Rumors of the Valley
*No stranger to the Silver Valley, the long shanks known, silmply, as "Z", has recently been spending a lot of time at the Tealeaf Bow & Pipeweed shop.
As he exits the shop, bits of pastry crust and filling on his hands and face are telltale signs of the purpose of his frequent visits.
One anonymous local reports that he saw the phrases…
" <h>A dozen pastries, please."
" <h>Fenberry pastry, please."
" <h>Apple dumpling pastry, please."
" <h>Nature's thanks to you."...written on the palm of his hand.
However, since Z usually wears finely crafted gloves, those claims, so far, have gone unsubstantiated.
Most folks just nod in understanding.*
A new face arond the valy pops up, a Monk holding proudly up Gold Seeker proudly, when asked her name she proudly proclaims "Hi, Im Tiffiny!" Then hasa conversation and skips away joyfully wavesing
Talyna is very cheerful lately (more so than even her perpetual happiness). When asked, she proudly proclaims her victory in the recent Fight Night archery contest.
Merial is seen walking around the Valley with the familiar figure of Rico. She seems to be in a rather good mood as of late.
Upon hearing news of shadowy figures killing Legion guards in Jiyyd, council elder Tealeaf takes extra shifts patrolling the Silver Valley. Council elder Tealeaf advises dragoons to report any unusual activity directly to her or councillor of faith Theaon Thorn.
A hin never seen before is seen visiting into the valley recently. He wears tribal tatoo marks and carries an over-sized sword on his back. He was seen wandering about the valley doing sight-seeing, there does not seem to be anything unusual about him aside from the fact that he entered the training house and emerging out some time later and leaving the valley. One of the combat dummys was found broken inside after.
For months now the spots where Gears used to bunk down have been vacant. He has been seen openly escorting Ginger into her tent at night and not emerging until the morning. When asked about it, he merely replies with a smirk that "a fella's got a bloody well right to live with his wife".
The purple Silver Dragoon leader was recently seen walking slowly through the valley and out the gate, not abnormal, but he seemed to be saying goodbye to the various guards as he did so. Where is he going? Why?
Merial stands by with a look of worry upon her face. She seems desperate to find out of the incident
_Bleary-eyed smallfolk speak of a racket coming late one evening from Ginger Tealeaf’s tent. There was a fight? Surely there weren’t demons in our valley? There were shouts and such a clanging of steel! Shortly thereafter, stalking out the south gate were two Silver Valley councilors: Ginger looking angry, Gears looking stunned.
Close to dawn, the councilors returned to the tent: a dazed Ginger being carried by councilor Gears. Where did they go? Is everyone safe? What’s going on? Concerned hins want to know._
Quiet whispers in hinnish make the rounds that there were drow in the Nars Pass west of the Silver Valley. The drow carried powderkegs and attempted to blow up the Peltarch monument, but were foiled by valiant Silver Dragoon leader Juster Little. A couple of noisy tallfolk from the gypsy camp played a small part in chasing the drow back under their rocks.
Now a Councillor as well as a Dragoon, Gears is a stronger presence than ever in the Valley when not out on his own ramblings. Though at times, when patrolling the valley during tallie visits, his eyes seem to dart over them and his fingers twitch a moment before his hands close into fists and he continues his rounds. This is often accompanied by a few deep breaths and a glance towards the Silver Valley's northernmost hilltop.
More than a few Valley residents have begun to talk about what exactly the details of his present, possibly strained relationship with some of his fellow Councillors are…but only in short, hushed conversations with many a glance about at the nearest trees and shadows. A necessity when those gossiped about are all well known for their stealth.
It seems that Leaf has been seen wandering in and around the valley recently after having apparently gone missing for quite some time. Of course there are many rumours about where he's been and why but most of them are only concocted to improve the wonderful story-telling that hins are famous for. The most logical rumour is that Leaf was just wandering and looking for the best pastries in the land but such a rumour is no fun and makes a poor bedtime story so the rumours told most always seem to include some nasty monster and and amazing adventure.
A dust covered and pink haired hin, most noteable for the scar down the left side of her face moves into Rhubarbs. She helps Andy with his cart inreturn for some apple juice. She looks around, buys a few things. Then she sets off to look around.
She seems disappointed at the shrine to the dead of the valley, fingering her Dog head amulet, symbol of Urogalan, Hin god of Death and the Earth. No mention of him on the monument. Shame.She is often seen heading out towards the battlefields south of Jiyyd. Scattering fresh earth on any corpses and searching always for hin bones to move to a better resting place.
She speaks little, and never much above a whisper. But seems keen to watch, aid, live in the Valley. Make it her home.
Those who ask her name receive the same answer "Alice. Or Pink"
Buttercup is seen taking 'extra' precautions to protect her mushroom harvest with Mister Testosterone Rothe around too.
Rumour has it that Miss Rothe has attracted a gentleman suitor. There's a rothe bull hanging around the Tealeaf camp these days, and he's never far from Miss Rothe. The hins have expanded their rothe pen and have given him a name.
_It seem the valley has some more guards as of late. Perhaps all the Dragoon recruiting that has been going on is working? Either way the Juster is seen patrolling the valley and taking time to stop and talk to all the various gaurds put in place.
However, something seems to be bothering him… Some may notice the smell of apples around his tent his fading..._
Gears is seen accompanying Juster into his tent on the hill before emerging a few minutes later, Silver Dragoon Robes in hand. Over the next few days he is seen patrolling the Valley in turn, and has apparently moved back in, camping on the higher ledges by the Four Winds Monastery at night.
Apparently the HDL has a new recruit.
Buttercup takes a loadoff, tending almost exclusively to the jmmushrooms around the valley or making observations of the valey's wildlife in her jounrals, if not locked away fiddling with the process for making her spice.
Gears is once again a presence in the Valley, if infrequently. His number of visits seem to be increasing, however…