"Sample Day": Introducing new form of ration to No

  • Let's go with it!

    For those that dont like the taste… its surely better than starvation.

    Just one thing though... I would like to refer to them from this point onward as "Norwick Noodles." It will be much more acceptable to the populace than something that sounds like its from so far away.

  • "Its been….several weeks since the distribution. I....noticed that everyone has several creative means in eating their rations.

    Dwin, what do you think of the Kara-Tur ration? If the feedback had been successful, we best start preparing more and begin stocking up the military ration for the time to come."

  • Neal takes a taste of the Noodles at the Boarshead and speaks to Misty

    "In comparison to the military rations I've tried, I would take these any day. However, I think that my dear Misty you could have a wonderful opportunity to expand on the recipe. I think some oregano and dill spices would flavour it up quite nicely. You could even try some of the noodles in a chicken broth for a soup I wager. I'll throw a few ideas and some pictures for your menu if you'd like to try something new."

    He leaves and returns the next day with a dinner menu with three drawings and instructions on how to make each item on a separate sheet of paper

    Neal's Nude Noodles - Plain noodles bathed in a buttery sauce and spiced with a splash of salt, ground pepper, and dillweed. Served with a side salad of fresh greens.

    Rothe Noodle Surprise - A mixture of ground rothe meat, tomatoes, onions, and red peppers, spiced with oregano and cayenne pepper, on a bed of freshly cooked noodles.

    Chicken Mage Soup - Chunks of chicken cooked in a chicken broth and fresh spring water brought to a boil with shortened noodles, carrots, potatoes, celery, and onion. Spiced to your delight, usually best with a hint of Sage, Pepper, Salt, or Lemons.

  • Genzir, upon hearing about this, suggests that the militia talk to the druids and get their help collecting the right mushrooms.

  • Calendel frowns at the number of people coming into the Friars lately suffering from mild poisoning due to wild mushrooms being placed in soups.

  • Hearing about the new rations, Genzir gets a few samples of the dried noodles to take back to Spellweaver Keep, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

    I bet Josephina would know what to do with these…

    Days later, he comes back with a large pouch of dried mushrooms, and hands them out to any willing soldiers.

    Just throw these in the broth, they should reconstitute very quickly and add a nice flavor.

    He demonstrates by adding a few to a bowl of noodles and tossing in some slices of a hard sausage.

    We grow them in the Keep's garden, but you should be able to find more in the woods around here.

  • Zoma watches the pride of Kara-Tur's delicacy being butchered to be Narfellenised with a hint of disbelief and eventually with a resigned look says:

    "….No matter, so long as its main function of being a ration stands."

  • "Maybe should serve them my usual style cooking, Zoma? Think after crunching on coal-coated meat, they be all enthusiastic over this noodel business."

    Ragnhild giggles and slurps up a forkful of noodles, before overhearing the ale comment and going wide-eyed with delight.

    "Oohhh, boil in ale… now that be vhat I call an idea! Horbaaag! Cloudberri! We have experimental cooking to do!"

  • "….Did I mention to them that rations are....supposed to taste....something along the lines of unimpressionable?"

  • Mord eats a bowl of the noodles along with the other officers. He shrugs as he finishes it then heads out to his round, seemingly not impressed.

  • I am surprised Dwin didn't try boiling them in ale.


    Well, it tastes better then the create food and water spell.

  • Dwin tries 3 of them in different fashions:

    First he tries one in the prescribed fashion. Like Lucid, he adds several spices to it, and finally a splash of dark ale. He rates it a 3.5 out of 5. "Tastes bland, but soldiers are used to worse."

    Next he takes one that has been heated with hot water. he drains the water and adds some cheese and reheats it, misxing it all up. Not bad. he gives it a 4 out of 5. "i could eat this every day"

    Finally, He takes a pile of the fried noodles and does not do anything except pour some honey all over them. He jams the whole sticky concoction in his mouth. He rates that a 5 out of 5. "Ole Maythor will never eat another cookie after he tastes this!"

  • Calendel, looking at the new menu item in the Boarshead recalls to some of the locals how all the Kara-Tur he ever met in his travels were all fat and chooses to stick to his meat and vegetable meals.

  • the chancellor has a go at the noodles at the boarshead. Bite by bite the pale elf keeps adding something to the bowl: pepper, a pinch or two of salt, then a random selection of what spices he can find in the kitchen. When hes done, the elf just looks at the bowl with disappointment…

    e) Well, that was rather bland.

    …and with a slight shrug, goes back to his bottle of wine for the evening.