Rumors of the Valley

  • The Halfling Defence League


    _Some old hin woman and two brutish seeming hin males who the woman claims are her grown twin sons arrive with the recent festival and stay, setting up a makeshift shop to sell freshly made fenberry pies and various trinkets. They sell especially small tokens the old hin proclaims to protect you from evil spirits and catch bad dreams, so that only good ones get through.

    Any who buy them are instructed to sleep with them under their pillow to work properly._

    _Dietrick welcomes her and family warmly. Helping them where they might need.

    Dietrick also specially buys a few such small tokens from her. To keep one on him and to possibly give a few to his friends.

    "Telli might need this! Mebbe make her bad dreams go away!" A silly smile flows into his face._

  • _Some old hin woman and two brutish seeming hin males who the woman claims are her grown twin sons arrive with the recent festival and stay, setting up a makeshift shop to sell freshly made fenberry pies and various trinkets. They sell especially small tokens the old hin proclaims to protect you from evil spirits and catch bad dreams, so that only good ones get through.

    Any who buy them are instructed to sleep with them under their pillow to work properly._

  • Rumor has it that the crop blight in Norwick has been completely cured.

    :boogie: :dance: :w00t: 👏 😄

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A distraught Dietrick walks back in hours later, straight into the council chamber. He seems gloomy and moody ever since , speaking little and to no one. His eyes bore hard and cold each time they pass a dragoon.

  • Crop circles followed by a night time escort of two identical girls pushed the people of the valley right to the edge. Knowing that one of the two was a changeling, they gathered to end this fey threat within the Silver Valley.

    When confronted with a spell meant to identify the false child one ran . . . into the arms of the farmers gathered outside the door. They touched her with iron and when she reacted, swiftly dispatched her.

    The Captain of the Guard and a tall helper removed the body and the distraught child who remained and have not been seen since.

    On an unrelated note. . . one of the guards has resigned his commission and left the HDL, leaving behind many friends and relatives. he was last seen heading north towards peltarch.


  • Legion

    A weathered Benji returns to the valley to tell dashing tale of piracy and rescue. What could have been an intriguing story was ruined by Benji's overly complicated explanation of the mechanics and techniques of ship mounted cannons.

  • Legion

    _A surprisingly charismatic Benji tells tales of heroism and bravery from the quest into the depths of the hobgoblin hold.

    The women swoon as he speaks,_

    "So there I was…"

    "... at least a hundred of them ..."

    "...I looked that ugly <g>farker</g> right in the eye and said ..."

    "...not a scratch on me. What. You don't believe me? You can have a closer look if you like..."

    Later that night giggles and the occasional smooth gnomish murmur were heard in the bushes behind Tealeaf Bow and Pipeweed

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Aramuil was seen accompanying Dietrick and Benji late one night into the stout fellow barracks. They seem to be secretive in whatever they are doing. Aramuil is seen walking out himself alone near dawn. What they did within is unknown and is left to people's guesses.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours goes about that Dietrick is looking for smiths, regarding certain productions of iron.

  • Legion

    Word spreads from a night watchman that Benji was seen entering the bath house with a gnome lass in each arm.

    Strangely, he wasn't wearing his glasses.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick is seen in a listless mood lately in the valley. He sighs sometimes to himself, his face often brooding.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors say a spirit, looking like the late Captain Dietrick haunts where the captain's body is. Sometimes in the late hours, some of the guards or residents nearby thought they see the captain himself standing near his body, looking out over the horizon, as if waiting for someone, or something… Others think the ghost-see'ers are just imagining things out of their reminiscence of the captain.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Between yawns, the guards nodded to a rather disheveled Gears in the wee hours before dawn as he pushed through the gates, a generally unseen grim expression on his face.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick returns one day in the valley striding into the council office with a paper parchment on his hand. He carried a serious look with a quirked brow seldom seen…

  • The Halfling Defence League


    Scattered word has been drifting around concerning strange hin seen in the hills and forests south of Jiyyd and Norwick… those who see them rarely catch more than a glimpse, and there is some disagreement on whether they are hin at all.

    Dietrick's brows quirk as the rumours sift into his ears. He looks towards the south with imploring eyes…

  • Scattered word has been drifting around concerning strange hin seen in the hills and forests south of Jiyyd and Norwick… those who see them rarely catch more than a glimpse, and there is some disagreement on whether they are hin at all.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick is seen of late training alone in the "stout fellow" building alot. He seems to be practicing at times some form of agility dodge training and at others, martial combative moves that gets faster and faster.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick is seen lately spending much time going through the written laws and rules of the Silver Valley, acquiring aid from friendly kin about to translate it for him, though he seems recently able to understand them himself lately without aid. He seems to be going through the personnel list as well , looking at it for long hours and is often seen in deep thought, looking blankly over the lake in the valley.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick can be seen more often lately in the valley, especially during evenings. Often lying on the grass with his head atop his pack and his sword at the side, sleeping through till daylight.

    He seems to be proactively attempting to interact with the dwellers of the valley, especially the militant defenders.

  • Legion

    The Silver Valley's been seeing a lot more comings and goings of Benji, often accompanied by a huge sack of tin and pine.