Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
((Sorry about that :).
At mornin muster Farly is presented to them, Lieutenant Maya and Lieutenant Cyrian. The rest of the squad is called forward and named off, Elyl, Wren, Devlin and Albryanna.
Before he hustles off, answers Mord's question…
Im needin ta know who the Lieutenants are that I am ta git orders from.
Hustles off after being told
((ICly Farly hasnt been told who any of the Lieutenants are.))
Mord watches the dwarf amble up
Recruit Farly Ye will be takin orders from the Lieutenants and trainning with the squads in order. Y e will answer to them and seek them fer orders. At mid afternoon ye will be at the Chancellors disposal. Ye understand?Ifn ye understand why the hells ye still standin there?!?!
mord shakes his head as the dwarf hustles off
Farly takes the whole thing in stride. He is in full armor well before the 200 count is finished. After watching Belin walk off to bed, he shrugs and goes in search of Mord.
Belin drinks her ale ignoring the comment. A few hours after Farly has retired she wakes him up by smacking him with the flat of a wooden practice battle axe. She is dressed in full armor.
Ya got till meh count tuh 200 tuh beh ready for drill. If'n ya nay got yer armor on when we spar den ya gonna get hit und it will hurt mores. Meh suggest ya hurry kin. Meet meh in da yard.
after giving him several good whacks sure to leave some bruises on unarmored parts she tells him
Now ya training with meh beh done for tuhday un yer nice und warmed up. Meh suggest yuh fine Commander Mord it beh about times fer regular drill tuh start. Meh gonna get somma sleep afore watch.
Belin walks off towards the barricks
Farly partakes in the ale he is offered, but not overly so.
Im in trainin and kin nay afford ta be hung over ifn them goblins strike. I kin prolly handle round 12 or so but will quit after that.
takes Farly aside after drill wearing a fairly nice outfit the not entirely homely dwarf, although her beard is very sparse, breaks open a cask of some whiskey and a half keg of ale. By way of explanation she states that if he is to be close to kin and spending time with her cousin she thinks they should get to know each other better. Encouraging him to drink lots she herself doesn't drink much in retrospect.
chuckles softly Aye guardsman. Let us see how our newsest gits off on his first day.
Mord stares a moment as the Milita breaks ranks and heads for their duty posts. Push im Guardsman Belin. Push im hard. Our time grows short with the goblins and we will need trained guards to handle the storm that is brewin.
Turns and walks away.
Belin grunts and looks to Mord
so yuh wunt meh tuh give da kin ale or da whiskey fer da hangover afore his training?
grins in a maniacal dwarven fashion
Ye'll git nothin but the best from me Comander Mord.
Mord pulls Farly aside just out of earshot of the rest of the Militia The Chancellor has bitten off a big bite fer Recruit Toebuckle. Ye will train with the rest of the raw recruits and Militia and then off to the Chancellors side. I highly recommend ye learn to sleep on yer fett. Nay any special treatment, so ye will do all the others do, as well er better and then extra duties fer the Chancellor. I catch ye slackin and the least of yer worries will be how the Chancellor takes it. Now off with ye.
As Farly turns away and heads off with the rest Mord raises hsi voice slightly Death will be a comfort ifn I find ye lacking.
Farly looks around for Mord, as he was told by Dwin that Mord would take care of his initial militia training.
The body of the trainee Nichos is seen being hauled into town from the north. It looks as if animals had been tearing at it for a day or so. It is carted off to the healers and Elyl is seen arriving awhile later. Commander Mord can be heard calling back as he leaves the healers. I said I want im ta remember this and ifn ye cannot cannot git it through his thick skull I will find somone who can. He closes the door gently and stalks off to the barracks
_Harmony in addition, informs the Commander that there are shortage of labours for one involving in salvaging and tearing down the buildings of the former Norwick.
She suggests strongly that perhaps, this is a good opportunity for the new recruits to work out in assisting the workers in their labour._
_Wren eyes the two new recruits with a look mixing sympathy, disbelief, pity, and malignant glee in equal measures.
She is overheard later speaking to the training lieutenant in a hushed voice, although the words "full pack", "total exhaustion", "giant rolling boulders", "extremely painful", "pit traps", "fire ants", "three days without sleep", and "probably won't be fatal" can be made out.
She leaves with a wide grin._
Mord stands before the morning muster
We have a couple of new recruits ye all will be workin with. I would like a few of the more veteran guards to get them goin. Work em hard and work em long.
One be the name of Nichos Notteel and another by the name of Abel Nightrode. I have explained the basis of trainin to em. Ifn I see any of ye goin soft on em I will start ye over until ye can remember what it be like. I want regular reports on me desk whenever ye have a trainee under ye.
looks them over one more time
The men ber yers Lieutenant
((OOc Please let me know how these two are doing or if there are others you come across. You can post short trainning posts here and recommendations to me in your regular Militia reports. I expect all militia members to go out of their way a bit to try and build up our forces with good recruits. Thanks all ahead of time))
Mord stalks in from the North just before sunrise. His eyes still seem to be tight and his mouth a hard line. He settles down a moment and looks at the stack of reports then stands and paces a moment. He mutters softly "Hells and damnation…..I had plans fer im... *
He stalks out as the guard comes out in formation and moves down the line for inspection. He smiles thinly and turns to the lieutenenant and drawls softly "They be looking a bit soft don't ye think? Full gear and pack I think. I want a pile of Hobgoblin heads waist high near the bridge when I head north this afternoon.
Dismissed. he salutes and heads in to the endless reports.
Mord passes the secretary as he moves intothe office, overhearing some of her words. He makes no outward sign of what he sees or and and move in to speak with Dwinn and theChancellor
…(( continuing this closed door conversation in a private thread ))
:Maythor Looks at Krig: Yee goin tee eats dat cheezeee?
Mord passes the secretary as he moves intothe office, overhearing some of her words. He makes no outward sign of what he sees or and and move in to speak with Dwinn and theChancellor
Commander, Chancellor. he starts then stops a moment and shakes his head and smiles thinly as he peals the mold off a piece of cheese.
Chancellor. We have capable Lieutenants in the absence of the Commander or I. Either Maya or Cyrian may issue orders to the trainees and they be put in charge of some of the trainnin as it is. I ould like ta see a good solid sargeant in place soon who could handle much of this. Havin yer secretary issue orders will not work long and I personally will not support it goin on.
he leans back and drinks the thin ale, then chuckles softly and looks at the mug Though I will say she has a way about er, she be nought in the ranks and will ruin morale, good intentions er not.