*'War of the White Dragon' -Defender Meeting*
Aelthas, apparently back from the dead now, is in attendance at the meeting. He stands in the back and doesnt say a word.
The Chancellor of Norwick can be seen in the crowd gathered. He quietly takes a seat, pouring himself a drink before the discussions begin.
Dentin is among the earliest to arrive, bringing a number of notes and schematics. He keeps mostly to himself, though keeps the seat at either side of himself clear, for Alvah and Sudoc respectively.
_Among the first to arrive to te meeting, is a young man in green armour, bearing the eagles of a Peltarch Defender Captain.
Currently the youngest of all captains, at the age of 24, and the most recently appointed, Mark Kelben is still a relatively known face from the war to retake the Gypsy Camp and the defense against the ghouls.
While only few men of the Peltarch army have been seen at the defenses, for now, his face was present almost daily and he seems to have no desire to give up on those walls.
After giving his polite and formal greetings, he takes his place among the gathering crowd, taking advantage of neither food nor drink, apart from water.
He remains quiet for now, seeming more interested in hearing what others have to say._