Valdor Brin

  • Account name: SpaceParrot
    Character name: Valdor Brin

    One day during your meditations, you came upon a revelation. Excited, you sook out your master. Your master was not in his quarters, so you searched all over the monastery. Eventually you made your way to an old, unused crypt deep in the monastery. You searched about until you saw your master. You almost shouted to get his attention, until you noticed a small device in his hand. The device was, and still is, a mystery to you, but it didn't take a wizard to know it was an artifact of great evil magic. You stood in the shadows, watching your master as he began to chant. A great blood red portal opened before him. From the portal emerged a grand demon of extreme power. You were petrified, you had no idea what to do, the only thing that kept you from running was your masters resolve in front of the demon. But quickly your shock wore off and you noticed something was wrong, your master did not seem surprised by the demon, and it not by your master. In fact, the demon was speaking to your master. You listened in, and discovered that the demon was actually giving your master orders! You learned that your master was a traitor, he had allied himself with the demons to help them prepare for an upcoming invasion onto a plane. Your plane. When the demon left, you confronted your master. There he told you that this world was doomed, and the only way to survive was to ally with the demons. He told of the deal that the monsters had offered him, then offered you a position at his side. Enraged, you attacked your master with ever fiber of your being. But you were still young and inexperienced, and you were quickly bested. Just as your master was about to finish you off, the great portal opened again, and through it came the demon, just as before. The demon began some strange incantations, and you felt your strength returning. In fact, you were stronger than ever, you wounds fully healed. The demon left through the portal, leaving you alone with your master. You quickly killed him with your new found strength. As your master lay dead at your hands, the man you had the most respect for in the world, his blood pooling on the ground, a group of elder monks arrived, sent to investigate the commotion. They quickly declared you guilty of murder, and refused to hear your story. You were banished from the order, stripped of all your honor.Once you were a young Monk with much talent and promise for the future, in an ancient, respected order. Now you are a black mark. You have come here to regain your honor and prepare the people for the coming war…

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.