• Kalith, long having been in seclusion in his tent recovering from injuries is seen slowly walking around camp with a slight limp. Noticeable to all is the fact he is no longer wearing his fullplate nor his militia tabard. Often he is found just staring at the ground as if in a daze.

  • Mord can be seen pacing along the defenses and setting guard rotations. Supplies are brought up for the seige engines and incindearies placed far enough away to be somwhat safe but close enough to load into the weapons of war. He can be seen next to Corana on occasion but few or any words are exchanged. He can be seen smilling thinly as he moves away from these exchanges.

  • Amid the troops, a menacing looking figure with a golden greataxe and a Norwick Militia badge stands on the hill looking toward the Norwick gates. A few of the militia men give her space as she walks amid them, much like they did when she walked the streets of Norwick just before its fall. What benefit, if any, she might provide the war effort is known only to the gods, but her taunts and swearing directed at the occassional bugbear archer to let loose an arrow leave no doubt that she is eager to make her presence felt.

  • _After the recent successes of the Norwick-led defenses, and the quick work of the Dwarven Hold's expert engineers and masons, the battle map has yet again been redrawn.

    Refugees and visitors in the camp will notice that the number of defenders has slowly diminished over the last ten-day.

    There is still a sizable force defending the camp and the surrounding hills, made up mostly of the Peltarch forces. Most of the Norwick Guards, Gypsie Archers, and Dwarven Defenders have now moved south and taken up commanding positions on the new front… within a stone's throw of the North Gate of Norwick.

    Several siege weapons are in place, and barriers and walls have been constructed to mimic the "kill zone" that was built south of Piss Hill. Given the success of the defenders near the hill, they have learned how to best fight these foes and are anticipating the next big battle.

    Some rumors spread that they will be back in Norwick (or whats left of it) within a ten-day. Others say it might take longer. What's changed amongst the troops is the idea of "when" Norwick will be retaken, not "if." Battle success can do wonderful things for morale.

    Chancellor Dolvak can be seen moving amongst the men, slapping them on the shoulder and wishing them battle-luck. Other officers from the Militia, Legion, Gypsies are doing the same. As the lines fill with veterans, the tension fills as well. Soon, very soon, there will be more blood shed._

    ((the front is now south of the hill, just north of the gate))

  • An oddity on the outskirts of the refugee camp as a small menagerie of animals speed through from the north on the way to Jiyyd. No animals or refugees were harmed so the strange occurrence will be mostly unnoticed.

    Trackers that care would be able to identify 3 large cats and something the size of a dire wolf, so it's probably just foolish druids larking about.

    ((Prompt and skilled tracking shows the animals coming from the direction of the spider pass and leaping the defensive wall near the Sisterhood. One of the cats seems a bit fatter than the others and had to make a couple of attempts to clear it))

  • Morning dawns upon the camp of refugees, huddling in tents against the bitter chill of the Nars Pass. In the gray haze of early morning, the light hasn't risen above the mountains yet; but off to the north some begin to hearing a rumbling accompanied by drumming. As the dawn comes closer, the rumbling grows louder, and some can't help but wonder if this isn't some new threat. But then somebody spots it, a banner, a diving eagle upon a field of blue and green; it's a Defender unit, their green and blue armor glinting in the dawn's bright rays.

    Captain Talgrath's Talonguard has come to the camp; they've seen combat, but they are almost entirely unscathed. With them they bring wagons of supplies, food, warm blankets, arrows and bolts and of course, more able-bodied warriors. Some Defenders begin to hand out the extra blankets and food, giving equally to each individual while the rest begin to set up camp.

    After resting for a day, the men of the Talonguard are ready for comat, and proceed to reinforce the eastern and southern fronts in shifts. They fight in well-disciplined ranks, forming shield walls from which they can stab with their swords or spreading out to avoid arrow fire when necessary. These Defenders seem more disciplined than most, and Captain Talgrath seems to know each of them by name. In any case, Norwick could certainly use the reinforcements.

  • *Z takes a short break from defending the hill to go on a hunt.

    When he returns, he brings back several, recently crafted, fur cloaks, several pairs of leather gloves, and many pounds of fresh meat. Not seeing a storage container, he sets out the goods and smiles as refugees and defenders help themselves to the food and clothing.*

    Heh, guess I better go on another hunt real soon…

    *The following morning, after patroling the south valley, Z is spotted heading north with Elyl, Calendel, Micah, and Cashel. His finely crafted Tealeaf bow in hand...

    ...A few days later, he returns with more fur cloaks, gloves, fresh meat, and, this time, several pairs of crafted boots of various sizes. Again, he sets them down and smiles as people begin to help themselves to the crafted goods.*

    Just glad I could help...

  • Council of Moradin

    Bertran spent the first few days of tending the wounded in full armor worried that an eventual attack would catch the meager defense by surprise. While he could offer little in the way of martial support, the middle aged priest resolved that he would do what he could to protect the injured. The defenders have proven solid however and fear has given way to necessity.

