Another Sign?

  • A new sign is placed at the beginning of the road leading to the southern elf camp, It reads:

    The druids ask that none attack the saurials. They are slaves and dont have their own minds, because of Yaun-ti. We ask that you leave them be. If you must go this way and have to fight them, do not kill, but just knock them out and take their weapons.

    Thank you

    -Circle of Quercatha Terr

  • Mord continues hispatrols and makes sure the guard are ready for the inevitable result of what he ahs seen He smiles thinly and chuckles to himself as e cleans his gear that evening

  • Rando makes it known to those in town that if anyone is going to falsely accuse the militia, they are going to be dealing with Rando and its not going to go well for them

  • Rumors begin to spread like wildfire, Some say the saurial knight has made treaties with the snakes, others say Preath and the Norwick guard are payed off, but somehow, The knight has gotten a name…

    "May Tyrrr have merrrcy on the ssoul of the murrrderrer, for when I find them, the jussstice rreaped upon thierrr sssoul ssshall be terrible."

  • the shoeless druid comes by the next day to check.. seeing the saurial head, his eyes go wide and then he droops his shoulders. He brings the head back into the eastern woods..

  • *later that day the first sign is removed, and replaced with a Saurial head into the forehead of which are carved the words "This is what you must not do! 'KAY!?!" *

  • There is a soft snicker from the shadows.

  • later that day the sign mocking the first is removed, and the wood from it saved for another purpose

  • A new sign is placed at the beginning of the road leading to the southern elf camp It reads:

    The saurials ask that none attack the druids. They are slaves and dont have their own minds. We ask that you leave them be. If you must go this way and have to fight them, do not kill, but just knock them out and take their weapons.

    Thank you

    -Circle of Crunchy Turds