An Oath of Blood Binds forever...
_In the forest realm of Arvandor, Corellon Larathian's Priest on the Prime plane continue their duties, as advisers, and examples for the elven People. Sitting in a Temple in a remote area of the infinate plane Chandon Kollias sits looking over the parchement that was delivered to him. "Brother Kollias, Please come with all haste to the well of souls. Sign Lare'lithiam, Lead Proxy of Corellon."
Chandon sighs some as he packs his bag, and using his new abilites, travel the weave of his god's magic, to the well of souls. The well was ornate, made of pollisde marbel, streaked with blues, golds, green, copper and obsidian. More of a reflecting pool with a cool surface, than an actual place to drink, many eleves come here to look into the cool waters to view the Mortal world, and see the love ones they left behind, or memories that are long past but dear to them. The well was unuaslly quite as Chandon was standing there looking around._
"Brother Kollias, it is good to see you again," said the Lead Proxy as he materialized near Chandon, " I hope you find the Well peacful today?"
"I do your Eminance, I came as soon as I got the summons," Chandon responded with a respectful bow to the Proxy of his god.
"Chandon, we need to discuse a matter. Please tell me do you remember this?" The Proxy then waves his hand over the still water and a sceene places out for them….
text is from the The Elven Blood Oath by adric75. ((This is in response to a DM encounter that I had with DM Snuggely Cat back in Feb' 04.))
Chandon made his way to through the Hidden pass to the spot he spied in the deep area with Cotton and Kaona. It was a ravine that had a bridge to a clearing and what looked like a cave. Indeed the forest seemed to shrink back as he walked, it seems that all nature knew what his intensions were this evening, and wanted to watch, and wait.
The darkness of the night, and the fact that Selune was not visible made this the perfect time for his task. He reached the clearing, in record time, and patiently began to assemble the small Alter before his god Corellon and the other members of the Selderaine, made from the wood of ash, oak, and pine. “Creoso, mellonamin, Aâ€
maelamin, Heruamin (Welcome my friend, my champion, my lord) Corellon Larethian.†Upon the wooden Alter, after he sanctifies it, he places a silver bladed dagger, which is finely etched with the holy symbols of the Selderaine.
“Corellon Larethian, Protector of Your Children, and Keeper of Elves, I plead with you. Hear my vow I make tonight, and bless my actions. Sheverash, Lord of Revenge, Hunter of Drow, and keeper of the Blood Oaths, I plead with you. Hear my vow I make tonight, and bless my actions.†At this Chandon knells down before the Alter, and places his left hand upon it, palm facing up still, in his right hand he takes the dagger, and positions it to cut across his palm.
“Before you I relate my actions. Three days past, the Gnoll leader, that plagues this camp of mixed races that I your servant calls home, captured me, and held me for ransom. This is not what I enact the Blood Oath for, but for the actions that they took while I was in there midst. A human woman of child berthing years, and a young human male no more than six winters old was both killed before me. I was made to watch as their shaman and their leader feasted upon their remains. I vowed to him that I would not rest until they were revenged. I take this blood oath in their names which I know not, and the countless others they have inflicted pain upon. If my vow, and this Oath is justified in your eyes, guide my actions I plea.†With the last of the words are said, Chandon slowly draws the blade across his palm cutting a deep line in it. He sets the dagger back on the Alter and stands letting the blood flow from the cut upon the Alter.
To his astonishment, and delight, the gods heard his vow, and he watched as the wound healed to a pink line scare on his palm, he quickly jumped back as the Alter burst into flames, and quickly turned to ash in the Divine Fire. Shortly after he watched as the last of his Alter float away on the wind, he quickly dresses and made his way back to the Romi camp.
Chandon looks at the pool and remembers the past event, and of his oath to the camp. He then looks again to the pool as it scean changes yet again…
text is from The Last Huzza by adric75. Chandon was walking into the inner camp, it was night, and a strange sensation came upon him. He quickly strapped on his full plate, and went hurriedly through the camp looking and listening for any signs. He spotted a group of Gali by the bridge to the Gnoll woods. “Chan hurry there are dead Gnolls trying to cross the bridge,†yelled Lillith.
After a brief journey traveling through the Gnoll woods, they found a book, and took it Baba Katya. Michael, Terrick, Lillith, and Chandon went into the tree, while the others stood guard at the bridge. Michael had unleash an evil spirit pent up in the book that took Baba Katya away. The group gather there wits and watched as a white stage, the Caraboo, that laugh at them ran off to the Nars.
The group gave chase, and met up with a Hin that told them of a few leads of where the Evil might of taken Baba Katya. They followed heading for a cavern that bandits were hiding in and most of them fell before they were able to proceed. They awoke in the deadlands, startled, and awaiting their fates.
