OOC: fight night - capture the flag thoughts/ideas

  • throw out your ideas about this last fight night ctf match. What did you like? dislike? what else would you like to see?

  • no problemo. We'll probably start rotating out different types of events again. Maybe something brand new shrugs we'll see 🙂

  • I do miss the old school fight nights. After the past three weeks of capture the flag, I feel like doing something different now. They were all fun and I had a great time with them, but I think we should do something else now.

  • Tonight was fun but…

    ...can we mix it up a little next time? Like do the old fashioned boxing or team battles or clan fight night... stuff like that. Thats what I liked about fight night... the way it was mixed up each time.

  • @df8f71dbc8=Green:

    I had a blast this last fight night….very fun, win or lose.

    I would like to see a ten minute "planning" meeting outside when the group gathers to do some group scheming before the event starts, really my only suggestion, I thought it worked great otherwise.

    Yer, there wasn't much planning time, I was rushing to frantically to type and read everything being said so everything was planned.

    Of course, the planning worked.

  • In that case, more Narfell spawns should use stealth, encourage people to invest more in their Spot and Listen skills. :twisted: :twisted:

  • @f46e957854=Lucidious:

    well, were still learning here. 2nd time we've done ctf, still working out the issues.

    Awesome event!! 😄


    really, I would love to just have flags on the ground, but I think again stealthers will always win. Having a flagholder seems to work well. I'm guessing the rule is just going to be "flagholders must be visible at all times".

    Having a flag bearer who has to sit in the middle of the circle holding the flag is kinda boring for them and maybe a little frustrating because of lack of options - IMO. However, if you have the flag sitting in the middle of the ring, everyone (including the would-be flag bearer) can defend it and, more importantly, they can all move around.

    Of course, having a flag bearer would prevent a sneak from just sneaking up and grabbing it. He/she would, at least, have to leave stealth to take down the flag bearer.

    I like the rule that the people with the flag have to be visible (it has lights and bells making it impossible to sneak). The sneaks can sneak up to the flag, but once they grab it, all hell breaks loose and they better RUUUUNNN!! This would eliminate the need for someone to sit in the circle and be a "sitting duck".

    Maybe make it a team decision based on their strategy. Leave the flag in the ring (knowing that whoever grabs it must become visible as soon as they do) or have a bearer holding the flag to defend it.

    Either case it should be visible. Two weeks in a row Z and his team have taken control of the enemy base, stood in the middle of the circle, and twiddled their thumbs because they couldn't "find" the flag bearer. 😞


  • I had a blast this last fight night….very fun, win or lose.

    I would like to see a ten minute "planning" meeting outside when the group gathers to do some group scheming before the event starts, really my only suggestion, I thought it worked great otherwise.

  • Juster would have been found out as soon as I clicked the button to turn into an umberhulk, which would have happened sooner if I had known the game better and realized he has to be in the circle if we haven't taken the flag yet. However you went visible and everybody started beating on you.

    I don't mind if the flag holder is stealthed or invisible, there are ways to beat stealth and invisibility, even good stealthers.

  • well, were still learning here. 2nd time we've done ctf, still working out the issues.

    really, I would love to just have flags on the ground, but I think again stealthers will always win. Having a flagholder seems to work well. I'm guessing the rule is just going to be "flagholders must be visible at all times".

  • As of last night i was notified that the flag can't be hidden via stealth. Just thought i would note that because no one else seeemed aware of that either. Thats why i suddenly unstealthed and let myself get annihilated, since i had a choice… So, if your character doesn't like pain,m consider unstealthing right in front of the whole, fully buffed other team. I garauntee a very quick ending.

  • @af595d4825=metagod:

    flag holders should be allowed to leave the circle, cause having to stand on evards tentacles while you get blasted with magic missiles from a mage with shadow shield, and not be allowed to make the ten foot step to get off the tentacles and start whacking the mage just doesnt seem right.

    I wish Peppy had Shadow's Shield. I would have been right there in the tentacles with you if not for Juster and that darn bow to.

