Shocking, simply shocking, I tell you!

  • The Peltarch Herald Thril is heard complaining loudly to the Captain of the Guards, demanding that arrests be made

    They threatened me! They surrounded me and threatened my life! They threatened to stab me repeatedly!
    All because I was upholding the law on marriage! I have never been so insulted in my life! I will not tolerate this type of behavior from…... OUTLANDERS! Just who in the name of the gods do they think they are?

    _After hearing the Herald complaints, he turns and issues arrest warrants for the following people:

    Senria Rydralon
    Alexi Shivarn
    Khory Bannefin
    William Morrison_

  • DM

    The Magistrate is seen to be irritated by this whole debarcle.

    He makes a plain public statement..

    "All those accused of crimes by the guard and not presenting themselves in person for trial to enable justice to be served impartially under my judgement cannot complain that somehow justice is not being served."

    "trials in the streets, amid whispers and counter-allegation are not part of civilised society. I have noted all those who seem to be speaking as witnesses to these events, and i shall call them to a hearing and trial if the remaining defendent does not call them as witnesses".

    "there will be a trial, and the remaining wanted individual for trial will find themselves present in our courts eventually. Justice will be served in this city for all."

    "a charge has been made, to which most of the individuals concerned have presented themselves lawfully, and honourably. Once this charge is dealt with with the remaining individual the courts will listen to any allegations against Herald thril as per the legal statute".

    "I shall be asking for witness statements once the accused has presented themselves into my judgement at the guardhouse. Until this time no charge will be forthcoming for Herald Thril."

    "I ask right and lawful thinking individuals for their moral and personal support for this humble declaration."

  • "so .. will the accusations of illegal practices not be investigated against the herald just because he's the herald?"

  • For those who follow the courts and it's proceedings:

    William Morrison has been released and his case adjucated.
    His fine was paid, and there are no further charges.

  • Gossip spreads about town about the man who turned himself in for the charges, and is currently residing in the City Jail. Though no names have been mentioned, it was said that he was extremely polite throughout, and Captain Ne'sbarre was impressed by his composure and forthright manner

  • Mercy squeltches by on her way to purchase a new ladle after accidentally taking a bite out her her last one. Seeing the breaking out of riotous exclamation, she grunts, and scratches her arse philosophically.

    "Daft file-pile o' pricks the lot o'ee." With a chortle and a wanion-wink to Genzir - "Argh, Baldy Bastard," she proceeds to purchase the ladle.

    Price 5 gold. Excellent quality.

  • Genzir approaches Lisa after hearing about the discussion, a friendly smile on his face.

    "I was there for that whole thing, and I just don't think those accusations hold water. It's true, circumstances don't make it alright to threaten somebody, but you should take them into account when you're figuring out whether the man was threatened. For example, I could get extremely upset at somebody, and say to my friend, "I could kill the bastard!" and it's just swearing. But if my friend says he wants revenge against that person, and I say, "I could kill the bastard," that could be very different, I could be offering to assassinate somebody.

    "Knowing the circumstances under which the words they said were spoken, I would say there was no actual threat." Anyway, you don't need a lecture on legal principles from me," said Genzir, smiling and waving his hand dismissively. "If you like, I'd be happy to attend any trial or hearing you hold and offer my advice, and my testimony as a witness, so we can get this all sorted out in a proper, legal way."

  • // Is this a rumor? Or a real-time conversation in a crowded marketplace? 🙂

    Salacious gossip on what and why, please!

  • Mecizq can be seen taking a chance in the brief lull to have a brief word in Lilly's ear, then leaving quitly looking troubled.

  • So you mean wrongfully marrying two people against their will has no consequences? Especially when said abuse of power is directly responsible for the problems now faced?

  • Lisa watches the heated debate of the wedding in the commons, and calmly speaks.

    "What matters in this specific case is if the accusations of 'threats' made toward Herald Thril is true or not. Everything else, such as the circumstances around the 'threats', are mostly irrelevant. Despite the feelings involved we have to look at it from a legal point of view.

    They are accused of "Obstruction of Justice" and "Disturbing the Peace", the latter being merely a fine and a couple of days, the former, well that is a little more serious, but I am certain that if the people involved came quietly, it will all be solved in a hasty manner.

    If the accused decide to remain from the city, they will admit to guilt, become ban and wanted and face the full extend of the law. But let us hope it will not come to that.

    Now please sit down, there is truly little to be done about this."

  • I'd count your blessings you made it out alive, if you had tried shite like that at my wedding you would have been stabbed. To be quite honest, I think you brought every bit of it upon yourself, and from what I understand it is only due to your incompetance at paperwork that produced a clerical error, by which I mean paperwork.

    If not for you, the issue would never have arisen. Hells, there's probably a law out there for forcibly marrying folks, I don't see why that would be any different than domination spells. Then failing to remedy the mistake and causing a scene over a mistake made with no fault to the people baring the burden of your faults.

    In my eyes you are one of the most despicable and self conceited pieces of shite I've ever laid eyes on, probably the sort of man that licked Koreth's heels. You ruined the best day of their lives.

    a very much vehement Lilly finishes her tirade at Herald Thrill, taking deep breaths to control her anger

  • Nako sighs softly and shakes her head reading it after her duty was done. Taking time to read over it a few times she then heads south on her off time