Application for the Guard

  • Dear Chancellor of Norwick,

    It is with great pleasure and interest that I offer my services to the town of Norwick for its defense. I am a magic user of small repute, but hope that in time and with the experience that I can gain from being a part of the town's defense I will one day rise to a greater purpose in the town's defense.

    I have read the town's laws and understand them. I have read the town's history as detailed in many of the books at Spellweaver Keep and understand it. I am currently studying at the Keep, and as a hobby I like to collect hides and craft them in to items. Something I am finding I am excelling at.

    I look forward to your response on this matter.

    Neal Rektevich

  • Word is sent back to neal that he should seek out Dwin Dolvak, Commander of the Militia, or one of his various captains for an interview.