Distant Tremors

  • There are wide ranging reports of an earthquake and its aftershocks struck near Narfell with accounts of it being felt as far east and north as Jiyyd and Peltarch and as far south as Norwick and the Rawlins. A couple days later it becomes clearer the tremors were centered mostly in the Giantspire moutains, which would explain thes trongest reports of it beign felt coming from the Gypsies practically camped right on the Giantspires' doorsteps. No injuries and little damage was reported in the surrounding area.

  • DM

    With a concerned expression, the Magistrate Barrim ventures from his office and the city archives to enquire with the far scouts that the tremor wasn't close ot peltarch. Satisfied that it wasn't close he is later seen speaking to those that he is familiar with who wander the wilds to ask of the Druid Circle the reasons and origin of this disturbance.