Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
((Below are the current recruits I have on my roster. PLease be involved in this thread regularly. Other full guards chip in also. A couple have been on here for a bit and I am fairly sure they are in the game just on a different time then me. Without input they will languish here))
- Recruit: Tyler Wefneran
- Recruit: Raxia Steel
- Recruit: George
- Recruit: Friend (Shamman) Named "Smash" by Devlin
Mord watches from the hills as the groups of trainees wander back. He sees the hin wander and chuckles quietly to himself. murmurs Must be tougher then old shoe leather.
At the next mornings call the guard and trainees line up and Mord inspects the squads. A large half orc has shown up also and stands in line with the trainees. Mord adresses the group and has the orc step up.*
This be yer new charge lads, take im in and teach him the trade and laws. As always I will expect the best of all involved. The or else is left hanging silentlyHe then motions Andrew and Dietrick forward and has them turn to face the rest and simply says. Yer new guardsman are ready to serve the realm. Drinks are are em after duty this evenin.
Mord snaps a fist to his chest in Salute
Cyrian and Dietrick was seen leaving for the deep west rawlinswood with a few other strangers for Cyrian's advanced training for militia members. Apparently the test includes surviving against the hordes of tough goblins in the deep western rawlins consisting of grenadiers, casters, and elites. The large majority of the group was seen returning somewhat within a day or so, Dietrick was not seen among them. After 3 days in the early morning however, the hin was seen striding back into town with blood and wounds all over, with a proud accomplished smile.
"Dietrick dones Cyrian's advance militia training, now tuff tuff!" the hin is heard saying
Periodically seen in town, known to be wandering more of late between breaks, Dietrick is seen of late no longer in the town hall listening to archivist explaining to him but has been seen trying to practice some sort of swords play move, one can hear him mutter something about "compromising attack" or "sneaky chop attack"…
Albryanna stands by with a grin on her face
Alright kiddies, heres whats going to happen.
Any of you who wish for advanced tactics training can report to me when you see me in town, so long as I am in uniform.
My training is very dangerous so do not approach me if you are not sure of your own skills, be prepared for some of the harshest training you will have endured to date.
Training begins in the far west rawlinswood, and ends when either the goblins bring armies to force us out, you can no longer fight even a weak goblin, or someone dies.
Training generally lasts one day to a week and you will Not be given any long rests, we may take breaks when the forest have been cleared but we will be back to it at the first sign of goblins returning.
Devlin receives the letter and looks it over with a smirk.
"What's all this…. training? I thought Maya was training you. Is she not giving you enough to do either? Hmm... very well. We'll find you something to do. Maybe you, Dietrick, and Kresha and myself could start doing patrols out in the Far Western Rawlins. Since Dietrick is under me as a recruit, we can kill two birds with one stone there.... do you think you'd be able to handle that?"
Devlin pricks his finger with a his boot knife.... and draws in blood the symbol of Tempus.... then puts the parchment back into the envelope and reseals it, handing it back to Raxia.
"Mind giving this back to Mord?" He simply smiles, standing idly.
Raxia walks into the office and smirks
I was wondering Commander Mord when the recruit status of some of us would be lifted and if you had in mind any task which one could do you.
she smiles letting him digest that statement
Mord leans back and shoves the pile of reports aside, smilling thinly. He looks her over a moment then nods
So the Seniors and Lieutenants ain't keepin ye busy enough? I will have a word with them then Trainee Raxia. I am sure there is much to do and they overlooked the great need fer yer trainnin. I am sure me talkin to em will give em some incentive to make yer life more interestin. In the meantime I need a message delivered to one of the Senior Guardsman Devlin, Elyl or Albryanna.He neatly folds a piece of parchemnt and seals it with the guard insignia. Please see that he gets this right away.
He stands
Dismissed Trainee.