Chandon knelt to pray to Corellon his god, and asked for forgiveness for his actions and falling again in battle. To his astonishment his holy symbol appeared around his neck, along with the one he had given to Ox, around his as well. Chandon stopped his prayer, looking over, as well as the others as Corellon stood in front of them all, smiling to them. “Come my Sons. It is time for you to journey to a new Realm,†He said to Ox and Chandon.
Chandon stood there proudly looking on as Ox, became an Elf, walked out to stand with his god, turns and speaks a few words to Velven, and the others. “It is time for me to go on to Arvandor, and I would like to say a few words before I leave.†He first looks over to Velven, “You are a proud warrior, and one that I truly cared about, as a friend and family." He then looks to Lillith, Terrick and the others, “I wish you all the best of luck in these times. May Corellonâ€
s blessing go with you, and happiness as well.â€
He then turns and walks towards his god, and his friend, leaving the mortal world behind, destine to find new adventures in Arvandor.
"My Brother, the oath you took of the defense of the Romi Camp demands that you go back to Narfell, your duty to them has not finished. Prepare yourself Chandon, you shall go back."
The lead Proxy looks Chandon over as he stands back. He then starts to cast a spell of Resurection upon him Sending Chandon's Soul back to the Prime Plane, and to fulfill his duty, to his god Corellon, and to the Romi people.
Biting his lower lip gently he speaks quietly to a whisper.
"I's trust yer Kona.. but's I's just canna believe it. I's don'ts wanna belives it, I's set. I's set."
Troubled with the thousands of voices in his head, he stands petrifyed.
With a serious look crossing her face, Kaona looks at Klaz with glittering light blue eyes.
Klazzy, who has been messing with you??….voice softens… You know that I would never mess with you like that. It is truly Chan…He has come back…
Klaz turns to Kaona glancing blue at her eyes. Shifting his look down he tilts his head up towards the three.
_"Its a story, tis all a story, I's been messed with before, and I's aints gonna be messed with again."
"Na's way, cannas be hims, .. coulds be someones else"_
Kaona smiles slightly as the bottle drops to the ground.
_Yes, Klaz, it is him. His god sent him back to complete his oath_…pats Klaz on the shoulder…_No worries though_…..mumbles…_I hope_…
He holds the bottle lighty; quiver in his hand. The red alcohol twirls and jumps as it shakes.
"is .. is tat him .. .. no. No. Hes dead … its .. it canna be right."
The leaves stain red as the drink falls to the ground with a quiet crash.
A slight grin alights Kaonaâ€
s face when she sees Chan by the fires. She pauses to take him in.
Well, Chan, welcome back….
She then strolls over to Horgan to buy a few bottles of Romani wine.
Hey, Klazzy.….puts an arm around Klazâ€
s waist as she hands him a bottle…_You look as if you need this_…glances back at Chan…_By the nine hells, I might need a few myself._
((WB, bud))
Klaz gazes at Chandon but does not approach. He seems startled and compelled at the old face he use to remember, the friend he use to cherish.
He mumbles quietly to himself
"hes dead … hes dead ..."((great to have ya back!))
(( I like where this is headed. Lets take it IG…))
Her laughing comes to a stand still at his answer, she tilts her head from side to side looking him over Hmmmm… well then, ya got no excuss ta be all uppitty then huh.
wisdom shines from her almond shaped green eyes
Nopes, Chan, same ole mix of spidy eyes and soured vinagar _a slight grins forms slowly as she watches the Elf and his body language_
Blushes deeply at the question from Cotton.
"Normally that would be something I would not tell, but seeing that you asked with such boldness. Yes I have." Only the flames of the fire are redder that Chan's pale white skin. "It was one of the temple attendents where I was assign to watch over the flock of Corellon's."
He quickly takes another drink of the wine.
"Has horgan changed anything, it sure does taste different after al these years, but for the better." He attempts to change the subject.
Elrin's shoulders heave and he tilts his head back, laughing heartily at the comment
watches Elrin with a funny grin and blows at the rings Silly smoke puffin bugga she giggles shaking her head then goes back to looking at Chandon
Yep yeps, we have lots ta yap about ole fella, first is.. she winks at Elrin ya get bedded yet or ya still walkin round like ya sat wrong on ah Cypress knee?
she busts out laughing, holding her top all the while
Elrin pulls his the hood of his dark grey cloak back, a few strands of raven hair falling about his face, and he runs a hand through it absently, pushing it back behind his ears
"Well, perhaps then… I'm not so memorable a person... I've been taught well to that regard it seems."
