What type of city is Arnath?

  • Just to avoid confusion, how does Arnath want to be viewed by others? I was always under the impression it would put on a neutral front with evil behind the scenes. That way no one from Arnath should immedietly get the "Evil" label as soon as someone form the surface finds out they live down there. People from everywhere could come in and trade and leave none the wiser that in the forbidden sections of town evil is plotting. Just curious as to everyones opinion on this.

  • Arnath is a opertunity for Amerien 😛

    i think soul summed it up pretty good i would have to agree with him 😄

  • :?

    I vote Soul to be the Aranth press briefer and spokesman. 😄

  • To me, Arnath is a city. Much like any other. The city is open to everyone. In general there is a variety of people in Arnath.

    As to what exactly Arnath is? Well, its what ever you want to make of it. Its a city where a smart mind can get you as far as a fast blade. Perhaps even farther? Or is it the other way around? It really comes down to you. What do you want Arnath to be for you?

    If you want it to be a city of high adventure, it can be.
    If you want it to be a city of danger and death, it can be.
    If you want it to be a refuge, it can be.

    Arnath is a city that is still and always be changing because of how strongly different groups and their members effect it. It is a completely alive city. Any character can rise from the gutter to the halls of the Tribunal. As any member of the Tribunal can fall to the gutter.

    How is Arnath viewed by others? Well, it has gone from a city of mystery to a well known city of evil. Now, it is a city that is neutral in the battles that rage over head. It will always be seen to some as a city of evil. Nothing can change that. But, it to the casual eye it appears to be simply a city that lets its citizens have many freedoms with few restrictions.

  • Arnath should he a gritty dark city, a bit like Peltarch, but with a Gothic feel to it. It should not be a town of evil, but a town of Neutrality, where instead of becoming the underground laboratory of evil, it is a city that just does not give a damn and is open to all citizens alike.

    My dream Arnath would be a place with narrow streets, and gritty pubs, where you will find prostitutes, and gamblers trying to make a coin. A place where being dragged in to an alleyway never to be seen again, is not out of question, and everybody is a bit unsure of everybody, but main rule is

    “if you don’t stick your nose in other peoples business, they wont stick their nose in yours”

  • I see arnath as a safe haven, a small city… but even before I ever went down there IC, IC I heard all sorts of bad things.... but you have to remember, the way alot of people think... if it is located underground... it cannot be good.

  • I have always seen it and believed it to be a neutral city, with a slight bent towards evil, with evil behind the scenes.

    It is a home for outcasts, criminals, and other such things. Generally anyone is welcome to come, however no one is allowed to have trouble. Early on this was tougher because you'd have this scenario

    1. PC one comes to arnath to escape
    2. Random goody goody PC comes to arnath, see's him, then knows where he is and starts causing problems because they want him
    3. Arnath is piss poor for defense so i can't really be a good safe haven

    Now we have this orc army out there and are amassing some other strength. Not enough to ever attack, but great defense…as was always hoped for. So a neutral city, with likely a heavily evil bent behind the scenes (and it will filter to the public view as well likely), that is a refuge works well.

    Anyone may come to arnath, and while in arnath as long as they follow the laws and cause no problems they are safe. If a goody comes there and finds out they're there good for him. If he wants to try to bring an army down to get one person expect to get slaughtered ((and i would love to see a cleric or paladin sacrifice hundreds of lives in a war just to get one criminal)), if he wants to demand to arnath to expell that person basically have a policy saying we won't get rid of anyone that has not commited a crime within our city, etc.

    This allows for anyone to come, for it to succeed as a refuge, and things to run kind of smoothly. Though the longer we are here (and even already) i think we're going to get viewed as a neutral city of evil people. By this i mean we allow anyone in, but there's almost all evil people. Kind of like peltarch. Peltarch is a "neutral" city of "good" people generally. Both places have that you can serve any god, but in peltarch you generally are going to see a lot more good followers while in arnath the banites and cyrcists and others are going to be evident. I think we should keep ahold to the "we're a neutral city" thing as long as possible but understand if people start viewing us as evil...though we should work to not make that view easy to come by

  • I too am under the impression that it is just a haven for those who are socially outcast by the rest of society, not necessarily evil, but not necessarily good.

    Cyrian LoreWeaver is a Neutral Good PC, and he goes down to Arnath now and then to talk to people or visit his friends.