Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
Mord nods to Dwalin from across the desk then chuckles slightly Ask and ye shall receive. I have word of two new possible candidates fer trainnin. I have not met them personally yet but have sent word fer them to come in and try out. Their names be ..rummages through some papers Ah yes, a Adrian "Silverbolt" Petrarch and a Toma Arna. I would appreciate ye and the rest gettin them up to speed as soon as possible. Also keep an eye on that orc, "Friend". Seems to be doin all right but it still be an orc.
Carry on Guardsman Dain.
Mord stands and snaps afist tohis chest in salute
Dwalin entered in Colonel Mord Office
Colonel! salutes Ah know ye are treining new recruits, and ah want ta help ye in everything ye need. Ah nae know much, but ah kin teach whaa i learn here in Militia and whaa i learn in life. Give me some hours wit them and ah will make dem tougher…
Wtih a serious nod Dwalin waits Colonel speaks
Shaman (Friend), Dietrick and Mord are seen headed out the south gate to do a standard patrol and see how Shaman is working out. It started out simply enough but they did not get 100 yards past the old defenses when they were hit by several heavily armed goblins with axes. It was a short furious fight but they were taken down quickly. Dietrick hurried south to scout the cave and came back quickly with reports of archers near the entrance.
Mord starts to give orders when a hail of arrows come from the northwest. They quickly take down the archers and start to proceed south when the chanting started. they rounded the copse of trees and ran into several magkiers with archer guards. Lightning flashed through the group and arrows rained in. The three took them down but not without wounds and Dietrick's armor smoked slightly. Once again Mord starts to give orders but the two others charge off south toward the cave. Muttering curses Mord follows.
Heavy goblins with axes were mixed with the archers and two goblins with large shields and heavy maces pounded into the melee as it swirled around the cave entrance. Tired and bloody the three stand amid the pile of small corpses. Mord points out several of the twisted ones mixed in and frowns. The party makes a quick check of the cave but all is quiet so they regroup in front again.
Mord's words seem to growl through the morning air. "Nay go runnin ahead unlees it be planned or a fer a VERY good reason! Our strength be in our working together er retreating together. Ye go chargin off with no warnin ye are bound to git more then yerself killed. Now, we will go west and we will stay as a tight group workin together." His words trail into the dawn light as the party moves on.
_Upon announcement by Mord while the two currently standing facing the rest, Dietrick thums chest.
"Er, need tink alots more now but Dietrick use all is' strength try protect village! Honor Alastar!"After they were dismissed, Dietrick proceeds to shake any hand offered to him, but generally thums his chest instead of offering his hand.
That night at the grapevine inn, Dietrick appeared in jolly spirit and ordered ale to be given out freely to any who cares for a mug, going about laughing and clanking mugs with everyone, both ex fellow recruit, now fellow guardsman and superiors. He appears to hold his ale very well though, drinking mug after mug without dropping flat.
When he is finally seen with the new issued red cloak, he looks with fasinated expression at it, smiling to himself, twirling here and there trying to catch a glimpse of the red hanging from his back like a puppy chasing after its tail._
*Celestria stands in the background with a proud grin watching the two who worked so hard to attain Guard status.
After some of the hubbub settles a bit, she is seen approaching each and congratulating them with a broad smile and a hug to both of them.*
Well done both of you… and welcome aboard.
Albryanna goes to each in turn, giving them both a shake of hands and congratulating them Well done guardsman. She never asks for any beverages though
*Later after the duty shift ends, Andrew can be found at the Grapevine purchasing "Juice of the Apple" for any Militia Guards who wish it. He then decides he will pay for all who wish a bottle of juice.
When a request for an alcoholic beverage is mentioned, he points to Deitrick. Regardless of the comments made about his juice Andrew can be seen conversing with many, juice in hand and a proud smile on his face.*
((Below are the current recruits I have on my roster. PLease be involved in this thread regularly. Other full guards chip in also. A couple have been on here for a bit and I am fairly sure they are in the game just on a different time then me. Without input they will languish here))
- Recruit: Tyler Wefneran
- Recruit: Raxia Steel
- Recruit: George
- Recruit: Friend (Shamman) Named "Smash" by Devlin
Mord watches from the hills as the groups of trainees wander back. He sees the hin wander and chuckles quietly to himself. murmurs Must be tougher then old shoe leather.
At the next mornings call the guard and trainees line up and Mord inspects the squads. A large half orc has shown up also and stands in line with the trainees. Mord adresses the group and has the orc step up.*
This be yer new charge lads, take im in and teach him the trade and laws. As always I will expect the best of all involved. The or else is left hanging silentlyHe then motions Andrew and Dietrick forward and has them turn to face the rest and simply says. Yer new guardsman are ready to serve the realm. Drinks are are em after duty this evenin.