He takes a final draw from his pipe, exhaling one large ring straight into the air, and it settles about his head like a halo. He leans forward to tap the pipe out into the flames, and stows the pipe beneath his cloak, sliding the stem through his belt strap.
"Well, this time… I'll make sure you remember me... Welcome back nonetheless."
He leans back on his elbows, legs outstretched, and ankles crossed, and he watches the falling leaves
Chandon smiles as he approaches the fire and sees both Cotton and Elrin.
"It is truely good to see you both again," he says through a huge smile upon his face. "Though you sound familar, but I don't recognize you," he says over to Elrin, "But hopefully we can correct that," he states while bowing to him respectfully.
He takes the offered wine, and drinks some. He then sits across the fire looking at them both.
"It is a long story, and most of it is fadeing away to distant shadows. There are somethings, even for a priest, that is hard to hold onto when you come back to the mortal world." He looks to Cotton with respect, that one would give an elder, and says, "I was sent back to fulfill my blood oath that I swore to my lord Corellon, and to the Elders of the camp. It was not my time when I fell in the bandit caves." He takes another drink of the Romi wine. "I truely hope to put the past behind me. There are a lot of actions, and words that I said before that I regreat, and that is another reason why I came back, to make ammends for them."
He looks around the camp again, smileing as he seems to take in the festive mood, that the Romi, and Gali always seem to have, even during the roughest times that he can remember.
"It is nice to see that some things remain the same through the years that I have been gone."
Cotton leans back in her well worn rut and watches Chandon approach. Her eyes take him in, once, twice then lets out a faint breath shaking her head
Well, looky heres, a small frown forms on her pouty lips an me was just tellin Klazy when he bring ya name up that ya was a quita. Ya come back ta fullfill ya oath me hopes, cuss if not ya no need ta be here afta swearin to ya god an us Gali then leavin.
I not care much for some of ya words an actions from the past an me will be keepin me eye on yas Chan. But none the less, welcome back ta camp, hope ya prove worth ya weight in grit this time round.
She considers him a little while longer before holding out a bottle of Rom wine Watch ya step friend, an maybe things goes betta with ya.
Elrin sits by one of the fires as Chandon approaches, still trying to wear down his rut into the nice groove he had before… He pokes at the coals absently with a stick in his right hand, his left hand holding a pipe, long-stemmed it is, and curiously carved. The whisps of smoke curl up from the bowl and it flares and crackles as he pulls deeply. Exhaling a large smoke ring, and three smaller ones through it. He tosses the remainder of his poking stick into the flames, his eyes narrowed, brow furrowed in deep thought. He barely notices Chandon, offering a slight nod before turning his glance to the flames... Though, a hint of recognition is seen in his expression as he takes a second look, and he cracks a slight smile.
"So… You've come back then... They told me you had fallen..."
He takes another puff from his pipe, the orange glow lighting the dark beneath his hood briefly, the silver in his eyes gleaming. He then speaks in elven, fluent and graceful, as a first language almost.
{e}"I remember you, friend, but I wonder… Do you remember me?"
Awakening by the waterfalls near the lookout fire, Chandon drags himself from the the fetal position that he was in. Looking around the Nars pass, he quickly dresses, and heads towards the camp, pulling his Azure colored cloak tight about him.
"I forgot how cold the Narfell Region was," he says to himself, "How many years has it been?"
He continues along the path, and walks throuth the valley cliff to the outer portion of the Romi camp. Looking around he sees the Romi family that he once, and still has. Little Jenni comes running over, to see who the stranger is, and looks upon him with a smile, and a look of surprise.
"Did your god send you back again Mr. Chandon," she ask him. With a smile He looks back to her and replys, "Yes, he did. My work here is not finished."
She turns and goes heading off to do her normal chores, as Chandon heads to Horgan. After a few words of welcome, and Horgan giving his Welcome back discount, Chandon goes heading over to the fires, with a few bottles of the Romi wine. He sits down near the fire that all his old friends would sit with him, waiting to see if any of them returns. His mind drifts some as he thinks of his old traveling companions, such as Kaona, Cotton, Dram, Klaz, Lillith, Terrick, Bridie, Krista, and others that enriched his life.
((ooc: Well it is good to be home, and with the character that I should of stuck with from the beginning. Mad respect and much love to all the campers from the old days, and to the new ones that I hope to call friends soon. Glad to hear that we got 2 DMs for the camp. Look forward to being in some events with both of you, HKB and Riverthorn. New start, new dreams, and new directions.))
((And what did I say on your "Good Bye Narfell" post? Uh huh, they always come back.
WB Adric and hope to see ya in Camp, this time stick to your guns and let Chandon do his thang. Always happy to welcome back old campers and new alike))