Badger Attacks

  • After a few waves of Badger attacks and a whole eposide of happenings following the coming of Peter the flute player, (pied piper) Ramona Amolisen can be seen asking all those whom are known to be wise in the ways of magic and music about the small flute she now has in her posession.

    Stenrick and his friends Bug (strong), and Celdor were around the fire in Jiyyd along with others. A strange flute player came into town playing, shortly following him a wave of badgers swored the gate and attacked a few people, the wizard Abner was the first to be attacked. The flute player named peter left town but continued to play his flute and waves of badgers continued to swarm and attack.
    Later the group of adventurers cought up to the flute player and stopped him. They had confinscated his flute for a short time, to determine if it had been the problem. The half-blood called Strong snatched the flute from peter. He played it and more badgers came. Annoyed by the fullishness of Strong Ramona took the Flute from him and held onto it while the group questioned Peter about the flute's origin. Strong repeatedly tried to 'play' with the flute by attempting to steal it from Ramona. She finally had enough and threatened strong. He stopped and walked away seemingly slightly hurt by the roughness of ramona.
    After getting the Flute most decided that it could not be given back to peter. So Ramona kept for the time being until it no longer has a purpose and needs to be destroyed. Ramona has asked many about the powers of the flute and none know what if and the flute has.

  • [Strong then walks off to find the flute smashed to peices and desperitly grabs the peices and begins shoving them together]