• Jeremy has been seen in the refugee camp a couple of times, checking to see if Zoma is still breathing. He seems to have little care about anyone else there.

  • _Commander Aelthas is seen near the refugee camp every day, talking with the troops, handing out duties to them for the day. Even though he looks exhausted, he stays up long into the night, watching south to Norwick or roaming around the area, talking to others about defences.

    Seems the Commander has taken it upon himself to command the volunteers in the pass, while Dwin is busy organizing the troops closer to Norwick. To make sure supplies are gathered and paths of retreat are open for the men on the front lines.

    When asked, he simply says that he is making sure the people in the pass have a commander to bring problems to, but when the time comes to start the assault of Norwick, Dwin is in command._

  • The recently appointed Advisor to the Chancellor, Calendel, has been seen around the refugee camp providing healing and care for the refugees and talking to others trying to alleviate confusion and fear.

    Many have overheard Calendel mentioning a need to sit down with the Chancellor and his Militia to determine the next steps.

    • A few dwarves saying nothing and just looking through the encampment as if searching for someone.

    One seeing the form of the militia captain, grabs one of the others and immediately dispatches him north. The other two take a breath in relief and keep an eye on him, but take care not to be noticed. *

  • Dwin shakes his head as the tiny dancer speaks on the hill and then vanishes.

    Who'd he call a whore?

    He shrugs and gets back to work directing the materials south to where the defenses will be.

  • The Blue Bard stands on the hill, looking at the old marker and then out towards norwick. He shakes his head beneath the hood of his cloak

    The irony that the gods have. The very hill the town aggressively took as their own; the hill whose history they've pissed, shat, and spit upon, will now be the home of their final stand to reclaim their city. Somewhere above us Hoar laughs.

    He then moves off the hill, towards the city, shadows swirling about him as he vanishes from sight. The shine of steel present just before he's no more

  • _Dwin immediately sees that Zoma receives personal attention from his own healers, and says that all expenses should be used to insure Zoma's speedy recovery. There is some discussion on sending Zoma to either Jiyyd or the Camp to help in his speedy rehabilitation.

    As for the other suggestions, Dwin nods somewhat politely but continues with his plans to build defenses closer to the city. Staying on Sam's Hill would be too much of a risk, letting the enemy take the valley, the Dwarf Hold, the Kelemvorites, the Keep–and importantly letting them get even closer to the Orc plains._

  • Though some may recall the passive hostility between the former friends, it is Dentin who stepped over and dragged Zoma to one of the tents, pulling the arrows from his back, cleaning and closing the wounds, and leaving him to rest. Though nobody would disagree that it was simly an act of common sense, the need for skilled swordsman great across the line, the sight of the battered Zoma coming from the burning Norwick might also have brought out memories from before the hostility in the Gondar. Whatever the case, Dentin does not speak a word on it, and has left Zoma to the further care of whoever would do so.

  • "….My role as a Guardian had failed in preventing a disaster that had been foreseen."

    The swordsman who had been missing for days ever since the attack finally emerged from South, walking up the Nars Hill to join the others in a limping state with broken arrows protuding from his back. He stood there for a moment after uttering those words before collapsing on the ground unconscious, painting the snow beneath him in deep crimson red.

  • An elf in expensive clothing is very curious as to the fate of the old woman Kyra and her assistant citing that Kyra could take down two bugbears at a time despite her old age. She is unlikely to have been killed in the retreat.

  • Raver is seen to glare at Lucid more than once, but has not approached him since she yelled at him on Sam's Hill. She's also not speaking to Mord, and appears even angrier at him.
    When asked, she mumbles something about people nae listening…. and stalks off to be some place else, rather than go into it.

  • _Lucidious Corvance appears to be absent from the war planning. Runners still deliver any messengers for the chancellor to the Regal in jiyyd and they do return with replies. It would seem he's left the bulk of the planning to his officers: Dwin and newly appointed Captain Mord.

    Lucidious can more often be found among the refugees in jiyyd, tending to the sick and wounded with mundane healing. He no longer wears his formal chancellor's robes, only a simple robe styled in norwick colors, gray and crimson with a simple crimson cloak._

  • _Dentin looks over the plans a long time, before speaking.
    "I doubt we have the time and means to do much more barricading and landscaping.. and the manpower to keep another extension of the line. Also, communication and supplies are an issue. The longer the distance.. the gaps.. in the defense, the harder it will be to accomplish.

    I would suggest what I have already spoken about to Genzir and others.. to fortify Sam's Hill instead, and send out small groups to raid the orcs in an and around Norwick. The longer we leave them untouched, the more time they will have to gather supplies and dig in. Small groups can quickly strike at their supplies and heavy equipment, dwindle their number somewhat, and force them to assign assets to protect these things. Assets they can't use against our main defenses. Also, by basing ourselves at Sam's Hill, the line will straighten out towards Jiyyd, making communication, supplies and reinforcements easier. Location is everything._

    • A heavily Armoured person is seen standing on top of a hill alone. Looking towards Norwick. if approached he says nothing as walks away.

    Rumour is that he is known as Corvance in Oscura*

  • Militia man Kalith hasn't been seen or heard from since Norwick's fall.

  • Militia woman Corana appears to be notably absent from the new fortifications. Rumor has it that threats of arrest from the Peltarchian guard Steelfin may be to blame.

  • Dwin squints at the plans and nods

    Good point. Just make sure we got enough range to fill 'em with arrows. I think ya understand the basic idea.

    If we can put a small tower or 2 up someplace, that'd help. Not sure how much time we have.

  • Mord can be seen moving about near the Kelemvor Temple. There have been enough defense works goin on that most working on it need little instructon other than the plans. They set the northern most barrier first in hopes of a short retreat position is needed then work toward the old town gates between the ridges. Archers are posted and armed Militia stand ever on guard near the workers.

    He looks at the ramp planned for the south east hill and moves back to discuss it with Dwin Nay be lines of retreat ser, they would be stranded when forces move up and would be able to lay down little fire afore they would be trapped. I do not see a good way around it but they woulld need ta be the first ta pull back afore we gave up the first barracde. I would not mind leavin that ledge alone ifin we could deny it to the enemy also.

  • Dwin shows the map to anyone that wants to see. The red marks are where the pointy defenses go, the blue marks are where the hills need ramps cut into them for archer's access

    ((mori, Nilla, this is for you 🙂 ))

  • Dwin, Mord, and several of his other senior officers go abck into the tent and emerge in a few minutes.

    Dwin stands on the Hill and waits to get everyone's attention.

    The area south of here… just across from the kelemvorites... is where we will prepare our defenses.

    I am assigning Captain Mord to setting up these defenses, and I would hope you will all give him your respect and allegiance. It must be done quickly.

    We need 2 barricades set up, one on the northern road, one on the road to the Keep. Archers should palce themselves on the surrounding hills.

    Barricades should also be constructed here on this Hill as a fallback position. Healin tents will go here as well.

    The farkin hoboblins will be a nuisance, I am sure. If anyone would like to volunteer to head into their cave and cut down their numbers or even seal them in there, let me know.

    We're fightin on 2 fronts now folks. Not ideal in any way… but they are too.

    ::cue Braveheart theme::

    Its time to stand TOGETHER AND FIGHT!