Announcement From Arar

  • Legion

    Arar stand next to a dark armored soldier,who shout the following Announcement wrote on a old scroll.


    The Tribunal want to introduce to you,citizens of Arnath a new member in the Tribunal. Dania,daughter of Yulan,will soon sit at the council.

    Respect her,like you respect the Tribunal.

    Soon,we will open the elections for the four open chairs. It is now,time for all of you to think about it.To be officialy in this election campaign,you have to approach one of the Tribunal member and they will hand to you the official scrolls to allow you to try to become a Tribunal member.

    May you all be safe,



  • Arizima listens the the announcement, quitting what she is doing and snapping to attention at the sound of "Oi". She glances up and down the solider as he speaks, then nods her head briefly yet repectivly to Arar. After the announcement she approaches the solider.
    Nice armor.