
  • _Aelthas and Genevieve were married in the camp, under the blessing of Bast, the ceremony performed by Aelthas' mother, Lilin. Nyda was there to offer a blessing from Selune and Dentin also, to offer a blessing from Gond.

    The ceremony itself wasnt long, but the wine and food after the ceremony were plentiful. A smile on Ael's face not seen in some time, as he talks with family and friends, mostly when talking about the child who will be born any day now.

    After several hours of entertaining family and friends, Aelthas leads Jen off to thier new tent, looking exhausted, yet offering her a small smile as they enter thier home._

    ((If your PC would have been there, assume they were, to hard to get everyone IG at once))

  • @823d9f15fa=Fadia:

    Fad remarks that though the ceremony was indeed lovely, her nephew grew up altogether too fast. How dare he.

    She then grins, and takes part in the festivities

    ((bah, wish i could've been there ><))

    ((For those who didn't realise, with the play time issues with the Clerics involved and the Happy couple this wedding never happened IG and was a Downtime event. Hence the 'if you think you'd have been there, you were' thingy))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad remarks that though the ceremony was indeed lovely, her nephew grew up altogether too fast. How dare he.

    She then grins, and takes part in the festivities

    ((bah, wish i could've been there ><))

  • The dark skinned Umberlite priestess Taria makes a relatively short appearance at the wedding, of all things giving baby clothes as a gift. Takes only the time to give her best wishes to the couple and present the gift, dissappearing soon after.

  • Though Will spends a lot of time in the camp, the day of the wedding he is found elsewhere.

  • no doubt many times shadows are spotted by the wolve tala at the edge of the woods moving when they should not be.. though none appear to approah to close

  • Pavel makes an appearance at the wedding, asking the pair what they want in the future and out of each other. And later sticks a bit to the side, asking the same question from random people that happen to get close to him. And then he's simply not there anymore, disappearing without a word of farewell.

  • tala is heard to very sternly tell Aelthas that if she hears the words Great and Grandmother strung together near her it will be the last thing he ever speaks. Whether this means she will cut our his tongue or kill him is unknown. Tala growls at Aelthas a bit more before finding Jen and the little pink bundle. Tala seems a totally different woman around the child a Jen than the one that offered to harm ael so kindly.

  • A few weeks after the wedding Jen returns, slowly and with much fussing from Aelthas, to the Camp, with a small pink bundle swathed in blankets in her arms. Mother and baby both seem happy and healthy, the baby has been named Charlotte.

  • _Ragnhild stays away from the festivities, choosing instead to offer her congratulations and a few traditional wedding gifts the next day - one of which is a strange looking cake, baked with much love and care but probably not the tastiest of treats, knowing Ragnhild's style of cooking. She allows Lycka and Asha to attend part of the wedding, watching with a warm smile as the two girls pick huge bouquets of flowers for the happy couple.

    Sabre does attend the wedding, standing well back in the crowd and looking slightly ill at ease. After a few drinks and a quiet chat with bride and groom, she slips off into the night, warily eyeing the treetops for any eight-legged surprise guests_.

  • Raver leaves a bottle of pink wine outside their tent, though she doesn't attend the ceremony

  • ((grumbles and kicks Dreadlock I never get to go to the fun things))

    tala says the ceremony was lovely and implies that some had a bit too much to drink after the happy couple went back to their tent.