Froim Maynard

  • Darkness turned slowly into redness as a faint groan could be heard from somewhere beyond him…. Froim struggled to work out where he was, and as he went to sit up, pain shot through him and the groan turned into a scream.... It was his own voice he could hear.

    He forced his blood caked eyes open, and could see around him goblins... and others, from a surprise attack on the berry picking expedition in the Rawlins. He went to move his right arm, but only felt pain, looking down at it he could see a great axe cleft where a Goblin had thrown it's axe just before it was cut down itself.... and then he blacked out.

    Later he came to in Friar Freds. A number of his friends had survived, and left Norwick, he was the closest to Death who lived, and he lay in bed brooding over the nature of the attack. The convalesence of his shoulder would take months....

    And finally, he has grown well enough to travel forth again.

    PC: Froim Maynard
    Account: Nemund

  • Reviewed, XP pending