Invitations are delivered
on the outside of the velum sealed with a wax stamp
Hanali's Secrets of the Heart dinner.
upon opening the folded velum
Lady Rilia Dedralle is hosting an evening of fine dining in the Peltarch Fest Hall on the evening of the next full moon. The full moon of each month being traditionally a holy day to Hanali Celanil. It is a time for lovers and romance to abound under the watchful and knowing eyes of the Lady of the Golden Heart a goddess of romance and love. A fine chef, with a reputation as one of the most preminent chef's of his generation has traveled to Peltarch. Having heard of this, the Lady Dedralle has been arranging a celebration to her patron The Lady Golden Heart. Only the finest of wines will be gracing the tables to accent the gormuet food from the kitchen. White glove service provided.
a small card within the folded velum
You are cordially invited to attend the Secrets of the Heart dinner.
When: The first evening of next full moon
Where: The Peltarch Festhall
Time: ((10:30 EST)) early evening ((Saturday 3/3))
Dress: Formal
Cost: TBD based on your gift choices ((base rate 300))
Gentlemen and Ladies, If you wish to buy your sweetheart a gift and have it presented to her or him at the dinner please contact the hostesss. A list of suggested gifts will be provided. Flowers will be available for purchase as well.
signed in a flowing elven script
Lady Rilia Dedralle
((pm me or lucid or catch us in a tell in irc or ig with any questions. We are looking for couples. This is supposed to be a ritzy night on the town for people who do not have that opportunity normally ig.))