• Dwin stares hard at the letter, then at the finger. He seems to mutter to himself for a second, then snaps his fingers and points to the fallen messenger.

    Get this lad some rest… I cant fathom what he's been through. Make sure there is some ale in him at least.

    Foilir has given me the finger. The tide turns again.

    Dwin slides his helm on and readies his axe. he then ventures south where he makes his way (assumedly) southwest towards the Dwarven Hold.

    • Time passes in the camp. The initial unique living conditions give way to the routine of live in tents and the inclement weather becomes more the focus that the lack of outhouses.

    Suddenly, a dwarven runner darts into the camp, his feet hitting the snow like lead. The tell tale signs of axes thrown at his back, and the strain of a long distance sprint show on his face.

    He runs into the camp and seems to hone in on the deep tones of the dwarven militia captain, and heads towards him, panting harder and falling as he knows he has almost achieved his goal.

    The dwarven messenger falls to his knees while pulling the letter from inside his woven tunic.

    The Norwick guards step closer as the strange dwarf's actions could be perceived as a weak attempt at the captain's life, but quickly relent as they view the parchment held out in a shaky hand towards the guard captain.

    As Dwin takes the letter, the dwarven messenger succumbs to the effects of the journey and the various attempts to fell him along his route. He falls face first in the snow, coloring it with his blood as he seeks solace from the pain in the cold. As he gets number and number he falls into unconsciousness.

    Dwin opens the stained parchment containing a familiar ring of the Dolvak clan grudge bearer, still on a severed finger. The blood stained parchment reads.

    Grobi uzkul got*

    (( Goblin death marches ))

  • @d21095f30b=Scutum:


    Mercy has been loitering about the refugee camp, reminding the victims of Norwick of the scent of the sea and explaining to them, by her mere presence why they don't live in Peltarch. While she takes a stompy turn about the camp, she draws aside several Norwick Guardsmen conspiratorially, asking them if they think that "Field-Marshall" Dwin might benefit from a splash of lusty relaxation in her naval boudoir to take his mind off his current troubles - and also, fix his back. Current dress options include both livid sea green and urchin pink mini-skirts. The Priestess of Umberlee is undecided on which to wear for her seductive task.

    Those attuned to the whispers of the fugue plains carried on the wind might detect a the echoes of a lass alternating between guttural streams of dwarven cursing and anguished wailings of despair and torment.

    ((LOL… Dwin is the "prettiest girl at the dance"))

  • @cad0dbd82b=Herrold:

    • A few dwarves saying nothing and just looking through the encampment as if searching for someone.

    One seeing the form of the militia captain, grabs one of the others and immediately dispatches him north. The other two take a breath in relief and keep an eye on him, but take care not to be noticed. *

    _Though the camp is filled with people, the 2 dwarves with a familiar accent do not escape Dwin's field of vision. Following the recent events in the camp, he calls them into his tent.

    Several minutes later, they emerge with a small parcel and head immediately north on some errand or another._

  • @aa643579ae=ArUlric:

    Mercy has been loitering about the refugee camp, reminding the victims of Norwick of the scent of the sea and explaining to them, by her mere presence why they don't live in Peltarch. While she takes a stompy turn about the camp, she draws aside several Norwick Guardsmen conspiratorially, asking them if they think that "Field-Marshall" Dwin might benefit from a splash of lusty relaxation in her naval boudoir to take his mind off his current troubles - and also, fix his back. Current dress options include both livid sea green and urchin pink mini-skirts. The Priestess of Umberlee is undecided on which to wear for her seductive task.

    Those attuned to the whispers of the fugue plains carried on the wind might detect a the echoes of a lass alternating between guttural streams of dwarven cursing and anguished wailings of despair and torment.

  • _Keira flits about between the refugee camp and the southern defences of Jiyyd, adding to the growing web of distribution that the Sisterhood provides for food and other medical supplies.

    If Lilin, or other Sisters, are heading into battle she'll often tag along but seems disinclined to line fight._

  • A crowd gathers as Dwin announces the banishment of a man clad in black armor. He was dubbed a traitor, but little else was said regarding the banishment. Said man clad in black armor can often be seen pacing the barriers of his restricted area.

  • _The saurial criminal from norwick, whose scales were green and some bronze, and happened to be carrying no weapons, turned himself in to one Dwin Dolvak, the militia captain, Who happened to be wearing his helmet and speaking to three persons.

    Nearby the Magistrate Shannon, and Senator Mariston stood, speaking to each other.

    The vile criminal was sentenced to help free norwick, and remove any evil within it.

    It was also snowing that day. And nighttime._

  • Information is quickly spread, whenever such conversation is brought up, that Corana had long been a citizen and a common figure around Peltarch and unless she was deaf and dumb, would have known the VERY commonly known rule of Peltarch Law that fleeing arrest is admission of ones guilt

  • Word eventually reaches southward that Corana Lyonsen was found guilty of kidnapping and torture, given sentences of ten years for each charge by Magistrate Shannon. Rumor has it that she was not given a trial, as her initial reluctance to turn herself in was deemed fleeing from arrest, a charge which is deemed an automatic admission of guilt.

