OOC: Just a few things...
Hello everyone just wanted to say Hi, and to let everyone know thta I am real happy to be back as part of the camp. Just have a few suggestions, and for some reason the stickied thread, wont let me post or see anything past page one. So here goes, (also, if anyone wants to move this to the right thread please do so)…
1. I would like to see more Romi/Gali items. Special things that Baba Kayta has brewed or magiced up. Such as an amulet that does Protection from evil x number of times per day. Or special weapons, or better clothing from Folen. (I am currently working on some clothing, armour, and items, which I would be happy to erf and send to a DM to put into the camp.)
2. A place to hunt. Two reasons: a. Campers who are tanners can get hides to tan. b. So Hungery, poor campers han have some food to eat. We already have a lot of camp fires, but no food to cook them on.
3. In the Hidden Cove tile set, SW cornor (looking on it from the map of Narfell.) there is a water fall with a cave, much like the one inside the faire gleen in Norwick. Just nothing on the inside of it. I purpose a cavern be set here that has Minable ores. Also, the bridge to a piece of land with nothing on it. I would suggest making it a little bigger and putting a cave on it as well. This could be where the spider queen comes from or some other unknown creatres lair.
4. Everything that was in the previous thread that I could not post these suggestions.
That is all for now my fellow campers.
Thanks for the input Adric.
Many of the above ideas have been brought up in the past and have been discussed. Only time will tell about any of them coming to be, just hang in there and enjoy the camp for what it has to offer right now.
crosses fingers for new build
At this point, I would be totally happy to see any one of these ideas implemented. As well as the things mentioned in the sticky thread. Got my vote, lol