Elven Outpost Rebuild?

  • My thoughts on this are, we have this rich, actual history of the place, as sciolist points out….really interesting things... alot of them.... over a long period of time have happened here.

    It's a natural place for player interaction and involvement. Some long time players think of it as their original home, some see it as the center of where many elves were raised in the region. Events in a number of long term, super major plots took place here. Much of the last Defiler plot happened in and around this place. It has a distinct, real past.

    This past history shouldnt just be forgotten, and the place never was a "starting point" in Narfell, so the argument that we have the camp, Jiyyd, etc. as "cities" is illogical as a reason not to try and rebuild it. What does that have to do with this place anyhow?

    This ought to be up to the players. If some folks decide to put tons of time towards rebuilding the place, it can lead to major and interesting conflicts and developments, just like any other parts of Narfell can.

    There isnt any reason that it cant, is there? I mean, why not?

    The destruction of the camp is one of the major "life influencing" parts of Lyte's story, and it's a tale she often retells. She was involved in the destruction of the camp, her old home, and she's had IG other super important events there for her, bonding with Pete, an encounter with her goddess, and I'd hate to think that the place is now off limits to any future changes, simply because the camps tents and primitive structures were burned.

    It's fate, I think, ought to be left open to what the players try to do there, rather than specifically forbidding interacting with this cool, isolated, forest camp.

  • More generally I'm against ghetto-isation. We already have Peltarch, Jiyyd, Norwick and the Gypsy Camp. I guess that the Shesae have a guildhall somewhere. Do we need as a server to rebuild -that- elf camp?

    If you really want to rebuild it - drive that process IC. Take teams of people to camp on that southern map edge. Do it every reset. Spend RL hours down there. If every DM on sees that you've gathered 5-6 players to go and RP 'building' - that will maybe come to mean something.

    For other stuff. If DM/Dev wants to add an 'Elven Ruin' dungeon manned by lost and unhappy elven souls unable to rest due to the treachery of Silmathienia, Yuan Ti treasure hunters or Drow - with phat loot and XP - that would be great, too.

  • There are quite a few characters that are obsessed with or incredibly well versed in Narfell history that can tell you all you need to know about the destruction of the elven camp. You just need to ask around if you want to know.

  • Seems silly to put an elven camp/place/treefort in the gypsy pass. Would elves want to live with a bunch of hippies? {cough} i mean gypsies. Really i haven't met and elf, nor played an elf which didn't feel they were better then everyone else.. atleast on the inside. Also i feel that if a new elven place/hangout is going to be built it shouldn't be in an area already used. South of Norwick could use the traffic, so could some place near Peltarch. The more stuff in those areas the more people that would frequent them. IMO I think an IC investigation of the destruction of the old camp and a rebuilding of it would be a undertaking well worth it. And i say investigation because obviously most characters ig don't know what happened to it if people OOC didn't even realize it was destroyed till it was gone.

    anyways…. Ramona if around while the subject is brought up is of the oppinion to rebuild, she even offers her protection and healing to any worker and volunteers. An unofficial healer of the camp.

  • ICC

    If you want to remake the outpost, tell Horg and he might be able to help guard the workers, and also carry heavy things,

  • Elven Outpost was destroyed September 2005. NPCs were removed, but buildings weren't trashed to reflect what had happened. They weren't whole as they appeared in game.

    I think any pc who was around Autumn 05 (and I'd assume the general non-pc population of Narfell) can tell you exactly what happened as its destruction was part of a major sever wide plot. It's on the forums somewhere too.

    Edit: Here


    No one has lived in it since then. It'll also be common knowledge around Norwick (more forum posts) that a group of elves called the Shesae cleared away the rubble/charred wood/whatever. Left for the forest to regrow.


  • don't really want to see elves as a section of the gypsy camp at all

    would like to rebuild the outpost personally, but we have to find out if it still exists, went there few days back and the map was cut, have been told theres an ic explanation, have asked but nobody i spoke to knew

  • Alright so it seems that more of you want to leave the outpost destroyed then try and rebuild it,lazy slackers,anyway…I just noticed that there wasn't much elven culture in Narfell and scavaging the destroyed outpost before rebuilding it would be a good chance to find something.Or we could just do what the otehr have suggeseted...and build closer to the camp,laet me know which would be better so I can figure out what to ask donations for..thanks.

  • Points up to previous post and nods.

    Hells yes. Have the encampment of Elves slowly gather about the gypsy camp and make it a part of their own is a great idea. I am sure there are enough Gali elves already that they could easily approach the elder council and ask for a piece of land they can call their own.

  • I agree with Nevyn. The elves should oust the filthy Rom from the forests west of the pass. 🙂

    More seriously, the Gypsy Camp is atop one of the larger drow concentrations and would make a great place for some sort of elven sentry-post. I'd say to pick a tree and make it a RP meeting place for elf stuff. Dedicate a tree to Rillifane the Leaflord and go from there.

    Make a place IC where the elves -do- hang out. Then, the decision to maybe add a placeable there permanently is much easier. If a DM is amenable, add a couple tents and a cookfire temporarily while you're chilling there.

  • As a player I'd personally like to see something that was destroyed in a big plot, actually stay destroyed. Otherwise we just endlessly keep everything static, no flow, no real development if things eternally get rebuilt.
    It'd be nice to see some elven culture things, but they don't need a whole outpost buried in the rawlins past a whole lot of deadly monsters and in the middle of Yuan-Ti land to have that after all.

  • Hey actually I'm interested in this as well for Tirreth. As a player I'd like to see this happen. Though as a DM I don't know what the story is so guess we'll just have to wait for someone in the know to tell us. ^_^

  • *Lyte of Jiyyd has often expressed desire and willingness to spend coin and guard over the workers involved in any such enterprise.

    Any aspiring elf camp-rebuilders may well have heard rumors that this well known lady would support such a cause quite generously, if asked.*