  • A bit of a commotion happened in the camp, when the guard of Peltarch/lizardfolk/Paladin of Tyr Steelfin beat down and arrested the guard of Norwick/human/Priestess of Umberlee Corana. A furious Dwin led a group in persuit as Steelfin invisibly carried the unconcious Corana north. Whatever this will mean for the joined forces remains to be seen, but most around the camp and warzone agree that the paladin's zeal was inappropriate, and an act of sheer idiocy, considering the state of the war and Corana's capabilities.

  • Mercy has been loitering about the refugee camp, reminding the victims of Norwick of the scent of the sea and explaining to them, by her mere presence why they don't live in Peltarch. While she takes a stompy turn about the camp, she draws aside several Norwick Guardsmen conspiratorially, asking them if they think that "Field-Marshall" Dwin might benefit from a splash of lusty relaxation in her naval boudoir to take his mind off his current troubles - and also, fix his back. Current dress options include both livid sea green and urchin pink mini-skirts. The Priestess of Umberlee is undecided on which to wear for her seductive task.

  • Mord can be seen moving from the southern contruction to the north of the refugee camp. He spends some time with the guard but is often away with the new construction. He listens Diligently to Kresha's reports on activity on the road to the north and can be seen heading north a ways with ner now and then only to return a few hours later and leaving her on guard. Fairly often he is in fairly close discussion with Dwin and speaks with the Chancellor when he can

  • Calendel, Advisor to the Chancellor and Town Healer of Norwick, has been seen collecting all offered medical supplies and stocking a tent with them. Near and inside the tent he has setup some temporary cots for ill refugees needing care. Tristina and Kia are running around taking care of the ill and wounded and handing out rations to those most in need.

  • _Aelthas watches the supplies being brought in, no emotion apparent on his face. He leans over to the blond woman in Romani armor that is at his side most times and whispers something to her.

    She is seen running off quickly and gathering a few volunteers, directing the wagons and others who carry the much needed supplies to the hill across from Sam's hill.

    Two guards are set to watch the supplies, some volunteers are set to give out whatever is needed for the people in the camp and even more run off with hatchets, returning later with logs of wood, which over the next day or two, turn into small fences surrounding the supplies on the hills.

    Guards are seen around the clock, watching the supplies, even healthy refugees who are willing, being used in the daylight hours to keep watch.

    Aelthas then stands on the hill, looking down a moment before calling for everyones attention._

    With permission from your Chancellor, I have given my Captain, Mira, ::motions to the blond woman beside him:: the duty of seeing that these rations are given to all who need them, the medical supplies distributed to our healers to tend to any sick and wounded.

    It seems we will most likely be getting constant shipments of supplies for the time being, but that may change and as such, we will need to ration what we have.

    Everyone will recieve three meals a day, water, bread, stew, whatever medical attention they need. If you feel that you need something extra, simply talk to Mira and she will be glad to help you in any way possible.

    He just walks off the hill then, occasionally stopping to talk to some guards, whether they be the few Romani that have come with him, the Norwick guards left behind or the volunteers guards, giving them a pat on the shoulder or shaking their hands and telling them they are doing a great job.

  • The archdruid is frequently found in the refugee camp. Rarely lifting a sword as much as stitching torn tents and clothes, watching children while mothers cook, sometimes bringing her own daughter (who, like many other her age, seems to think this is the greatest adventure imaginable), or simply sitting on the rock in the crossroads and listening to whoever will talk with her. Several times a day a raven flies up from the south to her shoulder and the two wander off to talk.

  • _Supplies slowly flow into the refugee camp as the days pass. In one of the first of many, the Chancellor, Elridith, Genzir, Kresha and other norwick guard provide escort for Edmund the slaad as he wheels a large cart filled with medical supplies, food, alekegs, blankets and tents from Peltarch. Jerr and other Romani are seen bringing more foodstuffs from the camp on a regular basis helping to keep the people healthy and in relatively good spirits.

    A modest number of norwick guard stand watch over the crossroads, and for the most part, it seems Aelthas from the camp has indeed taken it upon himself to oversee the defense of the camp while Norwick commanders led by Colonel Dwin move the bulk of their forces into the southern valley. The Norwick guard seem reluctant to to follow the orders of "the boy" for the first few days, but in time as Pink and Black are seen fighting along side the Redcloaks to cut down the last of the hobgoblins plaguing the camp. The results speak for themselves. Whatever bad blood existed between the two forces seems to be fading fast with most Redcloaks refering to Aelthas as "The gypsy Commander" by the end of a tenday._

  • A grizzled old Hin known as Yarchum arrives at the refugee camp as soon as the word on Zoma's condition reaches him in the Guardian Sanctuary. Although sharing Arvoreen's blessings and healing amongst the needy refugees, he mostly concentrates on getting his Guardian brother back to full health and spirit.

  • After the occupation of Norwick by the dragon forces, travelers of the road going North from the refugee camp towards Peltarch have been heard gossiping about being stopped outside the camp by a Norwick female militia recruit. Most accounts seem to describe a good sized lass bristling with crossbow quivers and carrying a slim dark blade seemingly walking out of nowhere and politely requesting the papers, names, and business of each individual in the group.

  • Dwin instructs his guards to remove those banners and bring them to him.

    The last thing I need right now is some false-Tarien tryin to come back and confuse things. If ya see the lad that put these up, tell him to come speak to me.