Zoma inquires the camp Elders regarding of Jiyyd situation

  • Lately Zoma, a Gali, has been seen approaching several camp elders, inquiring them if there is any chance of any form of intervention or aid to be offered to Jiyyd's current plight.

    "Greetings elders… I am certain that all of you are aware of Jiyyd's plight that had been the recent talks in this land.

    I wish to know if the Camp has any interest in aiding the town in any way when the time comes and to what extent of commitment of aide? The conflict between the town of Jiyyd and the new orc tribe is inevitable and will not end well for the current disadvantaged Jiyyd. That will result a sudden shift of power balance in the Eastern parts of Narfell and I am curious of your thoughts to this matter and... if it will affect the camp in any way?"

  • Jonni shakes his head

    Jiyyd fallin' is nae an option. There'll be folks at the gates if it comes to fightin', simple as tha'. We're more then willin' to take in folks if they wish to avoid the fightin' but, harsh as it may be, better there then 'ere.

  • "Regardless, if Jiyyd is unwilling to move on from the current stagnant pace they are in due to unnecessary infightings amongst groups and lack of strong leadership, the camp may have to change our form of aide instead.

    It would be best that instead of sending the Camp's men to fight, we may as well secure additional spaces for Jiyyd refugees instead of wasting unnecessary lives against a hopeless battle.

    At each passing moment, the situation is deteriorating and many factors are slowy changing to Jiyyd's disadvantage. It is best if an elder passes on a message to Jiyyd's leadership that the Camp will only offer aide if Jiyyd is ready to begin working on the problem, and not when it is too late when all hope is lost and any kind of assistance the Romani camp send is simply meaningless by then."

  • When they have theri meeting in a while perhaps one of we elders could attend as a representative and offer support?

    They took usnin when the camp fell to the gnolls, we can do no less when their time of need arrives.

  • "Jiyyd will no doubt appreciate such offers Jonni. Preferbly, an elder should pass on the word to Jiyyd personally, reflecting a greater weight on the words promised as well as sincerety.

    Perhaps, in addition aside from extra arms, I wonder if the camp is able to provide Jiyyd with resources to ease their burden when the time comes?

    Materials such as wood, food, ropes and medicines I believe will be vital to Jiyyd and furthermore, the level of committment the camp gives in aiding will also strengthen the relations between the two sides as well as any major guilds that are based in Jiyyd. This will no doubt strengthen the camp's security in the long run and support from other factions when it is the camp's turn in need for aide."

  • Jonni runs his fingers back through his hair, looking at the ground in thought for a moment or two..

    Not sure 'ow much help we can be lendin'. Maybe send ye some archers or such, I'm sure some of the Gali'll be there, if'n it really comes down to a fight though, an' a large one at tha', I can be there myself with a few of my men, 'elp ye out a bit with defendin' the walls if needed.

  • S-star will scout. F-fight m-maybe but b-better at s-sc-scouting.