Sharn EVENT (APRIL 21st)

  • @15aa7c6b82=Clan:

    Let me know if you want to go on THURSDAY night to Sharn.

    So far, its:

    Sam the Badger

    er….who is getting put in charge of Norwick when all of you are gone? And where is Uthger coming from all of a sudden?

  • Dwin, do you need another dwarf in your group? Bitsy's been inside Sharn's cave before and could give your party some insight on the tricks and traps up there. See ya Thursday?

  • Grag time works for me, I just need to have some advanced warning so I can inform the family that the "King of the Castle" will be busy and not to bother me. clears throat and looks cautiously around to make sure his wife doesn't see this posting

  • @342f1bdea3=Hekatoncheires:

    You think RARY will die? : P

    nope, Norwick odds say that you will be one of the few to live.

  • Friday's group can collect the bodies of Thursday's group.. please remember.. no looting PC corpses.

  • Legion

    LOL the thread has been hi-jacked. If your char has been approached or heard about it ig and wishes to go seek Grag. I dont get to play as much as I used to so dont see everyone in every timezone πŸ™‚ Plus if the group gets large we can break it into one group does x,yz, while other group does A,b,c! πŸ™‚

  • You think RARY will die? : P

  • Let me know if you want to go on THURSDAY night to Sharn.

    So far, its:

    Sam the Badger

  • @5a47327405=Clan:

    So, you have to have been approached IC about this?

    grumbles about elitism

    nudges.. So make your own little skirmish party to steal their thunder ;)… You guys did a rather nice job last night invading their lines πŸ˜„

  • So, you have to have been approached IC about this?

    grumbles about elitism

  • Calendel has offered to go.

    I'm good with the times Grag has posted.

  • Wolf would go. As far as availability, I can practically do it anytime.

  • @45377bb9c5=sd_luv:

    Those that have agreed to die with Grag in A epic journey please respond here on time availabilties for wkends.

    Oh, you make me laugh so hard. :lol: :lol: :lol: