Featherflight Tribe

  • The skald, Jerr, is now making almost daily runs out to the Featherflights trying to keep an eye on the mourning tribe. With the loss of their chief the featherflights are in serious straights and must soon choose a new one.

    Jerr chuckles ruefully at a few around the Jiyyd fir who ask how they can apply for the job. "Tis not a thing outsiders can 'apply for' or even compete for. This includes 'trusted friends', honorary members, and neighbors and especially," he sighs, "women. They follow the old ways and most likely will till the tribe dies the slow disapation. Headless they will begin to drift apart, having no common order an attack upon them will be that much easier. This is whay I asked a few outsiders to help in setting the traps and alarms right fter the lives were lost. Normally I would never do such a thing to the tribe but they needed someone to take charge, to see to the common needs . . . "

    Visiting the FF's now people will find that they are keeping closer to home making you realize the true size of the tribe. These are the folk who have, in the past, hunted most of the Nars and excel at finding paths others do not know of. They never thought it would be used against them as it was by the Bugbears and Goblins. Closer to home they will be watching the woods just the same and those out on the central plains will always feel like they are being watched. The feeling is right, they are.