War Stories

  • // Thought it would be a nice thing to group tales of excitement, joy or misery here - similar to the Peltarch ones for Eastlander and Civil Wars //

    Here's one of Keira's

  • Legion

    As the large party aproached the gates of Jiyyd General Grag was dragging a mangled bloodied sack the size of a large boulder ahind him. As others spoke of the great battle and of Bards becoming dragons and rogues sacrificing there lives as heroes He continued walking through the gates to the front lines. "MAke way I got a message ta send!" After speaking to the catapult operaters he packaged up SHarn's head and sent it hurling off into the Orc and Giant front lines. On it wrote something so simple even the orcs could understand it. "(O) U R NEXT!" And with that General Grag quickly went back to Jiyyd and celebrated a hard fought victory and with it the loss of two good freinds Riama and Peppy MAy they find peace with their gods…. (( Great event I hope A bard decides to write up something nice. I am no bard 🙂 ))