Starting quests.

  • Alright, as this topic has come up before…

    I'm going to restart it.

    Peltarch is in need of alot of work and the team that is working on Peltarch is aware of this. We know that players are the life of the city and that the city could be a bit friendlier to new players...

    So in line with that, I am going to start a sort of Reward.

    We need some quests for starting players designed and submitted by the players, so that we can focus on other things like bringing you in game fun. So! I am going to offer an xp reward to those who are willing to work out a starting quest for low levels and then submit it to myself.

    This is your chance to contribute, if you have ideas and wish to share them..

    Email me at with your ideas.

  • **Help out in the Morgue wagon.

    1. checkin at the morgue, be given an address to fetch a body from
      (if possible have that random from a pool of addresses)
    2. PC must fetch the body from said point
    3. possible opposition would be some low level necromancers who also try to keep up with the drops
    4. PC is given choice to hand body over to necros or fight them off, carrying a heavy load (if load is dropped it may get scooped)
    5. Gold from necros and evil points or exp from morgue on the assumption you make it back**

  • Help out in the infirmary
    1. Orderly gives the quest
    2. PC must visit each of 10 beds and click the patient
    3. Clicking patient makes a heal check vs some Level-based DC
    4. Return to questgiver.
    5. Reward based on number of heal checks succeeded.

    1-5 successes - 3gp 10XP per success
    6-7 successes - 4gp 15XP per success
    8-9 successes - 5gp 20XP per success
    10 successes - 6gp 25XP per success and award a minor item of +2 heal

    Help out in the Library
    1. Librarian gives the quest
    2. PC must visit each of 10 bookshelves and click them to catalogue
    3. Clicking shelf makes a lore check vs some Level-based DC
    4. Return to questgiver.
    5. Reward based on number of lore checks succeeded.

    1-5 successes - 3gp 10XP per success
    6-7 successes - 4gp 15XP per success
    8-9 successes - 5gp 20XP per success
    10 successes - 6gp 25XP per success and award a minor item of +2 lore

    DC notes
    If the DC is 13 - then a focussed PC with +7 in the skill will only make about 2/3 of the rolls on average. Which is a 3% chance of hitting the magic 10 successes.
    Optionally - you could make the skill checks take 10-20 seconds. Don't allow them to re-roll each check until they succeed.

  • Unload the ship

    1. Given by <whoever>if PC is not 'disliked by honest Dockworkers' and Start the Timer.
    2. Move items from Storage unit1 (on ship) to Storage unit2 (Warehouse)
    3. The items are 'crates' or 'sacks' of significant weight.
    4. Count how many items are moved out of storage1
    5. Count how many items are put in Storage2
    6. When time runs out - declare the ship 'unloaded' and prevent access to Storage1.
    7. after final dropoff return to questgiver
    8. Pay the PC XP and GP per item deposited. Give more GP if 'trusted docker'
    9. If items deposited < items picked up - award chaotic points and give this PC an item of 'Disliked by honest Dockworkers'. Remove 'Trusted Docker' item if present.
    10. If Items deposited = items picked up, award 'Trusted Docker' item (will benefit them next time they try this)

    10. Sell excess items to a Black Marketeer (Sails?) for some GP value and maybe some different XP.

    Erase bad records/Gain Stevedore permit
    1. Persuade check to get past NPC in some docks area
    2. Disarm trap/pick locks to access office and desk
    3. Remove 'Disliked by dockers token' - or grant item of 'Trusted docker'</whoever>

  • Just to clarify, this is for scripted, static quests…not events that need dm's


  • I made that loanshark area, and it was send into game. However, with no clear point. Just.. an area. Perhaps giving him a quest for low level evil pc's? Or chaotic pc's?

    Collect a payment, perhaps there is even a small fight involved. A loanshark quest is great way for an evil quest, if they get approved by him, that is.

    Shrugs My idea. I suck at english, so to write a fully representable english dialoque for the Narfell module wouldn't be my thing.

    What about the city morgue? Perhaps the guy has a knick for skeleton knuckles? Or other left-overs from dead beasts?

  • Quest: Tour Gude:

    Requirements: One character who knows the city well and a group of lowbies who want to get to know the city better, and perhaps others as well. DM's to posess NPC's who want to participate in the tour.

    What it is: The one who knows Peltarch well will volunteer to give tours on specific dates (IRL times set) In which they will go about telling people about the city, breif history of each location. The event would be a couple of hours long, and lowbies will be rewarded according to the interest they show, questions they ask, and overall attentiveness to rp. The tour guide will be paid by the city for providing it a service, something like 150-200 coin per IRL hour if they do well.

    What players get out of it: Knowledge of the city and its history, knowing of locations and places of interest in the city, and RP xp for interacting with the tour.

    Reccomended XP: Significantly high for low levels, for the tour guide since they already have knowledge {experience} and are getting paid gold, maybe a bit less, depending (Up to DMs judgement). I think its quite a significant amount for a low risk quest.


    Quest: Enriching Peltarch's Culture

    Requirements: Low levels, encouragement and aid from higher levels to help further along their talents. The odd jerk here and there to make snide remarks, though i would lik to keep the latter to a minimum since we want to encourage low levels. It would be held in the Peltarch theatre. Maybe some tents, an arena, some miscelanious effects in the theatre. People can sit in the stands but its generally something to be done by everyone on the floor.

    What it is: Not just bards, but anyone who feels they have a talent in something may participate. Acrobats, jugglers, singers, dancers, idealists, philosiphy, martial prowess and other feats.

    What it offers: A chance for lower levels to interact with higher ones,a chance for lower levels to intract with themselves. Reputation bonuses RP wise since lower levels who rp well and meet many people helps a lot more than lower levels staying in low level party "cliques".