Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • There was another group of Cyricists found just north of Norwick today by a small force of banites being led by a Clerics Vision, they managed to defeat the Cyricist threat and managed to rescue a Zhentarim Priest in the process, almost on cue members of the Legion showed up mid way through the afair to harass and threaten the group of Banites but they did not let the interuption stop them from completing the will of their Dark Lord

  • Some talk of a dark figure roaming the streets of Oscura. He never reveals his face and often just seems as if he is watching and listening. That is on the rare occassion that he or she is spotted. Whoever it is, they appear to be waiting on something, or someone….

  • Nickolai could be seen shouting to the guards in warning of zombies within the Chasm… a few minutes later; accompanied by Li, they set out and returned somewhat injured... they've apparently destroyed the undead foes.

  • A new group of humans is seen lately in the City. They are clad in purple and black armor with silver trim and are said to have taken the blood oath.

  • EVery few days or so a man in gold plate is said to stand well outside the revens rift in the chasm watching the entrance. As soon as anyone comes visable to him he will quickly disappear ..

  • Apparently there was a disagreement between Banites, and it was settled in a duel just outside the caves. Surprisingly the younger, less known fighter emerged victorious. Talk has it, though, that the matter is of yet unresolved.


    In an unrelated matter, Carico can be seen a bit after that incident to present Julia with a ring and proposing to her.

  • It appears there was a scuffle outside of the chasm… rumors spread about Grag attacking another Banite after outragious accusations were brought upon said Banite. The Legion General was seen assaulting the man and stealing his shield

  • Lately, Gurt has been warning those who sit by the well to be extra careful. He claims a venegeful spirit may appear, and that she can possess your body and make you do "very bad things."

  • The steelheeled banite Lealac was seen entering the caves deep in kuo-toa lands recently with two other banites. After nearly ten hours, the three banites returned. Lealac and Nickolai were covered in bruises, but the man in more sturdier armor was almost untouched. Question is, who is this mysterious man…

  • _….also a student of the spellweaver, was one of the bodyguards clustering the grey robed Tribune, having no affiliation with either the slaughtered duergar or the legion he followed for the chance of enlightenment and to seek the knowlidge of the deep...

    Rumors about the horrid sights seen down in the caves appered as quickly as the companions left the cave mouth. There are stories circulating about Giants, Duergar and also Kua Toa, that were encountered in the deep caves. But none of the interesting dead foes, the greyclad women set out to find..... If asked, the stories are quickly verified and even elaborated by the student.

    One of the things he also mentioned was some kind of a strange darkness that seem to swallow people whole down in the cave. Two of the companions part of the bodyguards that accompanied the gray robed one was taken by this darkness... And it is uncertain, atleast to him, if they ever are to return from that grave of a cave as he call's it.

    After they returned to the surface the student is seen hurridly making some distance between himself and the Kua Toa caves. Looking over his shoulder and seemingly a bit suspicious of the shadows and darkness about him_

    //thanks for a great time Attlen. I had great fun//

  • _…the grey robed Tribune returned from the caverns of the Koa Toa twice, both times with battered bodyguards clustered around her. The purpose of the two ventures were disimilar, say the rumors, but neither proved wholely successful as a rogue surfacer fled with something sought in the first venture and the second excursion was turned back at the Duergar border. The Legion and the clan of the Slaughtered Duergar, comprising the latter entourage, seemed to have fared better than the first and they were paid with equipment from the private armory of the Monestary of the Iron Fist.

    The Nameless Monk made it clear that neither matter was settled, and that further ventures would be made at her own personal expense._

    //ooc on
    Great fun as always, fellas! Thanks to everyone who joined up!
    If you post here (like Rolert and Chaevre) it'll help me remember who's been previously involved, so I can continue these later.
    //ooc off

  • Late one evening The Nameless Monk and the Pale Keeper of Spellweaver had hired a few guards and set off into the underdark, they were searching for something or someone and hand intended to try to capture said person or their belongings, it is heard that something they found was stolen and that they had placed a bounty on Elorathall for the return of the item, aside from losing the artifact the mission had failed as the guards hired were unable to handle the ettin shaman..

  • Rolert talks about the adventure he had trying to find this vampire, they eventually ran into Duergar and bluntly put by Rolert. "They ran like der sissies dey is… Just bunch'un Duergar"

  • …sometimes, on these same excursions, the pale songmistress stumbles across already-drained victims...

  • The vampiric bard, Shemaright, has come back to Oscura. She doesn't quite seemto be at her full powers though. She spends most of her week in her own room, sleeping. The last day of the week she wakes up, heads outside of Oscura. She always comes back covered in blood, especially around her lips.

  • Arthus Goldmoon, it seems, has returned. He claims to have been "reborn" through the stormlord, Talos. He has recently been spotted wandering around the depths of Oscura, wearing a strange, reddish plated armour. Rumours also incur that he has been seen following a man by the name of Allanon Leonsin. The other night, he was seen in strange confrontation with Zanetar Den'Kath. It seemed Zanetar did not agree with something that Arthus said. Soon after the confrontation however, they met an agreement of some sort, and walked off hastily from one another.

  • Strange, short phrases have been heard around Oscura and the chasm lately. Unclear who's singing them, they knock the wind (and spirit) out of anyone close, and unfortunate, enough to hear them. And they are left with a profound feeling of being prey.. insignificant cattle awaiting slaughter and consumption.

  • rumors have been spreading by the guards stationed in the raven rift, a couple banites have called for unity and a force to rival the troff legion and protect all those that walk in darkness. it is unclear what is really happening, and who is behind this though.

  • _Rumors spread that yet again the well was acting up. Some say a parchment was seen floating inside the well as magics surged from it. In perhaps a most clever, self persevering manner, Nicahh was seen offering to pay a young, perhaps foolish, follower of Talos to run amongst the magics and retrieve the parchment for her. Later she was seen tucking a parchment away, and the man was seen with his armor covered with scorch marks and him upon his knees praising Talos for sparing his life.

    One thing is for sure…the well seems to be getting more and more active as of late, producing images that make some wonder, even more, what in the hells is going on._

  • A great fair was held at the old Alliance Arms Inn. Following an archery competition, a cage fight and a battle game came the largest auction in years. Many thousands of gold changed hands, all in favor to auctionmaster Nico Black, of course.