    After a week of continuous tending to the refugees of Norwick, Betran shed his bulky armor and can be seen moving among the sick and disheartened remnants of the once bustling frontier town in his white robes of office. A few stains have begun to appear. At first he would fuss over them, but he pays them no mind any more. So much work to be done…

    The wounded never seem to cease coming. Whether it is from adventurers patrolling the pass, guards fighting off a scouting party of hobgoblins, or just a mundane injury from life in the makeshift camp, there never seems to be an end to the work.

    Disease tries to pop up from time to time, but Savras sees these things and a liberal use of Remove Disease has kept even the most sickly from being taken. It is an endless cycle of curing one, move on to the next... only to find those you had cured a few days earlier have become reinfected. Between herbal remedies and Savras' blessings for the worst cases, it has been manageable. "But for how long?", Betran wonders to himself.

    In the early morning of the 14th day of occupation, the priest goes to the top of the hill behind the camp and turns to the south... far, far beyond Norwick... towards the only home he has ever really known. The crisp air bites into his exposed flesh and the sunlight feels all the better as it crests the mountains. "Savras give us the wisdom and foresight to know the way clear of these dark times. Bring light to this darkness and show us the path to salvation. This is my plea to you, He Who Knows All Things. Show me the way that I might enlighten these poor people and bring them solace."

    He remains for some time there kneeling upon the snowy, frozen earth. Waiting... praying... hoping for an answer.

  • Upon hearing news of the recent battle at Sam's Hill, Albryanna is seen spending much of her time patroling the Nars Pass. It is thought she is steaming her anger on the Hobgoblins due to the fall of Norwick–her hometown--and the possible death of her parents. She prepairs herself for the retaking of Norwick, where she plans on taking her revenge...and the finding of her parents, either taken captive or dead.

  • *Rumors spread that Dwin in the accompany of Rhyn and Lily went North of Norwick to see if they could stir some reaction from the enemy. Not hearing movement for nearly a week… Lily was more then willing to help. What ensued was a tirade of bugbears, goblins and eventual orcs crashing into Sam's hill. With orders from Dwin and a few others, the barricades were constructed quickly despite their poor craftsmanship. The pair of dwarves manning the catapult could be heard cackling among the defenders boisterously.

    Morales up and those gathered are often heard saying... "Those Bugbears... them Goblins... they don't deserve Norwick... they've been riding the skirts a them Giants and Orcs for too long!"

    Though the defense was successful, Lily can be seen moving rather slowly among the camp the following week. Her old body not fit for carrying lumber, attacking the enemy, and tending to the wounded simultaneously. Those who were keen enough to notice among the fight note that Lily and the pair of dwarves put up a majority of the eastern barricade. And when a catapult fired too shortly the trio were often the first down there with more lumber as others patched it together.

    Though her body will need a few days to recover... an expression of pure joy is etched across Lily's features at the use of Sam's hill again as a staging point in history.*

  • *The battle had raged at the foot of the hill for two days. The dwarven contigent had set up barricades to the east and west to funnel the enemy to the main road. The dwarves then manned the catapault and rained stone and fire upon the advancing goblins, bugbears and orcs. Three times the barricades were breached and defenders had to go forth to close them and prevent flanking attacks. Defenders from the entire region put forth a coordinated effort to repel attack after attack. Those with skill in healing moved constantly among the defenders bringing the forces back to fighting trim between bouts of heavy fighting. At the rising of the sun on the third morning the enemy retreated to lick its wounds. Drums were beaten on Sam's hill and voices raised in shouting "Norwick" rang through the valley.

    A heavy watch was set and weary troops moved back. Archers replenished supplies of arrows. Bloody hands and aching arms were offset by victorious grins. None were reported as fallen in this long assault. A testement to the defenders skill and their working togther.*

    ((A big thank you to May and other DM's or helpers and all the defenders. Probably one of the best battle sequences I have ever been involved in))

  • _Weary warriors stand atop of Sam's Hill, the echo of battle drums still audible throughout the valley leading to Norwick.

    Hundreds of goblin, bugbear, and orc bodies lay strewn at the bottom of the hill. So many, that their corpses were used as temporary barriers from the oncoming attacks.

    Members of the Norwick Militia, Legion, Peltarch forces, Camp, and other groups all worked together… and were victorious. A few enlisted men fell on the Defenders' side, but the battle was clearly one-sided.

    Quick thinking and some preparation led to thorny barricades which funnelled the attackeds into a steadfast defense; like waves breaking upon rocks.

    Of particular note was the precision placement of fire-bombs and boulders by two dwarves that manned the eastern catapult throughout the engagement. Without their tireless efforts, the battle could have played out much differently. It is said that Dwin may have given them both Militia positions on the spot for their work.