((If Raxia delivers this it is a blank sheet of parchment with Mord's seal on it. Figure it out
she quickly searches the Norwick grounds and tries to find Devlin. Upon finding him she hands him the note and winks at him
Commander Mord said to give this to you.
she stands there awaiting his command
Raxia walks into the office and smirks
I was wondering Commander Mord when the recruit status of some of us would be lifted and if you had in mind any task which one could do you.
she smiles letting him digest that statement
Mord leans back and shoves the pile of reports aside, smilling thinly. He looks her over a moment then nods
So the Seniors and Lieutenants ain't keepin ye busy enough? I will have a word with them then Trainee Raxia. I am sure there is much to do and they overlooked the great need fer yer trainnin. I am sure me talkin to em will give em some incentive to make yer life more interestin. In the meantime I need a message delivered to one of the Senior Guardsman Devlin, Elyl or Albryanna.He neatly folds a piece of parchemnt and seals it with the guard insignia. Please see that he gets this right away.
He stands
Dismissed Trainee.
((If Raxia delivers this it is a blank sheet of parchment with Mord's seal on it. Figure it out
Albryanna follows from a safe distance, keeping a watchful eye on the hin, making sure no serious harm comes to him.
Mord spots the glum hin and askes his lieutenants what happens. He nods at their explanation and tells them to git the hin out of the hall of records fer a bit and go kill something in the woods.
Dietrick is seen with an angry and glum look since the death of Alastar.
Many in the barracks seem to carry a frown with them as recent news of the death of Recruit Alastor Kross reaches there ears. It is said he was killed by a horde of goblins though the true cause of his death, be it goblins or some other creature, no one knows.
Dietrick is seen of late at the Norwick Archives, having the scribes there read to him regarding rules and laws of Norwick and some such. Once in a while the hin is heard moaning softly, "Oh noooooooooooooss"…
Celestria walked in front of the line of recruits, stopping at each and assessing their equipment and stance. Her expression and demeanor were much more serious than normal. After inspecting each recruit, she stepped back and addressed them.
"The time draws near. We will soon be engaged in a battle that could well change the future of Norwick. Each of you has done extremely well and your efforts have made me very proud."
She pauses for a moment, rubbing her brow as if in thought before continuing on.
"Remember, if you come against a foe you cannot defeat, let the more experienced guards and officers take them down. You will not do anyone any good dead so please, use common sense and no trying to be a hero out there."
She stood staring at them for a moment in silence, wondering if she would see some of them again. She was worried, no doubt, yet held it well inside.
"We fight for the people of Norwick. Let us strive to keep her safe with our actions."
With this, she stepped back and looked to Mord before addressing the recruits one last time.
"Colonel Mord may have words for you afore we venture forth into this battle."
Mord smiles thinly and give a shallow nod to Cyrian
upon seeing Celestria's training methods, Albryanna raises a brow of her own, though remains silent for the time. Just making out the whispered words of Cyrian, she grins to herself and proceeds with repairs
Cyrian watches Celestria's methods with a raised eyebrow. After a while he just shakes his head as if dismissing some mundane thought.
The lass seems pretty confident. Perhaps she is ready for my training. he grins mischievously to himself and wanders off
During their hour in the armory, Celestria talks quietly with Albryanna and proceeds to drill the recruits on various subjects.
"There are several things all of you should know as possible Norwick Militia. The first is who the other guardsmen, senior guardsmen and officers are. The second is the Norwick Law."
As they work, she calls out their name and follows it with a question about the mentioned subjects. If they answer correctly, she moves on to the next recruit. If they answer incorrectly, they are told to immediately drop and do 30 pushups. The drills lasts the entire time they are working in the armory and until every recruit knows well who is in the militia and what the Norwick Laws are.
"Good. There will be further drills on these subjects to ensure you do not forget them. Now find George some equipment and meet me at the south gates in 15 minutes ready for drills. Dismissed!"
Alastor can be seen working in the armory when drills are done. He sharpens and repairs anything needing work.