trained hobgoblins. No one seems to know where these armies came from and who trained and equipped them.

  • Oscuran guard rumors report that General Grag, Kara , Hedia, Tolin, Pete and the sneaky hin Gonnar were travelling through the city in search of mithril. They left by the westgate in search of the Duergar, but also mentioned their desire to kill the mage called Kyan, if they saw him.

  • _Words spreads of Peltarch officials coming to the city hunting a citizen, after a hin named Gonnar decided to sneak past into the city, the citizen blasted him with his spells, forcing him to leave. A man by the name of Captain Olsen led the party and spoke with a blond haired elf outside the gate who refused them entry to the city if they were hostile to a citizen.

    The hunting group sat outside the gates, the elf walking back and speaking with the guard for a bit before heading back out. It seems this Captain Olsen wishes the Tribunal to speak with officials from Peltarch about obtaininng this supposed criminal.

    The elf, known as Celewen goes to speak with the Tribunal at the earliest opportunity, to let them know of what happened._

  • It seems a small group of do-gooders came through the town and left a lot of coin in their wake. Commoners of Oscura shake their head as they watch them trying to help a street beggar. In a related rumor, it is said that an utterly out of her mind woman apparently planned to kidnap a blooded.

  • A sign is seen posted outside one of the houses in the Undercity; it simply reads For Sale. Whispers spread throughout the city as to why the Inquisitor would be selling her house. Money troubles or other issues a brewing, many people ask.

  • A man unfamiliar to most cloaked in steely-grey has been seen roaming the city from time to time. He spends a good deal of his time in the Red Falcon library and speaks to those he meets in whispers. Those who pass him closely enough see blue eyes behind the slit of his visor, but little else. He gives many a feeling of unease.

  • confused by Yuki not being in her usual spot, Fool wanders around looking for her, as she is his only source of thousand year old duck eggs

  • A new face is seen frequently in the Library. A pale elf in dark clothes is seen pouring though the books while making notes and sketches in a book of his own. He often pauses to glance over his shoulder at anyone who passes by, watching them nervously a moment before turning back to his work.

  • A good number of surfacers were seen moving through oscura recently… a man was heard saying

    "Quite interesting to see such goodly folks, hell a paladin, walking through our dark city. Especially after being heard condemning it in jiyyd…"

  • _The reserved, yet always polite merchant Yuki, has been seen more and more wandering the streets of Oscura. She seems pleasant and respectful, to everyone she comes in contact with, something rare in this dark city.

    There seems to be no pattern or purpose to her strolls, and her conversations are usually brief, except for her meeting with the increasingly popular Lady Daliera at the Coppers.

    Loose tounges around the city say they went into the private room to drink and talk, and didn't come out until early the next morning._

  • Word spreads that the Library's stolen manuscripts have been returned safely thanks to the efforts of Lady Daliera. Inquisitor Nicahh is still looking for the culprits behind the robbery however, who still elude the punishment they deserve…

  • The young halfling mage Peppy was seen storming from the library after a conversation with Larpos, any near the well at the time would have heard a short conversation between her and Nicaah ending with,

    "Read your history of the area, this is the same that killed the Romani. I will find quarters in Jiyyd."

    before the mage is seen leaving Oscura, what appears to be Peppy's oath rag left in Nicahh's hand.

  • A young human lass was seen wandering about the city by most of its townsfolk. She spent much time wandering about and mingling with the merchants. Dressed in black leathers, she had blond hair that was braided into many long, small braids. She was last seen leaving the city mumbling something about needing… "a nice place like this to live...."

  • Lady Daliera was seen going into the Mithril Mug. It is said she met Kilir SkullKrusher in the main hall and went with him to a back room. Anyone asking any of the dwarves in the Mithril Mug about the peculiar meeting will be met with a harsh: "Be mindin yer own business."