    When the battle was over, all that was heard was the moaning of the near-dead invaders, and battle drums.

    But this time, the battle drums were those of the defenders._

    ((wow, what a great time last night, thanks to everyone involved!))

  • The last time Rhistin saw Aelthas was when he was walking Southbound from the refugee camp. It looked as if he was troubled. In her eagerness to help, she approaches him at Sam's Point.

    Pointing at her fellow Wolves and Ridian, she addresses the Gypsy Commander. "You're in need of some trackers?" Aelthas looks around at the group: "Not at the moment." Adlanail is a bit disappointed by this answer and shakes his bow demonstratively. "A bow or two ?" But the Commander shakes his head. "A bow for what? I am not intending on fighting anything." Picking up on his gloomy mood, Adlanail continues with a grin. "Well..I could play it..but it'd be a rather uninspiring tune….

    Clearly not amused by the joke, Aelthas tells him he's simply taking a walk. "Even I need a break at times." Rhistin's suggestion to walk with him is dismissed with a deep sigh: "I prefer walking alone.. and yes, as far as I know, the enemy has dug in and hasnt moved much."

    She then notices the grieved look on Aelthas's face and backs down. Yet the commander continues. "That would require a long journey into the underdark and I cannot be away for that long." He then rubs the side of his face, looking tired he walks off quietly. "Excuse me."

    Ridian tries to lift the spirits of the group that stays behind. <e>Yes. This war makes me appear a merry jester. But he fails and shakes his head sadly.</e>

  • _Several days pass, the Romani getting even more agitated by the absence of their commander.

    Still Aelthas hasnt shown up, no sign has been found as to where he might be.

    Romani scouts are sent out around the clock to look for signs of his whereabouts._

  • _Heavy steps of a full armored warrior makes the current stationary guards brows meet into a frown. The armor is black, and even though very worn still surprisingly intact. With chains stuck on the mans wrists and feet’s, slow and heavy steps dragging them behind causes a sound with an almost horrifying effect. The elf is tall and wide for his kin, although with the plate from his right bicep blown away in recent fight, a skin so dark is revealed not even the moonlight allows one to actually differ it from the armor itself.

    His march reaches till an abrupt halt. At first the figure only stares at the vision displayed before his eyes; burning towers, marching goblins, bodies of men, elves and dwarves. The stare is turned into a widened smile, soon a grin and before the notice of anything else – a laughter so great, so heartedly, so loud and filled with air it is fit in no better situation than absolute happiness or relief.

    The rain pours down heavily on his shoulders, his skin gets colder and the pain from the 10fold of wounds covering his body couldn’t be more forgotten. In time the laughter fades away, and so does the echoing sound of chains being pulled further and further away._

  • Near the road heading towards Norwick, but not quite where normal bugbear patrols begin, was a mess of blood and gore. It seemed almost that a body exploded, sending pieces and blood pouring to the ground. What caused it is unknown, but a Norwick made sword lieing near the puddle of bodily fluids and debree gave the indication that it may once have been a norwick guard.

    On another note, a few reports may come back stating that a tall man approached the Norwick gates just at sundown a day ago. His armor was said to be deep black with a tinge of purple, a strange demonic mask upon his face, and a wicked looking club in hand. The bugbear forces there held fire, and a giant pulled open the door for him before he strode in.

  • A newly uniformed Neal has been spotted helping as best as he can in the war effort, providing bandages when and where needed. He has also been encouraging a counterattack on Norwick to drive the bugbears away. He has also been scouting around Norwick, using the sight of his invisible dragon familiar and at times taking the initiative to harrass the bugbears with guerilla tactics, throwing a lightning bolt here and there, then going invisible again, tossing a few magic missiles, then going invisible again and departing.

  • _As dawn approaches over the camp and the guards go about their usual duties, the Romani are seen waiting on the hill for their commander to receive orders, like every morning.

    As hours go by, the Romani start to look around camp for Aelthas, but he is nowhere to be found.

    One of the night guards would report that Aelthas went for his usual walk after dusk and he hasnt seen him since.

    It seems that Aelthas is gone and no one can tell where he went._

  • _With Zoma fully combat ready now sooner than expected due to Dwin's immediate attention, he is seen spending lots of time at the border between the Norwick camp and the former town known as Norwick.

    It seems he is mostly concerned with the fate of his wife current whereabouts unknown as she was last seen active in the rawlins before the fall of the town._

  • Dwin stares hard at the letter, then at the finger. He seems to mutter to himself for a second, then snaps his fingers and points to the fallen messenger.

    Get this lad some rest… I cant fathom what he's been through. Make sure there is some ale in him at least.

    Foilir has given me the finger. The tide turns again.

    Dwin slides his helm on and readies his axe. he then ventures south where he makes his way (assumedly) southwest towards the Dwarven Hold.