Do not attack Saurials.

  • Aelhaearn posts scouts outside the south gate to keep watch for approaching dangers. He asks them to quietly take note of any people that pile saurial gear outside the walls or bring it into town from the forest and point them out to Ael.

  • Rando sees the crimson knight wandering around like he has lost something and chuckles to himself

    " i wonder if i should ask him if he wants to buy some lizard stuff off me"

  • It is said that Daerus the Crimson Knight has taken residence in one of the rooms at the inn. Everyday he is seen about town wearing full plate and his sword loosely sheathed. Merchants have all said that he has inquired as to who has been selling Saurial gear, and all have seen him frequently head south into the woods and return with a deeper scowl than he usually expresses.

  • Mord watches all the goings on in silence, his lips a thin hard line. He makes his rounds and makes extra sure everyones weapons are sharp and supplies well laid in.

  • The smoke of a small fire sometimes rises from near the trade road south through saurial territory. A few reporting finding Raisa sitting there beneath a tree and a raven watching her from above.

  • Bundles of Saurial weaponry and gear still occassionally get left near the south gate.

  • ICC

    Abner can be seen walking about the South Rawlins scattering great quantities of roses, honeysuckle blossoms and lemon petals about the ground

    One shouldn't require a sign in order to convince someone to do what is decent and right.

    • Looks at Steelfin *

    <d>Book thumpers howe'er… beat as yeh see fit!

    • He laughs and slaps his knee laughing loudly *</d>

  • A saurial knight smelling like freshly baked bread walks in through the south gate, and out the north gate.

  • Lucidious passes where the sign was, nods slighlty, then travels south into the rawlins toward the glenn to meet with the circle.

  • Rando seeks out Dwin

    "Chancellor gave the order, i followed it. he said remove it, i did"

  • A lightning bolt seems to strike the gate of Norwick, destroying it. What are the chances of that happening?

  • When the guards report this to Dwin, he asks that Rando report to his office to discuss his behavior, and public disobedience.

  • A Little while later Rando walks back towards the sign with a smirk, draws his sword and take a huge swing at the sign. As the blade hits the sign, it shatters into splinters. He picks up the shattered bits and throws them onto the fire near the gate and says as he walks back towards the barracks

    "Chancellors orders"

  • Rando reads the sign and chuckles

    "Fark 'em"

    Rando goes to find Dwin and see what the hell is going on

  • Passing by the sign a man frowns and then shakes his head. He proceeds to ask the next militia or town official who could shed more light on this. His main question seem to concern if it's still okay to walk into the woods and just how far Norwick has sold the woods to the Saurials.

  • Passing by the sign, Raisa smiles and nods.