Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • It seems that mist has arrived the Oscura as well.

    A word spreads that the mist attacked some travelers near the old mine. Names such as Kyzanos, Quelcoth and Sogar were mentioned of being targeted by it and fighting against it together with guards. Apparently the situation lasted until Maximillian Locke appeared and easily got rid of the mist.

    Few cold words were exchanged, mostly between Ekmen Kyzanos and Maximillian Locke, before Locke headed on his own way and Ekmen followed Quelcoth to the backroom of Shiny Coppers.

  • The Lockes seem to have almost disappeared from the public view, yet those in the undercity would notice a number of Raven Wing employees around the Locke estate, watching it carefully.

  • Marshal has been seen coming and going from the ancient library in Oscura quite frequently lately.

  • _The Black Sails vessel Las Tinieblas was recently seen limping back into port, low and heavy in the water. A battered, sogging wet and exhausted crew disembarked with audible sighs of relief, trudging off to the warehouse. While it's unclear what happened, scattered rumours may mention the words 'Kraken', 'dragon' and 'scheming narwhal'…

    The ship sits pretty for several weeks, undergoing repairs._

  • Eléndel has also been seen running through old writings in the library as of late. Mostly curious has he been of the lore that contains knowledge of now ancient wars and conflicts in the surrounding surface areas.

  • The large man known as Marshal has been seen spending many days at the library lately, sometimes not leaving for days. Whatever he is researching has been taking a while, on the few occasions he is seen leaving he looks even more pale then usual, and extremely tired. He returns to the Keep for a short period of time before returning to the Library.

  • ICC

    _Despite the rumours floating about Oscura concerning the House he serves; the bodyguard of Ferdinand Locke and his heirs has been active and visible among the shadowed streets of the city.

    Perhaps he is furthering some nefarious plot…or perhaps he is just going about his business. Whatever the deed, the silent warrior shares it with no one._

  • Peace Keeper recruit Charles Sigeweard seeks Loktar Kyzanos, or one of his representatives to discuss the situation.

  • Vakdal Kyzanos has disappeared! His guards have been searching here there and everywhere for him.

    Yet no one has found a thing. Any rumours that have been found have been suppressed. With no direct leads, people are seeming to be suspicious of the Locke family for it.

  • Peace Keeper recruit Charles Sigeweard is often seen flatly reciting "I'm a little teapot" in undercommon around the city. If questioned, he claims to be working on his undercommon pronunciation, though doesn't know what he's saying.

  • Haferal Darkhaven seeks out these men…

  • Legion

    Three Norwick men carrying large sacks of fish arrive in Oscura asking where they can find somebody who goes by the name of Darkhaven.

    ((If you respond to this please PM me))

  • Rumor has it a rather large and pale man dressed in the colors and symbols of Bane was stopped by two guards at the gate to the Keep of the Fallen upon leaving. After a brief discussion and some proven paperwork the man is allowed to leave and is seen heading off towards the Library of the Red Falcons. Rumors spread that the Lord of the dark Keep has awoken and thus walks the streets of Oscura once again, for what purpose is still unknown.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The famously amorous Sigismund Locke has been seen making the rounds through far more than the more upscale parts of the city, lately. Indeed, he was even seen leaving the city in the company of an attractive young petty thief! The two returned to the city a short time later, his female companion looking exhausted but much cleaner, and clad in the livery of house Locke as they made their way into the Locke manor.

  • Legion

    Rumors swirl of the garagosian keeper, the high priest of bane and a very old sailor led an expedition to the unknown corners of Arnath and defeated a mighty red dragon amongst other things. The garagosian can still be seen covered in what appears to be dragon blood and when asked he merely is heard to reply "let the blood flow"

  • Rumours are the Du Lorraine family and the Iron curtain have just bought Loricks shop in the west gate. This is confirmed by the guards standing by it now.

    Bernard du Lorraines son Louis is believed to have been in charge of the negotiations which look successful.

  • Cray and Kyan can be seen havinga serious, but hushed converation in the garden near the entrance to Oscura

  • vakdal Kyzanos sent a group out through a portal recently, seemed he wanted a cockatrice! What happened afterwards? Few know!

  • Karl decides to help his big sister, Gabby, as much as he can. Often being pushed away during the beatings by her.

  • Zazamoukh II, son of Thoth II, is intrigued by these rumours of theft from the Sakhmet. He sets about investigating their sources.