Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Once again the dark cloaked elf is seen carrying a body out from the undercity and through Oscura heading out of the cave. Accompanied by Olivia and Nicahh rumors quickly fly across the city about who he is carrying this time.

  • _Word spreads that the mining expeditions have been going badly. Little ore is found and the crews are paying high prices for their journeys. It is rumored that the woman in black plate armor who usually leads the expedition was killed by a strong group of grey dwarves. She was the only one who fell during that trip it is said… her companions managed to get away with a thread of life still left in them.

    The most recent trip led to similar outcomes. This time, however, it is said that a female elf with many scars all over her body (and not from the battle it seems) was vanquished by a formidable duergar mage. The mage was beatened but some say that it was a small price to pay for the numerous grey dwarves in comparison to what the Oscurian mining crews have suffered.

    Both times, it is rumored, a cloaked man accompanied Olivia. A recent citizen of Oscura, some say he is. And not one of her usual company. Some are questioning if this cloaked person is bringing ill fortune to the expeditions. Some say that it is because of him that Olivia still stands today. Most don't care. ((:P))

    Aside from all these rumors, Olivia can still be seen working hard in the crafting halls and still likes to encourage any who are willing to assist or even learn the art of mining, to come and join the expeditions and help in the prosperity of the city._

  • A small elf in a dark cloak and hood was recently rumored to have gone into the Undercity and taken an oath in the company of the known Oscurans Olivia and Nicahh. Little was heard beyond someone making the comment of "why here?" and the elf's response of, "where else?" Later on the elf was seen carrying a shrouded dead body and a full pack out of Oscura, as if the weight was nothing, and muttering about needing fresh air. Nicahh and Olivia not beside him on the way out.

  • The man is seen sometime the next day wandering around the rift, his head seems to have been crudely sewn back on and his eyes were cut out, a faint red glow shimmer from within the sockets, he says nothing to anyone, a closer look and anyone can tell that it is a walking zombie, a pendant around his neck, on inspection it has a symbol a white skeletal hand dangling a skeletal marionett. The pendat upon closer inspection appears to be a mere illusion.

  • A man bearing a symbol of Torm was found badly mutilated Just outside the entrance way to Oscura, The mans had been removed from its torso and had been placed on a Pike, it is unknown whether this was the kuo-tuo's handy work or the work of another.

  • Nicahh is seen strolling around Oscura more and more as of late. When not accompanied by a coppery haired young man as they shop for a house, she is seen leading new or potiential citizens around, giving them an extensive tour of the city. She even goes as far as offering her services to try and help them find work, should they move there.

  • _Rumors spreads around the city that the mining trips held by the woman in black armor named Olivia are becoming more frequent and more succesful with each trip. Some say that this woman is working hard as if to accomplish some goal. Those who have seen her working say that she has said something to her companions about making a good business out of those old mines.

    Along side those those rumors is fear that their constant visits to the mines could spark off some sort of rivalry or serious threat from the duergars who are known to use the mines already. Also, ettins could start getting more aggressive and even dare to attack the city as retaliation for the numbers they have lost to the mining crew.

    It is said that in their last visit to the mines, the company of miners was guided by a man known as Lotharian and thanks to him, the company managed to find a great amount of ore. Little is known about the guide other than some vague rumors that he has slain a black dragon and is hiding his treasure at a location only known to him. He also seems to work for cheap it is said. Only charging 50 gold coins and some ale … or so the rumors say.

    word still goes around the city that the woman in black iron armor still encourages those who wish to learn to mine to step forward and join the mining expeditions._

  • More memorable of the estranged Tribune's inebriated antics was some silly tune about a little goblin.

  • _Word spreads that a group of adventurers had the rope leading to the upper levels of the city mines burnt while they were exploring the lower levels. They say that the cause is unknown and that the guards on duty did not see anyone enter the mines during the time being.

    Some say that it was an attempted murder on the Banite Zanetar who was seen acting drunk before and after the whole event… and that he caused quite a comical scene at the inn where he made a huge mess in the kitchen. Those who were there say that they heard him vomit and that he was being helped by a woman in black armor.

    Others that were seen among the group were a man that goes by the name of Corde and his companion, Lock, Allanon and Olivia.

    Rumors also have it that this Olivia is looking for anyone wanting to learn the art of blacksmithing and that any interested should seek her out._

  • Word is spread that a man known as the Raven is seeking any powerful necromancer who is looking to make a bit of coin, he can be sought in Jiyyd. Messages left with Drudo of the Regal Whore inn will reach him.

  • Nickolai walked through the gates of oscura covered in stone, a dark presance could be felt from him… rumors spread as rumors do... some factual some fiction... one thing can be certain.. He's a bit different now.

  • The redhaired woman, some recognize as the winner of the tournament, was seen running through Oscura, screaming in fear. Later on she was carried under an elven monk's direction to the inn, her legs stabilized by some wooden sticks, while the redhead kept whimpering softly about souls and demons. The elf and the woman spent a good while at the inn, and much later, the redhead is seen leaving, still walking a bit uneasily on her legs.

  • The lifeless body if Arikess the mage, and guard of Peltarch was dragged to the city surface by Chaevre' Vaelen, though not dead his life energy seemed to have been drained from him almost entirely, Chaevre' seemed to have dumped his body and then returned to the undercity.

  • _Rumors spread about a tournament in the Brawling Bodak, with participants coming from everywhere in Narfell to match their skills. Barbarian women, halflings, fully armored knights, clerics and even dwarves were seen at the arena. It is said that through a display of fine swordmanship a red-haired woman of the Sisterhood and the Guardians bested those she was pitted against. Even though three people bet on her oponent and only she herself placed a bid on her behalf, she defeated the other warrior, securing herself a price of two-thousand gold.

    However, she proved to be quite unable to claim the title of champion which Llars defended in a short paced battle that left the remaining visitors speechless. The woman they had seen stand through a long fights before, was down before the fight had really begun. People fearing they might have to give the title of arena champion to a mere student of Peltarch's Fighter Academy breathed out a sigh of relief. In the words of the redhead, she had yet to learn how to fight, before she could cross blades with Llars.

    Furthermore it seems the poor, beaten woman didn't even get the debtors of the bets against her to pay and was later seen being dragged, utterly drunk as some people gossip, to a room at the Copper where she spent a good while, snoring off her drunkeness._

  • Rumors spread that several undead were seen in the sandy pass before the bridges into Oscura, consisting mainly of skeletons that shot magical missles at the small group of adventurers. They were quickly taken down. Curiously enough, a human assassin was seen amongst the group of undead and it is rumored he was seen stalking after Nicahh before his escape, although she says she thinks he was just after anyone to kill.

  • Nickolai was seen taking corde's lifeless body from the mines to the temple… he didn't mention what had happened.

  • It is said that the SkullKrushers have opened a place in the Undercity for Citizens wanting to try their hand at crafting.

  • Nickolai is seen informing the gaurds that hostile cyricists were found within the mine

  • The sounds of construction seem to be fading away as it seems the SkullKrusher dwarves are nearing the end of their project on the west side of Oscura. The area has been heavily restricted, but many whisper about a bridge spanning a chasm, not unlike the one in the Raven Rift.

  • nickolai and a tatooed man were seen speaking in the shiney coppers… though it was hushed nickolai appeared quite amused.