    I see no reason not to leave the circle if it comes to an issue of defending yourself and the flag, wandering to a corner and sitting invisied, stealthed, etc. makes it impossible to be found though.

    When I ran the capture the flag event in the GC people hid the "flag" (used an everburning torch) somewhere, and then defended it, it was only picked up when it was moving. I had people when they were downed limp their way back to a safe spot, and then Greater Restorationed them, clears all the neg drains and healed the HP. Then sent them back into whatever. It gave the low levels a chance to get right back out into having fun, and the higher levels more of a challenge since the other highers that were a balance to them were right back out in little time.

  • Just noticed this post…

    First of all, awesome event. I'm really bummed I missed the first two rounds, but I got to participate in the final one and had a blast.

    Ideas (mostly based on RL paintball CTF games I've played)

    1. No flag bearer. The flag just sits in the ring and is defended. If someone takes it and the defenders get it back, they must immediately bring it back to the ring and drop it.

    2. Make the person who is holding the flag noticable by everyone (big bright helm, brightly colored cloak, lights (- to hide), bells (- to MS), whatever). In other words, sneaking, invisibility, sanctuary, etc. = BORING, so they shouldn't be allowed by the person with the flag - IMO)

    3. Different map. The Norwick town map is too limiting. There was, basically, only one path to both flags and that takes a lot of the strategy out of the game. Maybe create a basic CTF map (called "A field outside Norwick" or somethign like that) where everyone is ported to for the event.

    4. No party chat conversation.

    5. AOE spells should be allowed, it makes it that much more fun, and you have to figure out how to defend against them.

    6. Resting should be restricted. I would say only between games. But if that isn't going to fly, maybe, allow it if they have been "killed" and/or are in the safe zone.

    I'm sure I can come up with more, but that's enough for now...


  • If we're doing this a lot - maybe worth creating a few scripted items for easier facilitation:

    Team colors - Red, white, green, yellow?
    Cloak - Colored Team item (to allow people their approved armor)?
    Flag - based on quarterstaff/torch/club? - visual effect by team color.
    HealStation - Casts heal when PC with team identifier uses it.
    Goal - Registers a point when Used by a PC carrying opposing flag.

    CTFadminWand - Resets scores of Goals, Reports current score, Destroys all CTF items currently IG (makes it easy to remove teamcloaks, flags and healstations)

  • Perhaps DMs should avoid using the Heal command when bringing downed folk back up and instead use a Heal spell. The Heal command is like a reset switch.

  • Restritct Tenser's 😛 J/k.

    Yeah the sancturary was bad. I think the flag bearer should be completely visible, no hiding, invisible, or sancturary, but the defenders can be hidden to give the appearance of a vulnerable flag bearer.

    No resting? Makes mages useless if they do fall, but I suppose being more careful is fun. Cause my drood sucks without spells (especially if 10 people are chasing him at once).

    I agree with meta.. make the flag bearer's little area bigger. Like indicators where the flag bearer can and cant go. At least an area large enough where they can escape mages AOE spells.

    Coming back into battle should still be allowed. Sometimes the teams can be way unfair, and being allowed to come back out after being slaughtered gives them some hope. But, DMs, think of a new method that doesnt take all my buffs off when you heal me 😛 .

  • I was not in other Capture the Flag events, but you better give the Flag some penalties to hide and move silently, Or I'll have to go play and kick your butts.

  • Sanctuary (the level 1 version) is fine since it's a short duration and has a Will save.

    Greater Sanctuary is the one to not allow. It's got a long duration and no save to overcome it.

  • I would also take out resting and maybe put a time limit. Then take people out of play for the rest of the round once they've gone down. Waiting in the 'lobby' wouldn't be so bad with a time limit on the games.

  • I'd rather alow AoE spells if we can. The reason we didnt was because of the NPC's in the area. But yes, all or nothing is really the way to go there.

    and yes, no more sanctuary for the flagholder.