Ormpur refugees

  • Zoma is seen inquiring the Chancellor(If he's still alive) or whoever is charge of overseeing Norwick currently, regarding of the possibility of indulging the Ormpur refugee's presence within Norwick's territory and under Norwick's security as well for a time.

    "…They will arrive in families, mostly women and children I believe. Each group will only be staying in Norwick's territory for a few days before moving on to north. The families will arrive in intervals, so in all the procedure may take weeks, or months depending on the numbers.

    Thus, I wonder if Norwick will be willing to provide an empty land and spare several guards to oversee the refugee's safety?"

  • I would suggest camps in the hills themselves. They are drier in times of heavy rains and safer than eing near the road.

    Any refugees that are near enough can expect help from the Dwarven Hold as well… it might not be culinarily appeasing to long-leggers, but it will be nutritious.

  • the chancellor, now alive and well, does meet and talk with zoma for a time…

    The land just north of town near the temple should do well enough. Scouts will be made available to keep watch for the time they are with us until they can be moved safely…food and other supplies we will need to speak on further, but I am certain something can be arranged...