Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • _Rumors of Corde entering Oscura, his body seeming tense with subdued rage, looking for Geddar or "the other one".

    As well, an increased outpost of guards has been seen on the bridge as well as increased ammunition located around the siege weaponry._

  • an inordinatly cheerful, colourful gnome has been seen traipsing about Oscura, doing his best to turn the dark, macabre feel of the place into a tye-dyed hippy love-fest. It may be speculated that the only reason he has not yet succeeded is because he is constantly distracted by all the mushrooms.

  • Drelan who has been seen in great bouts away from the city, has recently been seen sitting by the well for long periods of time scribbling something. Of course this may not be suprising with the reports of undead standing outside the entrance of Oscura. How long they will stay there is yet to be seen or known.

  • _Rumors of a strange winged woman paying a visit to Olivia spreads… the encounter was not violent but it was rather surprising that even those who work in the crafting halls were on ther guard upon seeing her. What was said between the two women is only known to them.

    Another thing that is noted is that Olivia is no longer wearing her old black Iron plate armor... instead she now wears a heavier suit decorated with the crimson colour of the Sisterhood. She has also been sited going into the tunnels of kua Toa territory by herself only to come out hours later looking very tired as if she had been in constant battle._

  • Rumors spread throughout Oscura about a gas leak within the mines under the city. Some speak of how many of the mining dwarves were trapped because of falling rubble, barely clinging to life due to the noxious fumes, and how Tribunal member, Corde, came to their rescue using Shar's blessing to create a safe pathway out of the mines, and then to clear the gas. At his side was Nicahh, his assistant Lock and a fairly new face to Oscura, Mavado.

  • The city is flooding with rumors about four massive minotaurs passing through. Seems the minotaurs were searching for a forge. The woman known as Lee and several other non-blooded, who were left at the gates to the undercity brought them through town. Lee, Allanon, Mavado and the minotaurs entered Ragosh's shop and the minotaurs have not been seen since.

  • The watchful, or people with contacts in the guards might hear of Keira padding in through the gates, burdened by something heavy and cloth-wrapped. Given the rumors about Keira, it could be a body. She takes it straight for the temple.

  • The Banite who is being looked for starts looking for Corde himself

  • Witnesses also may spread rumor that the two combatants indeed entered the Brawling Bodak, for this Spar.

  • A black-clad man in a half-mask and a hood can be seen trailing after Corde, as he often is. He looks…less smiley than usual, though

  • Corde can be seen going around town, purple energy flaring within his pure black pupils, looking for the banite

  • Rumors spread about a Paladin, brought down into Oscura and being beaten up by a wizard who used sereval spells on him. The man was also marked with the simbol of Bane on his forehead and chest. The paladin was saved by a woman and run away as far as he could.

  • a strange man in dark clothing has been seen in the bodak quite frequently, he does not speak to anyone though.

  • Olivia, after hearing word about these ogres and the missing parties, can be seen going off to those she usually travel into the mines with. Some would say that she is trying to get a group of adventurers to go into the mines and investigate for themselves

  • Quite a number of people are saying that they have seen ogres attacking ettins and carrying the bodies elsewhere. Also several adventuring parties are reported missing with no signs of their demise.

  • An extremely large half-orc is seen commonly around Oscura of late, he carries a scythe and seems to visit the temple often. He is for the most part polite if anyone speaks to him but seems to only grunt to answer most questions.

  • Allanon can be seen sitting on a bench by the well for hours upon hours. Even if one were to leave the city and return he would still be there, residing upon that same bench, hunched over with his Chin in his Palm, staring into the well.
    One would almost think he had been petrified, or he was simply turned into a statue.

  • Once again the dark cloaked elf is seen carrying a body out from the undercity and through Oscura heading out of the cave. Accompanied by Olivia and Nicahh rumors quickly fly across the city about who he is carrying this time.

  • _Word spreads that the mining expeditions have been going badly. Little ore is found and the crews are paying high prices for their journeys. It is rumored that the woman in black plate armor who usually leads the expedition was killed by a strong group of grey dwarves. She was the only one who fell during that trip it is said… her companions managed to get away with a thread of life still left in them.

    The most recent trip led to similar outcomes. This time, however, it is said that a female elf with many scars all over her body (and not from the battle it seems) was vanquished by a formidable duergar mage. The mage was beatened but some say that it was a small price to pay for the numerous grey dwarves in comparison to what the Oscurian mining crews have suffered.

    Both times, it is rumored, a cloaked man accompanied Olivia. A recent citizen of Oscura, some say he is. And not one of her usual company. Some are questioning if this cloaked person is bringing ill fortune to the expeditions. Some say that it is because of him that Olivia still stands today. Most don't care. ((:P))

    Aside from all these rumors, Olivia can still be seen working hard in the crafting halls and still likes to encourage any who are willing to assist or even learn the art of mining, to come and join the expeditions and help in the prosperity of the city._

  • A small elf in a dark cloak and hood was recently rumored to have gone into the Undercity and taken an oath in the company of the known Oscurans Olivia and Nicahh. Little was heard beyond someone making the comment of "why here?" and the elf's response of, "where else?" Later on the elf was seen carrying a shrouded dead body and a full pack out of Oscura, as if the weight was nothing, and muttering about needing fresh air. Nicahh and Olivia not beside him on the way out.