Mord snaps a fist to his chest in Salute
Cyrian and Dietrick was seen leaving for the deep west rawlinswood with a few other strangers for Cyrian's advanced training for militia members. Apparently the test includes surviving against the hordes of tough goblins in the deep western rawlins consisting of grenadiers, casters, and elites. The large majority of the group was seen returning somewhat within a day or so, Dietrick was not seen among them. After 3 days in the early morning however, the hin was seen striding back into town with blood and wounds all over, with a proud accomplished smile.
"Dietrick dones Cyrian's advance militia training, now tuff tuff!" the hin is heard saying
Periodically seen in town, known to be wandering more of late between breaks, Dietrick is seen of late no longer in the town hall listening to archivist explaining to him but has been seen trying to practice some sort of swords play move, one can hear him mutter something about "compromising attack" or "sneaky chop attack"…
Albryanna stands by with a grin on her face
Alright kiddies, heres whats going to happen.
Any of you who wish for advanced tactics training can report to me when you see me in town, so long as I am in uniform.
My training is very dangerous so do not approach me if you are not sure of your own skills, be prepared for some of the harshest training you will have endured to date.
Training begins in the far west rawlinswood, and ends when either the goblins bring armies to force us out, you can no longer fight even a weak goblin, or someone dies.
Training generally lasts one day to a week and you will Not be given any long rests, we may take breaks when the forest have been cleared but we will be back to it at the first sign of goblins returning.
Devlin receives the letter and looks it over with a smirk.
"What's all this…. training? I thought Maya was training you. Is she not giving you enough to do either? Hmm... very well. We'll find you something to do. Maybe you, Dietrick, and Kresha and myself could start doing patrols out in the Far Western Rawlins. Since Dietrick is under me as a recruit, we can kill two birds with one stone there.... do you think you'd be able to handle that?"
Devlin pricks his finger with a his boot knife.... and draws in blood the symbol of Tempus.... then puts the parchment back into the envelope and reseals it, handing it back to Raxia.
"Mind giving this back to Mord?" He simply smiles, standing idly.
Raxia walks into the office and smirks
I was wondering Commander Mord when the recruit status of some of us would be lifted and if you had in mind any task which one could do you.
she smiles letting him digest that statement
Mord leans back and shoves the pile of reports aside, smilling thinly. He looks her over a moment then nods
So the Seniors and Lieutenants ain't keepin ye busy enough? I will have a word with them then Trainee Raxia. I am sure there is much to do and they overlooked the great need fer yer trainnin. I am sure me talkin to em will give em some incentive to make yer life more interestin. In the meantime I need a message delivered to one of the Senior Guardsman Devlin, Elyl or Albryanna.He neatly folds a piece of parchemnt and seals it with the guard insignia. Please see that he gets this right away.
He stands
Dismissed Trainee.
((If Raxia delivers this it is a blank sheet of parchment with Mord's seal on it. Figure it out
she quickly searches the Norwick grounds and tries to find Devlin. Upon finding him she hands him the note and winks at him
Commander Mord said to give this to you.
she stands there awaiting his command
Raxia walks into the office and smirks
I was wondering Commander Mord when the recruit status of some of us would be lifted and if you had in mind any task which one could do you.
she smiles letting him digest that statement
Mord leans back and shoves the pile of reports aside, smilling thinly. He looks her over a moment then nods
So the Seniors and Lieutenants ain't keepin ye busy enough? I will have a word with them then Trainee Raxia. I am sure there is much to do and they overlooked the great need fer yer trainnin. I am sure me talkin to em will give em some incentive to make yer life more interestin. In the meantime I need a message delivered to one of the Senior Guardsman Devlin, Elyl or Albryanna.He neatly folds a piece of parchemnt and seals it with the guard insignia. Please see that he gets this right away.
He stands
Dismissed Trainee.
((If Raxia delivers this it is a blank sheet of parchment with Mord's seal on it. Figure it out
Albryanna follows from a safe distance, keeping a watchful eye on the hin, making sure no serious harm comes to him.
Mord spots the glum hin and askes his lieutenants what happens. He nods at their explanation and tells them to git the hin out of the hall of records fer a bit and go kill something in the woods.
Dietrick is seen with an angry and glum look since the death of Alastar.
Many in the barracks seem to carry a frown with them as recent news of the death of Recruit Alastor Kross reaches there ears. It is said he was killed by a horde of goblins though the true cause of his death, be it goblins or some other creature, no one knows.